Feb 9, 2017
The next day, Alex offered to take Brian home. They were both dressed. Brian had to wear his clothes from the day before. He would have to change after he took a shower at home. Brian looked at Alex. "Yeah. Sure that would be great. I don't want to wait for a Uber," Brian said. "Okay. I am ready to go now," Alex said. Brian nodded and they left the room. Alex was still staying at the hotel for a while. He lived in Red Bank and was in SI to see what it had to offer. In the car, Brian told him where to go. It was almost noontime and Sal would probably be up by now. Brian sighed and looked over at Alex. He smiled. "Last night was awesome. I can't believe we had sex again. You are good at it though," Brian said. Alex blushed. "Thanks," He said. Brian did a half smile then looked out the window. He didn't want to text Sal to tell him he was coming home. He would see him soon anyway and they needed to talk.
Sal woke up around 7 A.M. He checked his phone incase Brian called or texted, but there was nothing. The last message from him was last night saying that he would see him in the morning. Sal got dressed and ready for the day then went to eat some breakfast. He checked his twitter and liked some tweets from his friends. After breakfast, Sal went to his office to look over some papers for the show. He remembered later he and the boys were going to hang out, but was not sure when. Sal sighed and looked around the office then at the window. He got up and walked over to it then looked out. It faced the side of the house and a view of the neighbors. He licked his lips then went to the living room to see if Brian was home yet. He didn't have his key, so he would need to knock or text him that he was home. Sal pursed his lips then watched some shows.
Alex turned down onto Brian's street and drove to his house. Brian ran his hand through his hair then looked over at Alex. He smiled and took his free hand. Alex smiled and glanced at their hands then back at the road. "I know this is a one night thing, but I am actually gonna miss you," Alex said. Brian smiled. "I will miss you, too. Maybe we can be friends though," He said. "We can be friends," Alex said. Soon they got to Brian's house, Alex parked on the side and shut the engine off. Brian squeezed Alex's hand and he squeezed back then looked at the house. "Nice place," He said. "Thanks. Me and Sal brought it after being married a while ," Brian said and looked over at the house, too. After a few seconds, he sighed and looked back over at Alex. "Thanks for the ride. Oh, need your number," Brian said and smiled. "Sure. Let me punch it into your phone," Alex said. Brian nodded as he got his phone out then handed it to Alex. He took it and put his number in then handed it back to Brian. "Thanks," Brian said and took his seatbelt off, but before he got out Alex stopped him. "Hey now...where is my goodbye kiss even if this is the last kiss ever. I should have one, don't cha think?" He asked. Brian licked his lips and nodded. He leaned over and slowly kissed Alex's lips and he kissed back. He put his hand on the back of Brian's head. He smiled and continued to kiss Alex.
Inside, Sal stood by the window as he had heard a car and saw that it was a car. He could see in the car a little bit. He could tell Brian was talking then looked over at the house. He moved back a little bit so that he won't see him at the window. Sal stepped back up to the window when he saw Brian turn his head. Soon he saw Brian leaned over and kissed somebody who he figured might be the guy he was with last night. He frowned a little bit and went to sit down on the sofa. He sighed and waited for Brian to knock on the door. He shouldn't be upset because he doesn't remember being with him at all. But, why was he feeling upset? Sal took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
Brian broke the kiss and grinned at Alex. "Hate to admit it, but I will miss that. Thanks for last night. I needed it so badly," Brian said and ran his hand through Alex's hair. He smiled. "No problem babe. Call me when you can if you want," Alex said. "I'll see what I can do. See ya later," Brian said and pecked Alex's lips then got out. He went to the door and knocked on it since he didn't have a key. Brian looked back at Alex and waved. Sal heard a knock and went to get the door. He opened it and saw Brian standing there. Brian smiled at Sal. "Hey, Sal. Thanks for opening the door. I actually had forgotten to take the house key off the ring," Brian said and walked in. Sal moved out of the way then looked at the car. It drove away after a while. Sal nodded and shut the door then turned towards Brian. He walked to the stairs after taking his sneakers off. "Where are you going?" Sal asked. "Shower and change out of these clothes," Brian replied. "Okay. We can talk when you are done," Sal said. Brian got to the landing and looked down at Sal. "Will do. Be down soon," Brian said then went to the bedroom. Sal nodded and went to the living room.
When Brian entered the living room, Sal looked over and saw him wearing a Superman tank top and jeans with socks on. He looked at Sal and gave him a half smile. "Okay. I'm here," Brian said and went to sit down. "Yeah," Sal said and looked over at Brian who sat next to him. He turned a little to face Q. Brian ran his hand through his damp hair. Sal took a deep breath and exhaled. He wasn't sure how to go about starting this conversation. Brian glanced at Sal then at his hands in his lap. Sal sighed. "So...Murr told me what you did last night," Sal said cutting the silence. Brian raised his eyebrow. "Yeah. I thought so. I only told him to tell you that I would be home in the morning. What else did Murr say?" He asked. Sal ran his hand through his hair. "That you went to two bars, trying to find someone to have one night stand with and that you were with a guy. So I guess you found someone," Sal said. Brian nodded and looked around the room then looked back at Sal. "I am sorry about that. I needed to have that because I know you couldn't do it. I didn't want to force myself on you," Brian said. Sal sighed and looked down at the floor. "Right, but did you have to do it even when you are married to me? I know I don't remember anything about that, but you are technically still married to me," Sal said. Brian frowned and folded his hands together. He hated that he did that, but he needed it. Sal looked over at Brian. "Isn't that cheating on me?" He asked. Brian thought about that and wondered if it was. "Well...it wouldn't be if you don't remember us being married," Brian said. Sal bit his lip then licked them. "True, but when I do, I will remember this. I wouldn't do this if the roles were switched," Sal said. Brian nodded. Now he felt like the worst husband ever. "I am so sorry, Sal. It's hard for me because you don't remember, but I hope you do soon. It's hard to wake up in an empty bed. Not even my own bed. I want to wake up next to you, but I know I can't right now. I just need to tell you about our lives together and maybe go to places that we have been. I am sure that will jog your memories," Brian said. Sal nodded. "You can do that. I do want my memories back, too. Yeah waking up to an empty bed sucks. I don't like it either. Plus it's hard for me, too," He said. Sal scratched his neck. Brian rubbed his face with both hands. "Murr even told me about how we started dating. I wanted him to tell me about the wedding, but he said that you should tell me about it," He said. Brian put his hands down. "Yeah I should be the one to tell you," He said. Sal nodded.
They sat in silence for a while. Both were not sure what to say to each other then Sal spoke up. "We are going to hang out with Murr and Joe later. Not sure when. I can call Joe and ask him," Sal said. "Yeah. I'll text Murr," Brian said. Sal got his cell and called Joe while Brian texted Murr and asked if he had time to hang out with him, Sal and Joe. Sal talked to Joe. He told Sal that he could hang out with them and told him when. "Okay. I'll tell Brian. See you soon," Sal said and hung up. He looked over at Brian as he put his cell down and looked at Sal. "Murr is available around 3. How about Joe?" He asked. "About the same time. We are going to meet him at Times Square," Sal said. "Really? It's gonna be busy like it is every day. Let me text Murr then we can do...whatever, I guess," Brian said. Sal nodded and got up. He went up to the bedroom. Brian watched him then texted Murr the place to meet them. He put the phone down and sighed. "Maybe we should ride the ferry to the main land. That is one place that we went as a couple," Brian thought. He got up and went to get something quick to eat. After a few minutes, Sal came into the kitchen and got something to eat, too.
Around 2:00 P.M. Brian told Sal that they should take the ferry to the main land. Sal looked at him. "Why? We can just take your jeep," Sal said. Brian shrugged. "True, but there will be traffic. Plus that is one place that you and I went as a couple," Brian said. "Really?" Sal asked. "Yup. So we should go now before it heads out," Brian said. "Okay," Sal said. They got their things and put their sneakers on then left. They got into the jeep and drove to Ferry Terminal. Brian and Sal didn't talk much. Brian was thinking about what to do to get his Sal back and Sal was just thinking about when he would get his memories back. Brian glanced over at Sal who was looking out the window and smiled a little then looked back at the street. He loved Sal so much and he hoped that he wouldn't lose him after what he had done last night.
Once Brian parked in a parking space, he looked over at Sal. "Alright. We should go see when it will go out," Brian said. "Yeah," Sal said and got out. Brian followed suit. They went to a board with times of departure. Brian saw there is one for 2:30. He looked at the time and saw it was 2:12. They had a couple of minutes before departure. Brian licked his lips. "We got time to kill. Want to walk around for a bit?" He asked and looked over at Sal. "Na. We can sit and wait," He replied. Brian nodded and followed Sal to two empty seats. They sat down and Brian took his phone out to check messages and his twitter. Sal looked at Brian and sighed. He also got out his phone and did the same thing. Brian sent a quick text to Murr telling him not to tell Joe about what he did last night and not to mention it today. Murr said he won't. Brian licked his lips and sighed then put his phone away. He looked around as they waited to board the ferry. Brian brushed off his shirt of lint and hair. He hoped that this ride will jog a memory in Sal. Brian took his cabbie off and ran his hand through his hair then put his cabbie back on. Sal put his phone away after a while then looked over at Brian. He ran his hand through his hair then asked, "So when was our first kiss?" Brian looked over at Sal when he asked that. He smiled and nodded. "We had our first kiss on the beach and it was our second date," Brian said. Sal nodded. "Alright. And is that when we first started dating?" Sal asked. "Yes it was," Brian said. "We told our friends and family about it. They were all happy for us." Sal smiled a little as he nodded. "And how about when we got married? Who proposed?" He asked. "I did and you said yes. I had set up a dinner date with just the two of us because I wanted to be alone with you so I can ask you," Brian said. Sal tried to remember that day, but couldn't. He sighed and looked down at his hands. "Is there a picture of us after the engagement?" Sal asked. "Yeah. Let me show you," Brian said and took out his phone then there was an announcement for everybody to board the ferry. He told Sal he will show him once they get on.
Sal looked at the picture from Brian's phone of him and Q after the proposal. He had his hand up showing the ring on his finger. They were both smiling so much that he was sure their cheeks were hurting, but didn't care at the time. Brian watched Sal look at the picture wondering if it jogged any memory of that day. Sal handed back Brian the phone. "Nice picture of us. I don't remember it though," He said. Brian sighed as he got his phone and put it back in his pocket. "In time I am sure you will remember about us. I will stand by you no matter what. I promise," Brian said. Sal glanced at Brian then over at the ocean in front of them. It was nice out not too cold or hot. Brian licked his lips and looked out at the ocean, too. Sal glanced down at his hand and didn't see a wedding ring. He remembered giving it to Brian at the hospital because he didn't believe that they were married. "Hmm...you got my wedding ring?" Sal asked. "Yeah I do. I have it in my pocket right now. I bring it with me just incase you get your memories back and I can put your wedding ring back on," He said. "Ah," Sal said as he nodded then took a deep breath and exhaled. Brian bit his lip and looked around at other people around them.
Once they got off the ferry and outside of the station, Brian called for an Uber while Sal texted Joe that they would be a tad bit late. The talked about work as they waited. "So I am thinking we can go to the office tomorrow and see what we need to do. We can tell Murr and Joe about it," Brian said. Sal nodded in reply. Brian looked around then back at Sal. In a few minutes, the Uber got to them and they got in. Brian told the driver to drop them off at Time Square. He nodded and drove there. He and Sal were quiet on the drive there. Plus there was traffic along the way.
Once Sal and Brian got to Times Square it was about 2:50 so they were not late at all. Brian looked around to see if Joe or Murr were around. They were by the TKTS. Sal texted Joe that they were in Times Square. Joe texted back saying that they were by the Disney Store. Sal chuckled and Brian looked at him. "What's funny?" He asked. "Murr and Joe are by the Disney Store," Sal said and looked at him. "Oh. Well let's go down that way," He said. So Sal and Brian crossed the street when it was safe then walked towards the Disney Store. There were so many people on the sidewalk, Brian and Sal had to make sure not to bump into anyone. Brian glanced over at Sal who was walking besides him. He knew that Sal didn't like to have people bumping into him. Brian licked his lips and decided to place his arm around Sal's shoulder. He looked over at Brian, but didn't shake him off. "Just protecting you from people bumping into you. I know you don't like that," Brian said. Sal nodded. He didn't mind this at all. Maybe it would help him with his memories.
"I see them!" Joe yelled at Murr when he saw Sal and Brian. "Don't have to yell Joe. I am right here," Murr said as he put his hands over his ears. Joe looked at Murr and chuckled. "Sorry about that, but hey, I see Brian has his arm around Sal's shoulder," Joe said then looked back at Sal and Brian. "Yeah. We can ask Sal if he got his memories back though," Murr said. "Sure," Joe said. Soon Sal and Brian got to them and Brian dropped his arm. "Hey guys," Joe said. "Hey," Sal and Brian said. Murr smiled. "So how is everything?" He asked. "Fine. Sal of course doesn't still have his memories though," Brian said and looked over at Sal. "That sucks," Joe said. "Yeah," Sal said. They were silent for a while until Joe spoke up. "Um...I need to go into the Disney Store to look for a princess doll for Milana." They looked over at Joe. "Alright," Murr said. So they went into the store and Joe went to the Princess Section. Murr, Sal and Brian looked around. He stayed close to Sal. Murr went over to Brian. "Hey Q. How is the progress going with Sal?" he asked, keeping his voice low. Brian glanced at Sal then looked at Murr. "No," he said as he shook his head. Murr nodded. "Sorry bud, but I am sure you will have your husband back. Can't have amnesia forever. I hope he doesn't ," he whispered. "Same here. I can't live without Sal in my life," Brian whispered sadly and looked over at Sal who was looking at shirts. Brian went over to Sal and Murr watched him. Sal looked over at Brian. "Going to get a Disney shirt?" Brian asked. Sal shrugged. "Not sure yet," he said. Brian nodded and looked at the shirts, too.
After Joe got what he wanted and Sal got a shirt, they went to get some lunch/dinner. They all decided to go to the Hard Rock café, which was down the street from the store so they walked to it. As they walked across the last street, Brian pulled Sal out of the way before a car hit him. "Damn fucking car!" Brian yelled. He checked Sal over to make sure he wasn't hurt which he wouldn't be since he had saved him. "Thanks," Sal said. "Welcome," Brian said. Sal looked down the street at the car that had almost hit him. He took a deep breath and exhaled. Brian looked in the direction that Sal faced and didn't see the car anymore. He looked back at Sal and rubbed his back. Joe and Murr saw what happened. "Hmm only in New York, huh," Joe said and shook his head. They looked at Joe and Sal sighed. Hard Rock was a few steps before them. They went inside and waited for a table. Sal was still shaken up from the almost hit and run. Brian noticed this and put his arm around Sal. He hated to see Sal like this. "You are okay Sal. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise," He said. Sal smiled and thanked him.
At the table by some memorabilia in a glass case, Sal sat next to Brian and Joe sat next to Murr. They ordered their drinks then looked through the menu. Brian looked at the memorabilia after he chose what he wanted. Joe looked at Brian then at Sal. "So how are you feeling Sal?" He asked. Murr glanced at Sal then at Brian. Sal looked over at Joe and nodded. "I am feeling great. Still thinking about how I almost ended up in he hospital," Sal said and looked down at his menu. Brian looked over at Sal. He wanted to comfort him so much, but was scared he would just shake him off. Brian bit his lip and looked over at Joe. Murr looked at Brian and kicked his leg. "Dude," Brian said and looked at Murr. "Sorry," Murr said and tilted his head at Sal. Brian raised an eyebrow and looked over at Sal. "Ah. At least Brian was there for you," Joe said. Sal smiled and looked over at Brian. "Yeah. Thanks again," He said. Brian nodded and put his arms around Sal. Joe and Murr smiled. Sal raised an eyebrow, but let Brian hug him. He kind of liked it. Soon he let go and patted Sal's back. They waitress came back and gave them their drinks. They thanked her. She asked if they were ready to order and they all nodded.
Once they all ordered, they talked about work and their families. Brian glanced over at Sal then looked at Murr and Joe. He looked at Brian then at Sal. "Hey, do you remember anything yet? Any memories like breaking up with your ex girlfriend?" He asked. Sal took a deep breath and exhaled slowly then ran his hand through his hair. "A little bit, but not a whole lot like why. Do you guys know why?" He asked and looked over at Joe. Brian sighed. Joe and Murr looked over at Brian then Sal did. "Um....remember what I told you before about how we got together?" Brian asked and looked at Sal. "Um...no I do not. When did you tell me?" Sal asked. "I told you at the hospital after you asked me why you two broke up. You guys broke up after you told me that you loved me," Brian said. Sal shifted his eyes to the side trying to remember that. Soon he did. "Oh...oh right, you did. Shit. So me and her broke up because I told you that I loved you and not her?" Sal asked and looked back at Brian. "Yes," Brian said and nodded. "Oh. Okay then," Sal said and took a sip of his drink. Brian nodded then took a sip of his beer. They all sat in
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