Prologue: The Hidden Files

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(Yahoo! Let's start this! There will be a lot of hints and references to other characters and events in this chapter! I hope you will all enjoy! Gotta say, Dr. Hikari is an amazing father. He worked hard to help his family and bring his son back! Like, this man wouldn't give up! Well! Enjoy!) 

Music, for music, play the songs in order I have listed them in! 

Dr. Hikari's Theme

The Reformatting Project

Duo's Crest


                      It was late at night at SciLabs when three people were rushed to the labs with a large group of scientists, cops, and family members. The storm was raging on outside. The power could go out at any moment. Lights were flashing as people talked over each other. Tensions were high as well as panicked cries and worried talks were being discussed.

"Dr. Hikari! Are you sure about this?! Our project is still just a project!" an old scientist wearing a green tuxedo asked as he looked over his notes.

He had a light yellow beard and tired purple eyes. It was clear that the three main scientists of the lab have not gotten any kind of sleep in a very long time. However, one of the scientists was not tired. Well, he was, but he was more determined if anything. Dr. Hikari couldn't blame him after what his father had to do to his first project Dr. Cossak had spent most of his entire life on and put his heart in.

"Bring them to room 3! I only want Famous and Dr. Cossak with me" he shouted seriously.

The rest of the staff, cops, and family members were hesitant, but they let the determined doctor do what he wanted to do. He had short brown hair which was parted. He moved his glasses out of his eyes as he rubbed them. He adjusted his white lab coat and then went to work.

"Dr. Hikari!" a young man holding himself rushed towards him during the panic in the lab.

"Yes? Mr. Kiyoteru? Is something wrong?" Dr. Hikari asked with concern.

Mr. Kiyoteru was a young man who was just recently engaged with one of the patients in the lab. He had messy brown hair as he wore a black jacket, pants, and shoes with a white collared shirt. He adjusted his blue glasses to properly face Dr. Hikari. Mr. Kiyoteru looked like he was about to break down at any moment, and Dr. Hikari couldn't really blame the young man.

"Are you sure about this experiment of yours?" the young man asked the doctor, "I just don't want to lose her. She's too important to me, and the people here are not helping me either"

Dr. Hikari gently placed his hands on his shoulders.

"I will make sure this works" Dr. Hikari stated seriously, "I have another young family worrying about their daughter, and my wife is also at home with my other son. I swear to you, I will make this work"

Mr. Kiyoteru just nodded his head weakly at the doctor.

"Dr. Hikari!" a young man shouted as he rushed towards them, "We are ready to begin!"

"Thank you, Famous. Let's get to work" Dr. Hikari stated as he left Mr. Kiyoteru alone in the hallway.

Famous had young, fresh brown hair and wore a lab coat as well. He had blue jeans on with a red shirt. His phone rang, but he hung up. He had to focus on this.

"Did she call you again? Is she ready to help us?" Dr. Hikari asked as they made their way to room 3.

"Don't worry about it, Dr. Hikari! She can wait, but she is ready and already placed the two bodies in the room. Right now, we have important work to do" Famous stated as they entered the room.

As the three scientists went to work on their project, a mother was at home, pacing around in the living room as her son was sitting on the couch. It was almost time for him to go to bed.

"Momma, where is papa and Hub?" he asked tiredly as he rubbed his eyes.

The mother combed through her brown hair as she tried her best to not cry in front of her son. He had heard her cry too many times. She had to be strong for a little longer. She sat next to her son and patted his head.

"They'll be back soon. Papa had to take Hub to his lab for some help at work" she reassured him through the lie.

She knew he wouldn't understand what was happening at the moment, so she just had to reassure him until it was time for him to know the truth about everything. With that, her son yawned and leaned on his mother.

"Do you think they will let me come next time? It is no fun waiting..." he whispered as he fell asleep.

"I think so, Lan" the mother said as she softly smiled at her son.

It was well pass 3 am. The mother of Lan fell asleep as she held her son close to her. She was hoping and praying that her husband was able to do this experiment of his. He left with their other dying son in the morning as he gave a few phone calls. They haven't stopped working until now. The three scientists had done it. Their experiment was a success. Dr. Hikari felt a huge weight off his shoulders as he realized his experiment worked. Famous collapsed as he let out a proud yell at their accomplishment.

"We did it, Dr. Hikari" Dr. Cossak said in relief as he patted his partner's shoulder.

"Yes, and it couldn't have been possible without your help" Dr. Hikari said in relief as he placed his hand on his friend's.

However, a bright light engulfed everything around the world. Suddenly, twenty-one lights descended from the sky and fell onto twenty-one people. The three scientists jumped back in shock as the daughter patient began to shine. The mother of Lan woke up to see her son shining! Around the world, people were seeing these lights fall to the respective people. The light vanished soon, but the mother of Lan and the three scientists saw the mark on the two young children.

"Take a picture of the mark on her hand!" Dr. Hikari ordered.

Famous quickly picked up a camera and snapped a photo. The mark on her hand faded away. The mother of Lan was worried. Did something happen to her other son?

"What does this mean?" Famous asked as he showed the image to the doctors.

Dr. Hikari adjusted his glasses. He wasn't sure. However, he decided they could worry about that later. Right now, they had done something incredible. They stepped out of the room and greeted the two families and staff. The families were relieved and in joy that his experiment was a huge success. Mr. Kiyoteru rushed to the room and went to his wife while the other family went to their daughter. As for Dr. Hikari, he thanked Dr. Cossak and Famous for their help and let them have a much needed break. Dr. Hikari walked up to a small stand which held a few strands of hair and a blue device.

"Huh? Papa, what happened to me?" a young man in a blue suit asked bewildered.

"It is a long story, Hub. Right now, let me rest and then explain everything to you" Dr. Hikari said with a beaming smile.

Everyone left the lab and locked it for a few days. Then, Dr. Hikari went to his son.

"Hub are you ok?" he asked his young son.

"Uh, I am a little confused and scared" he confessed.

"It's ok. That is perfectly normal. I need you to make a promise to me, your mother, Dr. Cossak, Famous, and the other two ladies here" Dr. Hikari asked his son.

Hub nodded his head.

"First, you cannot tell anyone but us about this, ok? It would be very dangerous if something like this got out. Second, for a while, you must introduce yourself as MegaMan to strangers except for us, understand?" Dr. Hikari said seriously.

Hub was nervous. He enjoyed his name. Did his father not like his name anymore?

Dr. Hikari noticed his son's worried expression and smiled at him as he explained, "Hub, your mother, Dr. Cossak, Famous, and me will still call you Hub. We just can't reveal to everyone about this just yet. Lan is still young and is not as smart as you either, so he will even address you as MegaMan for a while. You will have nothing to worry about. For now, you will have two names and with us again as a family"

Hub liked the sound of this. He wanted to be with his family for a long time. Hub then asked his father if he could rest until they were home. His father nodded and let his son rest as he went home to his wife and son. The mother of Lan had just sent him off to school with the neighbor's daughter. She gasped when she saw her husband, Dr. Hikari standing at the door with the blue device. He was smiling at her. The plate from her hands fell and shattered on the ground. She rushed up to him and embraced him warmly.

"I saved our little boy, Haruka" Dr. Hikari said in relief as he stroked his wife's hair.

Haruka felt nothing but pure happiness. The two of them closed the door to their house and then sat down on the couch.

"Hub, here's mom" Dr. Hikari said as he showed her their son in the device.

"Momma!" he exclaimed in delight when he saw her.

Haruka cried when she saw him. He was alive and healthy. He wasn't dead from HBD. However, she assumed Dr. Hikari was going to build a body for their son as well.

"I will work on that later. Famous has to help me convince his girlfriend to help us with that. We will also have to explain to Lan about this too" Dr. Hikari let out a yawn as he slumped against the couch.

Haruka just smiled at them as she went to chat with her son and left her husband to rest from his long night. After all, since her sons will be reunited soon, and nothing will stop them from being together again. When Lan returned home, he was surprised to see his father back! However, he didn't see Hub.

"Don't worry, your brother is always with you" his father told his son with a warm smile as he hid something behind his back.

Lan noticed this and tried to look behind his father though, his father grinned as he avoided his son.

"Papa! Stop! I want to see what is behind your back!" Lan shouted with a pout on his face.

Dr. Hikari laughed as he kneeled before his son. He patted his head and then presented his son a device.

"Woah! I got my own NetNavi?! Really?!" Lan asked surprised as he forgot about his brother.

"Hello. I am MegaMan. I will be your NetNavi. Who are you?" he asked with a smile and wave.

"I'm Lan! Lan Hikari!" Lan shouted in delight.

Although Lan didn't know that was his brother, Hub was very happy to be back with his family. He knew he would have to wait for a while for his father to build a body for him, but for now, he was very happy to be with them again. 

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