Chapter 13: A Short, Death Match

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(l really enjoy the friends Lan and Maylu have. They are a unique group and don't make fun of each other for their differences. Dex is a big guy, Tory is a figure skater, and Yai is just rich and small. They all play off each other rather nicely too. I seriously can't get over their friendship and wanting to help Lan and Maylu on their adventures. So, enjoy!) 

Music Theme's 

Lan's Theme 

Hub's Theme 

School's Theme 

Friend's Theme 

Luo's Theme

A Common Fight 

Mr. Higsby's Theme 

Vs a Net Savior 

A Calm End to the Day 

Yuri's Theme 

                            "Finally! I'm out!" Lan shouted in relief as he was walking to school with Maylu.

"It was not that bad, Lan" MegaMan pointed out seriously, "All papa did was retrieve data from us and then make a few reports. These are all made just in case something were to happen to us"

Lan knew his brother was right, but he still didn't like it at all. They entered their classroom and found Dex, Yai, and Tory greeting them as Shuko was about to leave for her class.

"Lan!" they greeted warmly as they crowded him.

"How are you feeling?" Tory asked in a bit of a worried tone.

"Is everything ok?" Yai asked curiously.

"Are you and MegaMan ready for a Net Battle?!" Dex shouted eagerly.

Lan and MegaMan were very happy to see their friends again.

"It is good to see you again, MegaMan" Glide greeted him with a wave.

"It was too cold without you buddy! Good to see you again!" IceMan said in delight.

"Are you ready for another Net Battle, Guts?!" GutsMan asked as he raised his fist in the air eagerly.

"Oh, if you want to have a Net Battle, you should come by Mr. Higsby's shop. He's going to hold a small tournament. He wanted to promote his business, so he thought he could host a small match. You should enter if you want. The prize is a few high-level recovery chips" Shuko said with a grin.

She had two purple pigtails and wore a simple gray and light blue dress. She had her blue backpack on her back as well as a pair of blue shoes.

"Really?!" Lan and Dex shouted eagerly as Maylu sighed.

"As much as I would like to join you all, I have piano lessons to make up" she grumbled a bit as she took her seat.

So, after school, Lan, Dex, Yai, Tory, and Shuko went to Mr. Higsby's shop for the tournament. There was already a large crowd of kids and young teens surrounding the blue and gray shop.

"Wow! Those recovery chips must be worth it" Tory reasoned as Shuko nodded her head.

"No. I think those two are the reasons why there is a crowd" Yai said as she pointed to a young teenage girl and young teenage boy battling each other.

"In the red corner, we have Tora and his Navi, KingMan!" Mr. Higsby shouted in delight, "And in the blue corner, we have Lou and her Navi, Lapis! This should be an exciting match!"

Mr. Higsby is an adult with large puffy brown hair and glasses. He wore a simple white business shirt with a red tie. He had blue pants and brown shoes. Tora was a young teen wearing a blue jacket and had a hat with a pair of googles. He had brown pants and red shoes. His Navi looked like a black chess piece with a red coat and golden crown. As for Luo, she wore a light gray small dress and long, black socks. She wore a pair of white and blue shoe. Her gray hair was tied into two small circles being held by a blue flower clip and then two long strands of her hair flowed down her face. She held a light gray PET as she cheered on her Navi. Lapis was wearing a blue dress and black pants with blue shoes. Her hair was blue and tied into two ponytails. However, her hair shined like the rainbow as it flowed down. She had a headband with a blue gem on it. She held a blue umbrella as she bowed before KingMan.

"Go and get him, Luo!" a young teenage girl shouted in delight as she pumped her fist in the air.

She wore a red dress and white jacket. She had a pair of red shorts on with long black socks. She wore red boots and black gloves. Her hair was in a long braid.

"But of course, Ling! Cloud Battle Chip in, Download!" Luo shouted in delight as Lapis waved her umbrella to make a white cloud appear before her.

She then smacked her umbrella against the cloud to cast it towards the Navi as the cloud grew dark.

"So, who are they?" Lan asked as he looked at their fight.

"Right now, they are pretty high ranked Net Battlers" MegaMan said as he looked at the rankings, "The young teenage girl is Luo Tianyi and her Navi is Lapis. They are from Choina. They are the strongest Net Team from their homeland as well as famous singers. As for that young teen, that's Tora and his Navi, KingMan. They are a strong Net Team from KingLand. I wouldn't be surprise if they were stronger than us"

At this remark, Lan shook his head at.

"There is no way they are better than us! We actually protected the Net, stopped World 3, and defeated Bass! I won't lose to them in a Net Battle!" Lan yelled determinedly as he marched right towards the Net Area.

The two of them continued to fight each other, completely ignoring Lan. He was about to send MegaMan into the area until a buzzer went off. Luo and Tora had run out of time! They had actually managed to time out their match.

"Not bad!" Tora said with a grin, "You were close to having us checkmate! That's a first for us! Though, Net Battles aren't too popular back in KingLand"

"Haha! Same with you! It is not every day that someone was close to silencing us" Luo said with a grin, "It was an honor to do battle with you"

She took a bow as Tora grinned. Lan was getting annoyed with them.

He shouted loudly, "Hey! What about us?! We want to fight you two!"

Tora and Luo turned to look at Lan as they waited for a moment.

"Are you sure about that, little boy? I am more experienced at Net Battling than you" Tora said proudly.

Lan was growing angrier as he shouted, "Watch us! Jack – In MegaMan, Transmission!"

He sent MegaMan into the Net Area as Lapis and KingMan looked at him.

"You should know when to fight and when not to" Luo said seriously as she folded her arms over her chest, "Otherwise, you will lose before you know it. Lapis, please demonstrate to his Navi what I mean!"

"Of course, Luo!" Lapis said in delight as she flung herself towards MegaMan.

Lapis swung her umbrella around to hit MegaMan, but he was able to avoid her incoming jabs pretty easily. She then swung her umbrella towards his feet and gently tossed him in the air! She then skipped ahead in delight while MegaMan changed his arm into his buster and fired back at her! She was struck from behind as she let a scream!

"Hey! I didn't know he had that ability!" Luo said annoyed as she held her PET, "Barrier, Battle Chip in, Download!"

A guard appeared around Lapis as MegaMan landed on his feet. He looked at the light blue Navi as Tora grinned.

"Ok, so you want a fight, you've got one! KingMan! Go! Scatter your chess pieces around!" Tora shouted in delight.

"Understood!" KingMan shouted as he threw black pieces around MegaMan.

KingMan moved one piece towards MegaMan, but he jumped up and blasted it back at him! The piece struck KingMan back as Tora crackled in delight. They were both ready to have a wonderful Net Battle.

"Ling, I may stay here a little longer. I don't want to lose to someone who is a child" Luo said seriously.

"Go for it! I'll always cheer for you!" Ling said strongly as Luo smiled gently at her.

Thus, their Net Battle began!

"You can do it, Lan!" Tory cheered from the sides as Dex held his PET.

"Let's make this a fair fight at least!" Dex shouted as Yai stepped forward.

"Then, let us help Lan and MegaMan! Glide, Jack – In, Transmission!" Yai shouted strongly as she sent Glide into Net Area.

He stood by MegaMan as KingMan cast another chess piece towards him. Glide quickly stepped behind him to pick him up by his waist and carry him out of the way of the incoming piece.

"What? A flying Navi? That is something you don't see every day" Tora said impressed.

"Meeting someone from home isn't something you see every day" Yai replied as she grinned in determination, "I want to see how well we are against one of the top players back home! Glide don't hold anything back! Let's checkmate him!"

"Yes, Miss Yai!" Glide replied as he then saw Lapis waving her umbrella towards them.

"Cloud chips!" MegaMan shouted in realization.

"I'll handle KingMan! You do everything you can against Lapis!" Glide said as he swung MegaMan back and forth, "Go!"

Glide threw MegaMan with all of his might and then flew away from the clouds and back to KingMan.

"Mega Cannon! Battle Chip in, Download!" Lan shouted as MegaMan's arm transformed.

MegaMan then aimed the Mega Cannon at Lapis who stood still. He blasted a beam at her, but she raised her umbrella to try and protect herself from the attack!

"Glide, Wide Slash, Battle Chip in, Download!" Yai shouted as Glide waved his hand to send a powerful wave towards KingMan.

The wave pushed KingMan back as more black chess pieces flung around the area. KingMan then waved his hands to make the black chess pieces hit Glide!

"Not bad, but I don't think that can defeat us that easily!" Yai shouted strongly.

"I would be disappointed if it was that easy" Tora said with a wink.

As the group was distracted by the fight, Shuko ran out of the shop with a teary look on her face. Tory and Dex noticed her crying face as Ling stood near them.

"What's wrong, Shuko?! What happened?" Tory asked worriedly.

She motioned them to follow her to the shop. They snuk in from behind and saw Mr. Higsby talking with a young businessman wearing a dark blue suite and red tie. He had brown shoes and blonde hair. Mr. Higsby wore a simple white shirt with a red tie and blue pants. He had puffy brown hair and wore glasses and brown shoes.

"Arashi! You can't do this!" Mr. Higsby exclaimed in shock, "This shop is all I have left! I've worked so hard to keep it! You can't just take it!"

"Of course, I can! Money allows anyone to do anything!" Arashi said with a smirk, "And if you won't let me take it in a calm manner, then we shall take it by force! AirMan, Jack-In, Transmission!"

Arashi pointed his PET at his shop's data entrance! AirMan is a giant blue Navi with a powerful fan in his chest! He marched towards the shop's NET and prepared to destroy it until a green Navi with a computer like brain stood in front of it.

"NumberMan! What are you doing?!" Mr. Higsby shouted in shock and looked at his PET.

"I won't let this guy take away our dream of becoming the master of chips! We've worked so hard for this!" NumberMan shouted strongly.

The group of friends were shocked to hear this until Tory burst through the doors and pointed his PET at the shop's NET entrance.

"IceMan, Jack – In, Transmission!" Tory yelled as IceMan appeared in front of NumberMan, "We won't let you take his shop away!"

"Listen child, I can buy it. So, just run along now" Arashi said seriously as he shook his head at the kid.

"But that's not true! The shop isn't for sale nor in any kind of debt! You have no right to take it!" Shuko shouted strongly as she, Dex, and Ling entered the room.

"So, what I am hearing is that this guy is trespassing?! Let me take care of him!" Ling said as she cracked her knuckles and made her way towards him.

Arashi took a few steps back as he then ran out of the store.

He let out a scream as he brought his PET closer to his face to shout, "I NEED HELP ME! KIDS! NAVIS! HELP PROFESSOR!"

Lan, Yai, Tora, and Luo looked up from their fight to see viruses appearing around them!

"What is going on?!" Tora asked surprised.

Luo quickly kicked one back as Lan pulled out his Synchro chip.

"Synchro Chip in, Download! Cross Fusion!" Lan shouted as he and MegaMan transformed!

Lan began to fight the viruses as Ling let out a yell and chased after Arashi.

"Lan! We need help!" Dex shouted from inside the shop.

Yai and Tora ran into the shop as Luo punched another virus as she stood behind Lan.

"We have to go after Ling. She's going to need our help" Luo said seriously.

"Ok, let's go!" Lan shouted as he downloaded a few more Yo-yo chips.

He then swung the yo-yos around and to knock down the viruses around them. Then, the two of them chased after Ling. Luo took Lapis with them in her PET.

"What's going on in here?" Tora yelled as he looked over Dex's shoulder.

He and Yai found GutsMan and IceMan helping NumberMan fight back AirMan. AirMan unleashed a powerful windstorm to blow the three Navis back.

"Ok, we can help!" Yai shouted as she and Tora transmitted Glide and KingMan into the Shop's NET.

"I'm helping too! Go, SpoutMan! Jack – In, Transmission!" Shuko shouted as she sent SpoutMan into the shop's NET.

SpoutMan was a short Navi with a fishbowl head as she wore a tan dress. She rushed to help IceMan as KingMan helped GutsMan sit down. Glide flew over the windstorm as Yai inserted a Vulcan Battle Chip in. Glide then rapidly fired at AirMan to blast him away from them. AirMan was still standing and unleashed a powerful gust of window towards them! Glide flew above the gust of wind as GutsMan and KingMan stood in front of SpoutMan and IceMan.

"SpoutMan! Unleash your water! Cry!" Shuko shouted in her PET.

"IceMan help SpoutMan!" Tory shouted in his.

SpoutMan began to cry as water poured into the gust of wind. IceMan blew a strong wave of ice towards the gust. Cold air began to blow around the AirMan and freeze him in place!

"What?!" AirMan exclaimed in shock as he couldn't move anymore.

"NumberMan use your dice!" Mr. Higsby shouted into his PET, "Get rid of the intruder!"

"Understood!" NumberMan shouted as he created two electronic dice near AirMan!

The dice exploded and launched AirMan away! Then, Glide fire another beams as KingMan threw a black piece at the Navi. With their attacks together, they were able to delete the hostile Navi! The kids were relieved to see the Navi gone as Mr. Higsby cheered in delight.

"Wait, where are Lan, Luo, and Ling?" Tory asked curiously as he checked on IceMan.

"Hehe try saying that five times fast" Dex said with a grin.

"Knowing Lan, they are in trouble" Yai answered with a sigh as she looked at her PET, "I really hope they can handle it"

Lan and Luo were running through the streets as Ling was gaining on Arashi. People moved away from them as they were running in front of Gauss Company. Ling then jumped forward to pull Arashi to the ground!

"I've got him!" Ling shouted as Lan and Luo arrived.

Luo helped Ling restrain Arashi as Lan said seriously, "By the power of the Net Police, you are under arrest for your crimes! As soon as we find out what that is!"

Arashi sighed in defeat as the police rushed over to get him. Once they catch Arashi, Lan powered down and caught his PET.

"Are you ok, Lan?" MegaMan asked with concern.

"Good! How about you?" Lan asked with a grin.

"Just fine" MegaMan answered as they then turned to Luo, Ling, and Lapis.

"Thank you for helping us" Lan and MegaMan said with grins on their faces.

"It was nothing!" Ling said with a bright smile as she placed her hands behind her head.

"We were happy to help. It was an honor to fight alongside you" Luo and Lapis said with a bow.

"Hey! We didn't finish our Net Battle! Why don't we head back to Mr. Higsby's shop?! We can hold the match there again!" Lan offered with a grin as he ran on ahead of them.

"Let's do this!" Ling shouted as she ran after Lan.

Luo smiled as she walked after them. As the group of friends decided to partake in another Net Battle, a mysterious woman was watching from afar as she stood underneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree. She held a dark purple and green PET as she watched them. She wore a pair of black glasses, a long black coat, black shirt, pants, and shoes. Her hair was brown and in a side ponytail.

"So, that is the boy who stopped my father. I would have never guessed he would be so young" she commented, "And, he encountered two others like us as well. My father was right. I better prepare myself and the others for what is about to come. I just hope they will be

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