Feb. 8, 2017
In the morning, Sal woke up and stretched out his arms. He slowly rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked at the window as sunlight came in through the blinds. Sal slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He glanced at the shower which looks like it had been used recently but he hadn't heard it going. Sal shrugged and did his business then washed his hands. He looked at himself in the mirror; he still looked tired and his hair was messy. He took a deep breath and exhaled. He yawned then shuffled out of the bathroom. Sal glanced at the clock. It was only 9:36 am. "Wonder if Brian is up....oh, of course he is. He used the shower," Sal said and chuckled. He went down to the kitchen. Brian was there cooking breakfast. Sal smelled the eggs and bacon. Sal went to the fridge and got a bottle of Snapple. Brian looked over at Sal. "Morning, Sal," Brian said and smiled. Sal smiled back. "Morning," Sal said. Brian looked back at the stove then back at Sal. "Hungry?" He asked. Sal looked at the bacon and eggs. "Yeah. Thanks for cooking. Do you usually do the cooking?" He asked and took a sip of his water. "Um...yeah I do. You can't exactly cook that great although you do make sandwiches and frozen meals from the microwave," Brian said and chuckled. Sal stared at him and Brian saw the look on his face. "Um...sorry about that, but you had said that I can do the cooking around here," Brian said. Sal slowly nodded and went to sit down at the table near the window. He looked out while Brian got back to cooking. After a while Sal saw a pretty girl walking down the sidewalk. "Oh hey there," Sal said and smirked. "What?" Brian asked and looked over his shoulder at Sal. He looked over at Brian then back at the window. He started to feel aroused as he checked out the girl. Even though Sal was gay, he didn't quite remember being gay cause he thought he had a girlfriend, but didn't . So Sal still felt attracted to girls. After the girl walked by Sal groaned and put his hand over his crotch, he could feel his hard on. Brian finished cooking and put the food on the plates then carried them to the table. He set Sal's in front of him and saw the look on his face. "Sal, you okay?" He asked in a worried tone as he set his down. Sal looked at Brian and licked his lips. "I gotta go to the bathroom," Sal said as he quickly got up and to the bathroom. Brian's eyes followed him as he went to the guestroom bathroom. He nodded slowly, confused and sat down then looked out the window. Brian raised an eyebrow then ate some of his breakfast. Suddenly Sal screamed. Brian jumped up from his chair and ran to the bathroom. "Sal are you okay!?" Brian yelled. When Brian was about to knock on the door, Sal opened up and looked at Brian. "Oh...yeah...sorry about that," Sal said and blushed. Brian raised his eyebrow when he saw Sal blushing. "Uh huh...what happened? You get hurt?" Brian asked checking Sal's hands and face. "Oh...no. I am fine," Sal said and rubbed the back of his neck. Brian looked at him closely. Sal's face was red and his breathing was labored. He saw some beads of sweat on Sal's forehead. "Oh...well then I guess you had to...help yourself, huh?" Brian asked. Sal nodded. "I did. If you had seen that girl, I am sure you would be in the same state as me," Sal said. Brian stared at Sal then licked his lips as he sighed. "Um...not interested," Brian said then he turned on his heels and headed back to the kitchen. Sal followed him then sat back down. They ate in silence. Brian wondered why Sal is attracted to women still. Is he not attracted to him anymore? Brian knows that Sal had memory loss and he thought he was with his girlfriend, but still...is he really not in love with him anymore? Brian frowned and glanced at Sal who was looking at his food and eating. Brian sighed and continued to eat.
After a few minutes, both were finished with breakfast. They put the dishes in the sink, Brian would deal with it later or maybe Sal would. They went to the living room and sat down. Brian looked over at Sal who wasn't sitting right next to him, but at the end of the sofa. Brian ran his hand through his hair and cleared his throat. "Sal, do you know what day, month and year it is?" Brian asked. Sal looked over at Brian who was looking at him. "Um...Tuesday the...24 and the year is 2013. It's September right?" Sal asked. Brian listened to him and sighed. He frowned and shook his head. "Sal that is not the date, year or month. It's Feb. 8, 2017," Brian said. Sal frowned and scratched his head. So he got them all wrong. "Shit. I don't remember what day, month or year it is," Sal said. Brian sighed. "Please let me tell you our story. I know I told you some yesterday," He said. Sal looked at him and thought about it. Brian watched him and waited for a response. Sal took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay then. Go ahead. I won't remember any thing you say, but you can tell me," He said. Brain nodded and ran his hand through his hair then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "We fell in love in high school, but we never told each other because we didn't want to lose each other's friendship," Brian said and looked at Sal who was looking back at him and listening. Brian rubbed his face and continued. "So in 2012, we finally told each other how we felt and started dating then I asked you to marry me and you said yes. We got married in 2015 and it was here in Staten Island in front of friends and families like I have told you before. We even moved in together," Brian said as he looked around then back at Sal. "And I have told you about our honeymoon in the UK." Sal listened Brian and tried to remember, but couldn't. He put his hand on the side of his head because he was getting a headache now. Brian saw this and frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked. Sal squeezed his eyes shut. "Got a headache now. I was trying to remember, but I can't. I'm sorry, Brian," Sal said as a tear slid down his cheek. Brian saw and lightly wiped it away with his thumb. Sal flinched and Brian pulled back his hand. "Sorry. I'll go get something for you," Brian said and got up. Sal slowly opened his eyes, watched Brian get up and walked to the kitchen. Sal rubbed his temples until Brian came back and gave Sal the medicine. He thanked him then took the pills with a glass of water. Brian studied Sal for a moment then crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Maybe you should take a nap," Brian suggested. Sal looked up at Brian and pressed his lip in a thin line. "Yeah. I will go do that," Sal said and looked around. He sighed then slowly got up. "I'll talk to you later." He said and went up to the bedroom. Brian nodded and watched Sal leave. He took a deep breath and exhaled. He ran his hands through his hair as he thought about what to do now. Brian rubbed his eyes then got out his cell and called Murr. He asked Murr to come over and he said he would. So Brian sat down and waited for Murr.
An hour later, there was a knock on the door, Brian got up and went to the door before Murr knocked again and woke Sal up. He opened it and saw Murr who smiled at Brian. "What's up Q?" He asked. "I need to get out of here," Brian said. Murr raised an eyebrow. "Why? What happened? Sal okay?" Murr asked. "Yeah, Sal is fine. Taking a nap right now. I told him the story about us, he tried to remember and got a headache. I am responsible for that headache. I just need to go get a drink and I know that Joe doesn't drink so I was thinking you can come with me, please," Brian said. Murr frowned when Brian told him what happened then nodded. "Yeah bud. I'll come with you," He said. Brian sighed and got his keys and wrote a quick note to Sal that he would be back then left the house with Murr.
Brian stopped in the parking lot of a bar. He just wanted one drink and to get out of the house for a while. Murr and Brian got out of the jeep and went to the bar. Inside, Brian went to the bar and ordered Jameson. Murr sat next to Brian and ordered a beer. Murr looked over at Brian. "How long are we going to be here for?" He asked. Brian shrugged. "As long as I want. Right now I need to be away from Sal. He really upset me because he doesn't remember being married to me. I want the old Sal back," Brian said and frowned. Their drinks came and Brian took a sip. "I feel ya buddy," Murr said and took a sip of his beer. "No you do not. Nobody that you loved has lost their memory and forgot about you. You never had a wife or girlfriend that forgot that she was married to you or dating you. Sal has forgotten all about that, Murr," Brian said as his voice rose. Murr flinched back and tried to quiet Brian down so nobody can hear him. Brian frowned and hung his head. "I'm sorry. I just can't take this anymore. Like the other night, I was horny and wanted to have sex with Sal, but I know that he wouldn't so I had to jack off thinking of him. I don't want to do that anymore," He said and ran a hand down his face. Murr frowned and put a hand on Brian's shoulder. "I'm sorry bud. I do know how that feels," He said. Murr took a sip of his beer. "When I don't have a girl. I just go to a bar or a club and have a one night stand," He said. Brian looked over at him. "Really? Hmmm maybe I should do the same since I don't have a "husband" right now," Brian said. "Yeah I guess you can do that, but wouldn't that be cheating on Sal though?" Murr asked. Brian took a sip of his drink. "Not if Sal remembers. See he does not remember a thing, okay? So I can just have a once night stand with some dude and we will never see each other again," Brian said. Murr tilted his head a little bit then took a sip of his drink. Brian looked around to see who he can have sex with. He saw some guys that he could have sex with, but when he asked them they refused.
Brian sighed and was about to give up hope when he saw another guy near the pool table. The guy was in jeans and wearing a black shirt with a vest over top. He was bent over and Brian checked out his ass. He smirked and finished drinking his second beer. "Be back," Brian said as he got up. He ran his hand through his hair as he walked over to the pool table. Murr watched him. Brian fixed his shirt before going up beside the guy. Brian smiled and turned towards him. "Hey there," Brian said. The guy looked over at Brian and nodded. "Um...sorry to disturb you, but my name is Brian Quinn and I was wondering if I can talk to you privately?" He asked. The guy raised an eyebrow then looked over at his friends that were around the pool table. He looked back at Brian. "Why? I don't know you. Plus I am here playing a game with my friends," He said and looked over at his friends. Vice versa. "Oh. I'm sorry. Thought you were here alone, but true we don't know each other. I just needed to...ask you something," Brian said. The guy sighed and put the cue down then looked at Brian. "If it gets you off my back, sure," He said. Brian pursed his lips then told the guy to follow him which he did. They went to the bar and Murr saw them. "Hey, you got one," He said. The guy raised an eyebrow then sat down on Brian's stool. Brian looked at Murr. "Shut up and leave," He said and pushed him off his stool. "Ah," Murr said as he almost fell to the ground. "Okay. Okay. Didn't have to be pushy Brian." He took his beer and went somewhere else. Brian watched him leave then sat down. "Great. Now get to the point," The guy said. "Right. Well first, can I get your name?" Brian asked and looked at him. "My name is Simon," He said. Brian nodded. "Simon. Nice name. And yeah about what I needed to ask you. Um...are you gay?" He asked. Simon raised both his eyebrows. " No. I am not. I'm interested in girls only. I don't have a problem with gays. I'm just not one," He said. "Oh. Okay. Sorry to bother you," Brian said and got up to look for Murr. He was in the corner on his phone "Let's go. Nobody wants to have a one night stand with me here," Brian said and left. "Alright," Murr said then went to pay for their drinks. He hurried to follow Brian. "Going back home?" Murr asked once he caught up with him. Brian shook his head. "Nope. I need to get laid tonight and we are going to another bar," Brian said. Murr stopped in his tracks. "Really Q? Another bar? Do you really have to get laid tonight?" Murr asked. Brian sighed and stopped then turned towards Murr. "Yes, Murr I do. I haven't had sex in a while...well not since the accident," Brian said. Mur nodded. "Yeah. I am sorry that happened," He said. "Thanks. Lets go to a new pub," Brian said. They got into the jeep and drove to another pub.
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