Deep Six

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I'm not perfect. But I'm so close its scary. LOL.


Shelby's POV

"Begin launch sequence." Robin said. "Main power, online."

"Oxygen tanks at maximum." Starfire said.

"Defense systems, active." Raven said.

"Twin turbo jet engine, purring like a kitten." Cyborg said.

"And your secret weapon is ready to rock." Beast Boy said.

"I'm good." I said from outside the T-ship. I could breathe underwater, so I refused to sit in a compartment with Robin because the T-ship had been built for five, not six.

"Beast Boy and Shelby are essential to this mission. We have to find out what Triton wants." Robin said.

"Cool." Starfire said, looking at the fish. I stayed out of view from everyone, because when wet I grew a tail. They hadn't seen it yet even though Cyborg had pulled me out of the water once. I didn't really want them to see it.

"If you think that's cool, wait'll you see me out there kicking butt! First, I'm goin' shark." Beast Boy said, mimicking a shark. He kept talking, but no one could hear him because Cyborg had shut off his mic.

"Goodness me, I seem to have accidentally switched off Beast Boy's microphone." Cyborg said, switching it back on.

"Could you go ahead and accidentally leave it off?" Raven asked him.

"Sonar contact. Beast Boy and Shelby ready?" Robin asked.

I gave a thumbs up, which is all they saw of me. "Dude, I was born ready. Time to do what I do best. Try not to be jealous." Beast Boy said, looking at Raven. Then he went out of the ship and turned into a whale.

"He just put on 300,000 pounds, I am so jealous." She said, sarcastically.

We investigated the wreckage, but I felt someone there. Stopping, I headed the other way racing after the thing that was watching me. I smacked it with my tail, sending it flying.

"Whoa! I'm a friend!" It said. "I'm after Triton, too." I stopped attacking giving it the benefit of the doubt, but I was still wary.


Robin's POV

Shelby and Beast Boy had raced off after something, but we were attacked by Triton.

"Where'd he go?" Cyborg asked.

"He is here." Starfire said.

"No over there." Raven said.

"Your both wrong, he's right there." Cyborg said.

"He can't be in three places at once, head over-" I started to say.

"Our engines are fried we're goin' down." Cyborg said.

We fell to the ocean floor, the entire time being blasted by Triton. "Main power's down, hydrojets are toast and we're leaking air!" Cyborg shouted.

"Tell me something I don't know!" I yelled irritated.

"OK... we're all going to drown." Raven said as we fell into a giant chasm.

"If we sink much deeper, the pressure is gonna crush us." Cyborg said.

"Titans, brace for impact!" I yelled.

Then when we were about to crash, two whales picked us up and carried us to  safety. We surfaced in an underwater cave.

"Its totalled! OH man! I never even got to use the seismic blaster!" Cyborg cried, looking at the wrecked T-ship.

"Where are we?" Raven asked.

"My place." A voice said. We looked to see a guy wearing a blue costume and riding on a whale. Then he leaped onto the ground. Then Shelby's head came up above the surface, and she jumped onto the rock. For a spilt second her legs were one forming a tail, then in a flash of light they separated becoming two legs again.

"You have a tail?" I asked her. She nodded and gave a sheepish smile. Then she got up and walked over to the rest of us. Just in time to get out of the way for Beast Boy to come up out of the water, landing on the newcomer.

"I'm Aqualad." He said, introducing himself. "We Atlantians prefer to keep a low profile." Then he looked at Shelby. "Are you from Atlantis?" He asked her.

"No, I'm from the planet Ezmeralda." She told him.

"Well for such a little girl, you pack a punch." He said.

"Yeah sorry about that, I thought you were Triton." She said, apologetically. Her hand was in mine and I could see him eyeing it, a slight jealousy in his eyes.

"Your from Atlantis?" Raven asked, it was the first time that her or Starfire had stopped making googly eyes at him.

He nodded. "And so is Triton. He's the worst criminal in Atlantis, with an ego to match. Triton claims he's perfect in every way, so he thinks he can do whatever he wants." He said.

"Any idea what he wants?" I asked him.

"Well if he thinks he's perfect, wouldn't he want to clone himself?" Shelby asked from beside me. "I mean think about it, when a manufacturer perfects something, they make more."

"Well as long as we're after the same person, we might as well work together." Aqualad said.

"Uh no we don't need your help." Beast Boy said, pushing us towards the wrecked ship.

"We're at the bottom of the ocean." Raven said.

"Our ships swiss cheese." Cyborg said.

"We'll take all the help we can get." I told Aqualad.

"Hey Tram!" Aqualad called. Then a little fish-like guy came out of nowhere. "Wanna give these people a hand with their sub?" He asked it. It said something in what sounded like gibberish, then it jumped on the ship and started messing with the wiring.

"Yo careful, that's my sub your messing with!" Cyborg yelled at it.

"And while he's helping you, I'll track down Triton." Aqualad said, heading towards the water.

"You mean, I'll track down Triton." Beast Boy said, grabbing Aqualad's arm and shoving him out of the way.

"That's okay I can handle it." Aqualad said.

"Thanks, but I got it." Beast Boy said.

"Seriously I'll take care of it." Aqualad said.

"Would you just get out of my-" Beast Boy said.

"Let me go!" They both shouted at the same time. Then they started fighting with each other physically.

"Stop it!" Shelby yelled, pulling them off of each other. Then she held them each back with her strength. "You can both go after Triton!" She said angry that both of them had been acting so childish.

"I usually work alone." Aqualad said.

"Yeah me too." Beast Boy said.

"You do not! Your part of a team!" Aqualad said, catching Beast Boy in his lie.

"And you hang out with Tram the fish-boy!" Beast Boy yelled at him.

"Enough!" Shelby yelled. "Your both going and apparently I have to go with you!"

They both dove in the water, and Shelby shook her head. "Keep them in line." I told her.

"I'll try." She said, then she dove in after them.


Shelby's POV

They were bickering the entire time we were tracking down Triton. "I searched that region yesterday, start over." Aqualad said to Beast Boy. "Shelby you can help me over here."

"Look, I'm sure your some kind of local hero. But I'm a real hero, from the big city. Just let me call the shots." Beast Boy said.

"Please, Shelby packs a bigger punch than you ever will." Aqualad said.

"Stop arguing before I kick both of your butts." I told them.

"Just try and keep up." Beast Boy said, he turned into a dolphin. "I'm picking something up on my sonar! Follow me!"

We swam after him. What he was picking up on his sonar had been other dolphins. "Nice you found more dolphins." Aqualad said sarcastically.

Aqualad used his telepathy to talk to the dolphins. "They told me where to find Triton. Try to keep up." He said then swam away, Beast Boy followed. I swam after them,  it wasn't even a challenge keeping up with them.

"Beast Boy stop!" Aqualad shouted.

"What the matter? Am I too fast for you?" He asked, then slammed right into Triton. Aqualad ran after Triton and Beast Boy ran after something else, probably another Triton. Since Beast Boy was a shark, I went to help Aqualad.

He was trying to fight him hand-to-hand. I came up behind Triton and ripped the trident out of his hands. Then I snapped it in half.

Then Beast Boy came flying at Aqualad. "Incoming!" He shouted. But Aqualad just stared and Beast Boy stuck to him. Aqualad gave Beast Boy a look. "What? I said, incoming."

"He's getting away." Aqualad said, pointing to Triton who was entering a cave through a small entrance in some rock. We swam after him, only to be met with a split in the cavern.

"Where were you back there?" Aqualad asked him.

"Where was I? Fighting Triton by myself." Beast Boy said.

"You barely laid a tentacle on him." Aqualad said to him. "At least we managed to break his weapon."

"Dude that's just wrong. I so broke that fork thing." Beast Boy said.

"Guys, does it really matter? He got away, so let's look for him." I told them.

"I agree with the pretty girl." Aqualad said.

"Her name is Shelby and dude she's taken." Beast Boy said.

"If its by you then she must be brain washed." Aqualad told him.

"No its not me, and the dude who's she's with would kick your butt into next year." Beast Boy said.

"Guys, I'm telling you one more time before I kick your butts. Get moving!" I yelled at them.

"There he goes!" They yelled in unison, pointing in opposite directions. I sighed.

"I saw him, he's that way. I'm right, you're wrong." Beast Boy said. "End of story. If you don't believe me, then see you later." Then he swam away in the direction he had been pointing.

"I'm telling you he's that way. If you don't believe me, fine. If you wanna go that way, be my guest. But I'm going to catch Triton." Aqualad said, then he swam away in the total opposite direction. Sighing I swam after Aqualad, I trusted Beast Boy and I had no idea what to expect of Aqualad.

Where Aqualad led me was full of underwater geysers. If you weren't careful then you would get hit with boiling hot water. Then out of nowhere came Triton, he landed on Aqualad, both of them tumbling though the water, exchanging blows.

Aqualad landed against the ocean floor and rubbed his head. Then he rolled away as Triton tried to stab him with his trident. I swam down and yanked the stupid thing out of Triton's hands and once again snapped it.

"No one defeats Triton!" He screamed and turned to look at me. "You are almost as perfect as me." He said, thoughtfully. Then he lurched forward and grabbed me. Being carried away I heard Aqualad screaming my name.


Beast Boy's POV

Triton came after me.

"You cannot beat perfection!" He screamed at me.

"How many of those fork thingys do you have?" I asked him. He got really angry and blasted me, so I turned into a turtle and he blasted my shell.

Triton had disappeared and I found an underwater cave, there was rock above the water so I got out. When I did I ran into Aqualad.

"I just saw Triton! No you didn't! Yes I did! Cut it out!" We said in unison.

"I don't care what you saw. I fought Triton." I told him.

"Impossible." Aqualad said.

"Where's Shelby?" I asked suddenly.

"Triton took her." He admitted sheepishly.

"Dude, you let him take her?" I asked him angry. "Robin is gonna be so angry."

"We need to stop fighting and start working together. Or Shelby is gonna be stuck with Triton." He told me.

Something dripped on my face and I looked up. Shelby had been right, he was cloning himself. There were thousands of eggs just ready to hatch.

"There must be thousands." Aqualad said.

Suddenly hundreds of Triton's came and started attacking us. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't beat them.

"So any bright ideas?" Aqualad asked me quietly.

"Just one, try and keep up. So if your all perfect, then who's the best?" I asked them.

"I am." They all said at the same time.

"Come on you can't all be the best." Aqualad said. "One of you must be better than the others."

They began to argue among themselves. Then a fight broke out between all of them. 

"Now we need to stop these things from hatching." I said and we turned to the screen behind us. Five seconds until they hatched great, and we also needed to find Shelby.

Then our five seconds were up. We ran and dove into the water, running away. We swam out of the cave and were met by the T-ship. They blasted the entrance to the cave, sealing Triton and Shelby inside.

"Yes!" Robin said.

"Cool!" Raven said.

"Victory!" Starfire said.

"Boo-yah!" Cyborg said.

We all headed to the surface and I braced myself for Robin's inevitable question. Shelby.

Sure enough when he looked around and didn't see her, he asked. "Where's Shelby?"

Me and Aqualad looked at each other. Silently wondering who was going to tell him, what happened to her.

"Umm, she was kidnapped by Triton." I told him. Aqualad looked at the ground.

"You mean when we closed the cave, we..." He didn't finish his sentence. Everyone looked at the ground and Robin sank to his knees. "My fault, all my fault..." He sobbed.

Then there was a splash and the sounds of someone taking a breath. "Hey guys, what's going on?" A voice asked.

We all looked at the water, and coming onto dry land was Shelby. "Shelby, you're okay!" Robin said, standing and rushing over to her. He hugged her and she hugged him back.

"What did I miss?" She asked when Robin let go of her.

"We thought you were in the cave, with Triton." I told her.

"How did you escape?" Aqualad asked her.

"I wasn't in the cave when you were. After he grabbed me, I got out as fast as I could. I knew you guys could do it without me." She said.

"Aqualad consider yourself an honorary Teen Titan." Robin said, handing Aqualad a communicator. "We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks."

"Right back at you. Its good to know there are people up here I can trust." Aqualad told Robin. Then to Shelby he said, "Sorry about everything."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm fine.'' She said.


Shelby's POV

Aqualad left and we all went back inside the Tower. I headed up to my room, my body aching from all the swimming I had just done. I had just laid down when there was a knock on my door. I knew who it was, but I got up to answer it anyways.

"Robin? What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked like he was about ready to cry.

"I just wanted to see you." He said. I moved and let him in. He went and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Seriously what's wrong?" I asked him.

"I thought I lost you today, and it would have been my fault. You could have seriously been hurt." He said.

"I'm fine, I was never in any real danger." I told him, sitting next to him. "Not a day goes by when I'm not in danger, Robin. Slade is still after me, and he won't stop. But you have to realize that I can take care of myself as I have done on countless occasions. It takes a lot more than a fish with a really big ego to take me down. Stop worrying so much."

"You're right, its just I can't help but worry." He said softly.

"And that's what makes you human." I said, then I hugged him. When I pulled away from the hug, he kissed me, slow and sweet. With a small laugh I leaned against him letting him wrap his arms around me. We stayed like that for a while, not talking just sitting there.

I knew that Slade was about to set his plans in action, and that this moment would be broken soon enough by him, so I said nothing and let the happiness of the moment overwhelm me.

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