Chapter 5: Let's Work Together Please!

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(So, I got into this series through the anime. I didn't know it had a game series till I looked up the characters. Then, I bought the first game and the fifth game. I noticed some of the characters weren't the same from the anime and game, but they do have similar backgrounds. however, there are also a lot of characters too! I wanted this chapter to celebrate the first group of characters from the first game as well as the first season of the anime! After all, if it wasn't for the first game doing so well, who knows if this series would still be here! Enjoy!

Music Themes 

Dr. Hikari's Theme 

Dr. Wily's Theme

World 3's Theme

Mr. Match's Theme 

Count Zap's Theme  

Yahoot's Theme

Maddy's Theme

Vs a Net Savior

A Great Darkness

                 Lan and his team reported to his father about the attack on the new stadium when they reached SciLab.

"That is very troubling" Dr. Hikari said concerned, "Dr. Wily. I never thought I would hear his name again"

"What did this Dr. Wily do?" Maylu asked with worry.

"Well, he was a colleague of ours a long time ago. However, his project was terminated a long time ago. He worked on the Robot Masters Program. This would allow Navis to enter into the real world. My father, Dr. Hikari, worked on the Navi project. They were planning to combine the projects later until the government pulled Dr. Wily's funding and supported my father's. Dr. Wily moved himself and his whole family away from Nihon and we never heard from him again"

Miku shifted her feet nervously as she asked with a nervous smile, "Uh, so about my ability, please do not mention it to anyone as well. This was a side effect from the project your father worked on"

"It is a side effect that I still do not know how it occuried. Regardless, that melody holds some kind of power. Only use it when you are in danger. I can also drain your powers" Dr. Hikari said seriously.

Everyone agreed as Dr. Hikari began to wonder what World 3's plan is. Meanwhile, the Net Saviors from Nihon were allowed to return to their normal lives, but they were supposed to keep an eye out for any sign of World 3.

"Hey Masa!" Dex shouted in delight as he ran over to the fisherman with a large bag.

"Ah! Dex! How can I help you?" Masa greeted as he made sure his PET was still jacked into the computer on his fish cart, "Are you eating your calcium?"

"Yep! I've been working hard with that, my studies, and NetBattling as well! Oh, my mother needed some fish for tonight" Dex said as he took out his wallet to pay for the fish.

As Masa and Dex exchanged the fish and money, they heard someone laugh. Masa instinctively reached for his PET and snatched it. He then tackled himself and Dex away from the fish cart as it exploded!

"What is going on?!" Dex exclaimed in shock as Masa stood up and held his PET.

"Stay down, boy" Masa said calmly as he searched for the attacker.

The laugh grew louder as Mr. Match appeared before them and holding his PET.

"You shouldn't leave your Jack – In port open like that, laddie. Foes could easily get in, Net Savior Masa" Mr. Match said with a smirk as he faced them.

Dex was yelling in complete shock and fear as the two of them prepared for a fight. Sal was putting up new plants and flower for the water plant as she left her PET beside her. She was very grateful the water plant allowed this. She thought the flowers suit the water plant much better.

"Hello Miss Sal!" Tory greeted as he ran in with two bottles of water.

"Oh, hello Tory. What brings you here?" the florist greeted with a smile as she stood up to meet the boy.

"My dad was too busy to come outside of the plant, so I decided to give this to you. You must be thirsty after planting all of those flowers" Tory said with a smile.

"Aw, thanks. I am a bit tired, but I love to take care of the flowers, so it was no big deal" she reassured him and took a bottle for herself.

Before she could open it, electricity burst from the lamps near them. Sal grabs her PET and pulled Tory away from the electric shocks. She then made sure he was behind her as she searched for the attacker.

"Hahaha! Don't like a little electricity, Net Savior Sal! I thought your flowers needed some!" Count Zap exclaimed as he held his guitar and faced them.

Tory trembled behind Sal as she prepared to fight him. Miyu was looking at her crystal ball in her shop with concern. She sensed a great battle coming closer, but she couldn't see the victor clearly. The door to her shop rang as she looked up to see Yai enter.

"Hello Miss Miyu! I was wondering if you have any new imported tea sets in yet!" Yai asked with a grin as she held her PET.

"I believe we have one new stock in. Let me go in the back to check" Miyu said calmly as she got up from her seat.

As she did, she sensed a dark presence coming towards her. She quickly took her PET and pulled Yai out of the shop as the lights burst!

"What is happening?!" Yai shouted in a panic as Miyu tried to pinpoint the attacker.

"Sorry about that, but I really don't want anyone to interrupt our plan. That includes you, Net Savior Miyu" Yahoot said with a laugh as he appeared before them and holding his PET.

Miyu held hers as she put Yai behind her. Dave was running around and delivering groceries through the neighborhood. He was trying to save up some money for a gift, but he was still very short on it. He then stopped at Miku's house, but in instead of seeing the Miku, he saw Haku answer the door.

"Oh, are you a friend of Miku's? I just came by to deliver her groceries" he said calmly as he handed the two bags to Haku.

"She'll be here soon. She had to head to a lab for some research. I decided to wait for her here" Haku answered nervously as she avoided his face.

He just smiled and prepared to leave until he saw the traffic lights shut down and cars crashing into each other! Haku gasped in shock at the horrible site as Dave searched for a Jack – In Port.

"Haku call for ambulances!" Dave shouted as he aimed his PET at the streetlight's Jack – In Port, "Jack – In, QuickMan, transmission!"

QuickMan appeared in the traffic light comp and saw WackoMan turning the lights off!

"Wait, her Navi is here. Where is she?" Dave asked as he turned around saw the door open.

Haku nervously asked Rion to call for ambulances as she shut the door behind her.

"Now, now, we don't want that, do we?" Maddy asked with a snicker as she entered the room and faced Haku.

Haku was trembling as she saw Maddy. Maddy approached her and tried to take her Pet away. Dave burst in and elbowed Maddy away from Haku. Dave then took Haku's hand and pulled her out of the house.

"You made me break a nail?! You'll definitely pay for that, Net Savior Dave!" Maddy vowed as she chased after them.

Then, MegaMan, ProtoMan, and Roll appeared on the screen of SciLab with worried and determined expressions on their faces.

"World 3 is attacking the Net Saviors!" MegaMan shouted with worry.

Everyone was shocked as the screen changed to show all four Net Saviors battling the four members of World 3!

"We have to help them!" Maylu shouted as the group looked at each other in determination.

Lan looked at his dad with a serious expression.

"Alright, be careful. This will be a tough battle" Dr. Hikari said seriously.

The four of them ran out of the room and rushed to help their friends.

"I'll get to Masa, Chaud go and help Sal, Maylu head to Miyu's place, and Miku go and help Dave!" Lan shouted seriously.

His friends agreed as they rushed to their friends' aid. Masa and SharkMan had jacked into the fountain to battle Mr. Match and TorchMan. The Net Savior expected to have the upper hand in this fight as SharkMan dived into the water to avoid the blasts coming from TorchMan.

"You can't hit what you can't see! SharkMan, rip him to shreds!" Masa shouted as he inserted his fin chips.

SharkMan's fin began to shine and blast at TorchMan.

"Don't get overconfident. Even water can be set on fire!" Mr. Match exclaimed as he inserted a few mini bombs into the PET.

TorchMan picked up the bombs and threw them into the water. SharkMan was surprised, because TorchMan missed his attack.

"SharkMan! Get out of the water!" Masa shouted in a panic as he realized what Mr. Match was doing.

The bombs exploded and launched an injured SharkMan into the air! TorchMan then pointed his funnel at the shark theme Navi and unleashed a powerful beam of fire! SharkMan was knocked down, burnt, and could barely stand to face TorchMan.

"Prepare to be deleted" Mr. Match said as he prepared to insert one more chip.

"No! Leave him alone!" Dex and GutsMan shouted as GutsMan appeared and stood in front of SharkMan, "Stop being so mean to others who just want to live their lives and help others! It is not right!"

Dex was shaking as he stood in front of Mr. Match and holding his PET.

Mr. Match just sighed at the child as he answered, "Well, they won't come and save you when you need it most. Trust me kid. Life is hard and cold. The only way to live is to burn yourself and do it by yourself. TorchMan show them what we mean!"

TorchMan raised his funnel at the two Navis and charged up his attack. However, Lan skated towards them quickly and saw the jack-in port.

"Jack-in, MegaMan! Transmission!" Lan shouted as he pointed his PET at the port.

MegaMan appeared before SharkMan and GutsMan as he charged up his buster. MegaMan blasted TorchMan back as he prepared to fight him.

"Are you two ok?" MegaMan asked seriously.

"We are thanks to you, guts!" GutsMan answered with relief.

Lan was in front of Masa and Dex. He turned his head to face his friends and looked very relieved to see them unharmed. Lan then Mr. Match and shook his head.

"That's not what life is" Lan began strongly as he felt himself synch up with MegaMan, "Life is not just hot and cold, it is something far greater than that! I'm sorry you were alone, and no one came to help you two, but life is you being the best you and making sure you can do what you can to help others along the way! Just like MegaMan and me!"

Everyone around Lan and MegaMan were surprised to see a blue light shining around them!

"We will show you two what true life is!" they shouted as Lan loaded three cannon chips in to activate the Program Adavance.

MegaMan extended his hands to make them transform into a blue cannon. The two of them let out a yell and blasted TorchMan into the water! Masa, Dex, SharkMan, and GutsMan had complimented them for their victory.

"It is not over just yet!" Mr. Match and TorchMan shouted as they synched up!

They unleashed a blazing tower of fire around them. Lan and MegaMan were surprised by this, but they decided to figure out how they were able to synch up later.

"Masa, SharkMan, Dex, and GutsMan! Are you ready to help us take him down?!" Lan and MegaMan shouted in unison.

"Yeah!" they replied as Lan formulated the plan.

"Then let's annoy them together!" Lan shouted as SharkMan and GutsMan ran forward.

SharkMan ran to TorchMan's right as Masa and SharkMan shouted, "Fin Cutter!"

SharkMan's fin glowed brightly as it cast a wave of fins towards TorchMan. However, the attack couldn't break through his wall of fire, but it was able to distract Mr. Match and TorchMan from Dex and GutsMan.

"Guts Punch!" Dex and GutsMan shouted as GutsMan charged forward with his fist shining a blue light.

His punch knocked TorchMan off balance. Then, SharkMan and GutsMan joined next to each other, drew their fists back, and launched a unified punch at TorchMan.

"As if a silly punch is going to stop us! Show them your punch, TorchMan!" Mr. Match yelled.

TorchMan's funnel glowed a bright red as he countered their punches with just his own! Then, TorchMan began to push the two of them down to their knees!

"This is the real power of World 3's flaming Operator!" Mr. Match and TorchMan shouted together.

MegaMan stood behind TorchMan as they prepared their own attack. Lan quietly loaded three chips in.

"Zeta Cannon!" Lan and MegaMan shouted as they unleashed a giant, blue beam at TorchMan.

The beam struck TorchMan down in one hit and forced him to log out. Mr. Match let out a pained cry as he was forced to his knees. Lan sat down and panted heavily after their fight, but he was able to stop Mr. Match.

"Woody Tower!" Sal shouted as she inserted the chip and allowed WoodMan to slam his hands on the ground to make would spikes strike ElecMan.

ElecMan floated above WoodMan's attack as Count Zap strung a few notes and inserted a chip. Then, he played a few notes to power up ElecMan's attack! Silver rods sprung around WoodMan and zapped him! Sal looked at her partner with worry as Tory jacked IceMan in.

"IceMan help WoodMan!" Tory shouted with worry as IceMan raised his tiny fists.

Count Zap and ElecMan laughed at Tory and IceMan.

"ElecMan just put them out of their misery with this next song!" Count Zap said as he slammed a few notes on his guitar.

"With pleasure!" ElecMan said as he made four more metal rods appear around WoodMan and IceMan!

WoodMan prepared to protect IceMan with the little strength he had left. Chaud ran as fast as he could and waved his PET into the jack – in port to send in ProtoMan. Then, Chaud inserted a Bamboo Sword to cut all the rods down!

"Chaud!" Sal said with relief to see the red youth here.

He grinned back at her, but he was surprised to see Tory here. However, he had to remain serious and face Count Zap.

"It doesn't matter how many of you are there. We'll shock you to the ground!" Count Zap and ElecMan shouted as they synched up in a flash of yellow light.

"He's powered up. Are you tow ready to face him together?" Chaud asked seriously.

"Yes!" Sal and Tory said together.

"Alright! Sal stay back and just throw some seeds, and Tory freeze the ground!" Chaud said quickly.

"On it! IceMan use Ice Spikes!" Tory said as he inserted the chips into the PET.

IceMan placed his hands on the ground to freeze it while WoodMan created seeds and threw it at ElecMan.

"Your silly little plan won't work! ElecMan! Send another shock wave!" Count Zap shouted as he kept playing his guitar.

ElecMan raised his hands to make the lightning crash down, but nothing happened!

"What is going on?!" ElecMan asked in shock.

Chaud and ProtoMan chuckled as ProtoMan pointed to something behind ElecMan. ElecMan turned his head around and gasped. The power line connecting him to the guitar Count Zap was playing was frozen over! ElecMan couldn't get a boost of power!

"I'm still synched up! We'll beat you three together!" ElecMan shouted as electricity burst from his body!

Chaud was still calm and collected while Tory screamed with worry. Sal knew Chaud had a great plan.

"Thunderbolt!" Count Zap and ElecMan shouted as ElecMan waved his hands downward to make lightning crash down on the three Navis.

"Sal! WoodMan! Now!" Chaud and ProtoMan shouted loudly as they slowly powered up their synch up bond.

"WoodMan! Grow all your seeds and use Growth!" Sal shouted loudly as WoodMan made all the seeds he threw grow around them to protect themselves from the bolts of thunder crashing down on them!

"Tory! IceMan! Smash the remaining rods!" Chaud and ProtoMan shouted.

"Ice Spikes!" Tory and IceMan shouted in unison as IceMan placed his hands on the ground to make ice shoot up from the ground and strike down the metal rods!

"What?! How?! How are you beating us?!" Count Zap and ElecMan exclaimed in anger as they faced Chaud and ProtoMan.

"Simple. You're a sloppy, stupid, and foolish NetBattler who though he could handle defeating two Net Saviors" Chaud answered as he and ProtoMan finished synching up.

Chaud then inserted three battle chips as the Beta Sword appeared in ProtoMan's hand. He ran through the forest and then swung the sword above his head as he jumped at ElecMan. Then, ProtoMan swung his sword downward to cut ElecMan in half! Count Zap logged out ElecMan and gasped in pain as he fell to his knees. Chaud sat down and panted heavily. That fight took so much out of him and ProtoMan. However, something made him wonder if this was all a trap.

"Uh, are we going the right way?" Miku asked as she followed Maylu into the city.

"I live here! Of course, I know!" Maylu shouted back at the teen pop idol as they turned the corner.

The two of them found Miyu facing Yahoot with Yai's help.

"I can handle this guy!" Miku said with

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