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The next day, we went to the train station, we were leaving Doncaster.

We sat in the train and waited for the trip to start, in silence.

"Well, this was an experience." Niall said.

"Definitely. When will we close the transfer?" I asked.

"No idea. We should get a message or something, if Tomlinson decides to negotiate with us." Niall said.

"Okay." I said.

An hour later, my phone buzzed.

"Vickyyy, when are you coming back? How is it going? We lost yesterday's match. We need heeelp lmaoo."

Shit. I forgot we had a match yesterday. Losing is not a surprise though.

"We lost? It doesn't surprise me. I completely forgot we had a match :,). I am on the train right now, we only have the negotiation with the player left. If he wants to." I replied.

"Horan, we lost yesterday." I told Niall.

"Really? Oh no, I wasn't expecting that. How terrible." He said with the most ironic tone ever. He placed his hands on his face, pretending to be devastated about it.

"Stop it." I told him.

"Cmon Greenwood, you knew it." He defended himself.

"Maybe, but I'm not joking about it." I said. "Keep it professional." I reminded him what he used to tell me with that sentence.

"You shouldn't be the one telling me that." He told me.

"Let's leave it." I sighed.

We spent the rest of the trip in silence.


When we arrived, we left the station, and waited in the taxi queue.

"We are going to the office, it is still work time." Niall told me.

"That's what I was expecting." I replied.

"Good." Niall said, with that arrogant tone again.

When our turn arrived, we got in the taxi.

"Good morning." The driver said.

"Good morning." We both said.

"To the Everton football club offices please." Niall said.

"I've never been there. You work there?" The taxi driver asked.

"Yeah, we do." I said.

"Oh, both of you, cool." The driver said.

Niall told him the direction. I was confused, a mix of confused and angry honestly. Both of you. Why do people keep being like this?

Some minutes later, we arrived. Niall and I paid half of the price each.

"Here you are, good luck. Especially to you, beautiful. I hope I see you soon." He looked at me in a disgusting way.

"What's wrong with you?" Niall told him.

"Leave it, he is just disgusting." I told Niall.

Ew. I wasn't expecting Niall to defend me, but I am thankful he did. I was shocked for a moment when the driver looked at me like that.

I've been through this before sadly. Seems like it is not ending anytime soon.

"Thank you for that." I told Niall when we got out of the taxi.

"No need to thank me, sweetheart. I even felt like I wanted to throw up, and he wasn't talking to me." Niall said.

"I got used to it. But thank you anyway, gentleman." I said.


Mr Kenwright had told us to go to his office when we arrived, so that's what we did.

Horan knocked on the door softly.

"Come in!" We heard from inside.

Niall opened the door for me and I walked in the room. He entered after me and closed the door.

"Welcome back buds." Mr Kenwright told us.

"Thank you." Horan and I said.

"Please, sit." Mr Kenwright told us.

We both sat at the chairs in front of us.

"So, how was it?" Mr Kenwright asked.

"We have a deal." Niall answered.

"Great! How much? Five?" Mr Kenwright asked.

"Greenwood, you tell him." Niall let out a small laugh.

"3.25 and 20% of a future sale." I said proudly.

"You have to be joking!" Mr Kenwright said happily.

"No we are not. It is Greenwood's fault." Horan laughed.

I smiled, proud of myself.

"I knew you were good at this." Mr Kenwright told me with a smile.

"Thank you. We still don't know if Tomlinson wants to be here though." I said.

"That's what I was going to ask." Mr Kenwright said.

"We should wait, right?" Niall asked.

"Yes. Do you have the contract where you and Mr Blunt signed the price?" Mr Kenwright asked.

"Well, if you want to call it a contract." Niall laughed and gave Mr Kenwright the napkin that was in his pocket.

"Oh please. I guess it has to be enough. I'll keep it." Mr Kenwright laughed. "You both can go back to work now."

"Okay. Thank you." I said.

"Wait, you saw yesterday's match, right?" Mr Kenwright said before we left.

Niall and I looked at each other. No, we haven't. We just know we lost.

"Yes." We both said, at the same time, nervously.

"Good. Then you know. I hope this is not for evermore. We only have one preseason match left."

"It won't." Niall said.

I nodded in agreement.

"I hope so. If there's any update, you tell me. See you soon."

"We will, boss. See ya." Niall told him.

Niall and I left after that and went to our office.

"Home sweet home." Niall said with sarcasm when we entered the office.

We both sat at our desks and turned on our computers.

"I hope this is not for evermore. That's deep." I said.

"Yeah, he is like that sometimes. You'll get used to it." Niall replied.

"Yeah, I can imagine." I replied.

We spent the next hour working in silence.


"Horan, I received a message." I told him.

"And?" He asked, confused.

"It interests both of us. Tomlinson will be here tomorrow, we have to convince him to play here." I told him.

"He said yes to coming here, that is already something. It is great news, Greenwood." Niall said.

"I know. Should we tell Mr Kenwright about it?" I asked.

"Of course, go tell him. I have to finish something." He said.

"Okay." I said and left the room.

I went to Mr Kenwright's office and told him the news. He was so happy to hear that, and told me to make sure everything kept going this good.

He told me he had an important reunion at the time Tomlinson and his agent were supposed to arrive, so Niall and I had to take care of it on our own.

I assured him everything would be alright and left his office, to go back to mine.

"Done." I told Horan when I entered our office.

"Greenwood! You scared me again! Knock!" He exclaimed.

I let out a small laugh.

"Not funny." He said.

"You should remember you are not alone here." I told him.

"Whatever. What's done?" He said.

"I told Mr Kenwright about Tomlinson. He said he has a reunion so we have to take care of it by ourselves." I explained.

"Okay." Niall replied.

I couldn't be sure this would work out with that answer.

"Show a bit more motivation." I told Niall.

"Greenwood, don't start." He replied.

"You are always like this?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"We are already in a bad light. If you keep being like this, we are going to stay there forever." I told him.

"How is that my fault? It is like it is." He replied.

"You can't just be okay with it. You have to fight. We both do. To escape the bad light." I told him.

"You are starting to talk like Mr Kenwright." He told me.

"And look how happy he is. He is who he always wanted to be." I said.

"And you aren't?" Niall asked.

"Are you?" I fired back.

He just looked at me, with nothing to say.

"I liked the word, so I'm going to use it. This is going to be for evermore if we don't change." I said.

"At least you said "we" this time." Niall said.

""We" also includes you. Try to be more motivated about things and I'll try to put up with you a bit more." I suggested.

He didn't say anything, he just showed his hand, offering to shake hands.

I shook his hand.

"So this shit situation is not for evermore." He said with a smirk on his face, while he kept shaking my hand.

"So it's not for evermore." I smiled back at him.

Is it just me or have we just agreed to put up with each other?

"Let's work." Niall said, and went back to his computer.

I nodded and did the same.


The next day arrived quickly. I got ready and went to the office. I waited in the entrance. Niall arrived a minute later.

"Good morning Horan." I said.

"Mornin' Greenwood. Who ya waiting for?" He said.

"Tomlinson and his agent. They are supposed to arrive soon." I explained.

"Oh, true, sorry. I'll stay with you." He said.

You could tell both of us were nervous. I even started to sweat a bit, then I remembered we were in the beginning of August.

Then I realised I had a little fan in my bag, so I took it out and I started to fan myself. Niall looked at me.

"Do you want some air?" I told him, seeing the suffering in his face.

"Please." He sighed.

I came closer to him so I could fan both of us at the same time. He was also sweating.

"Do we have air conditioning?" I asked.

"It is being fixed." Niall answered.

"God. Great timing." I sighed.

"Do you want me to do it for a bit?" Niall asked, seeing my arm was tired.

"Thank you." I said, and gave the fan to him. He started to fan both of us.

Then the door opened. Niall gave the fan to me quickly and I put it back in the bag. We came back to our initial position.

Then, Tomlinson, and who I believe is his agent, entered the room.

"Good morning. Welcome to Everton football club. My name is Niall Horan, I am the general director. This is Victoria Greenwood, the sports director." Niall welcomed them.

"Nice to meet both of you. I am Tomlinson's agent, and this is Louis." The agent said.

"Nice to meet you." I said, and we all shook hands. "Please, come in. We'll talk in our office." I explained.

"Good." The agent said, and both of them followed Horan and I to our office.

"Please, take a seat." Niall said.

I moved my chair next to Niall's, so Horan and I sat on one side of his desk, and Tomlinson and his agent on the other.

"Nice place this one." The agent said.

"Yeah, it is like our second home so we want it to be nice." Niall let out a small laugh, ironically.

"I see." The agent replied. "Well, let's go straight to the point. What role would Tomlinson have in your team?" He asked.

Horan looked at me.

"Well, he would be for sure very important. The manager has said he needs a right back, so he will for sure be important." I explained.

Tomlinson smiled and nodded, looking at his agent. Good.

"For how many years would you want to sign him?" The agent asked.

I looked at Niall.

"Well, it can change depending on what the player wants. But we were thinking around three or four?" Niall explained.

"Three will be okay." The agent said.

We both nodded, and Niall wrote it down on the contract.

"What does Everton have that other teams don't? Many are interested in Louis. If he leaves Doncaster, he wants it to be something worth it." The agent explained. Tomlinson nodded in agreement.

Niall looked at me, his face told me that he thought I would give a better answer.

"I don't know if you know, but I am new here. So I want Everton to change completely. We want to form a brand new project that can change the club's situation completely. We think Tomlinson can be an important part of it." I explained.

"We like that. Finally something motivating, something different." The agent said.

Louis smiled, good.

"We are glad to hear that." Horan said.

"Good. Let's talk about money." The agent said.

We spent around 20 minutes agreeing on a salary, easier than other cases if I'm honest.

Tomlinson is not like the ones that want a lot of money and only care about that. I was very glad to know that.

"We have a deal then. Welcome to Everton football club, Louis." I said.

"Thank you." Tomlinson said with a strong British accent.

The four of us shook hands with each other and signed the contract.

We did it. Our first new player.


Thank you for reading!!!

I'm so excited for how this story is going to go, I already have everything in my head ;)

Lots of love,

S :)

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