Abigail Kelly
Hi I'm Abigail Kelly, 18 years old and currently on my way to tutor Percy Jackson the sexiest man on the planet. He shares a lot of the same classes as me so I was asked to help seeing as I was a straight A student. I was bullied by the 'popular' kids at school until Percy came and helped me through tough times. So when i was offered the position I immediately accepted.
I walked up to his door and tried to calm my racing heart. This was his first lesson with me and i wanted everything to be perfect. I rang the doorbell and as I waited I smoothed out my light grey jacket.
I heard shuffling on the other side of the door and it was opened by a shirtless Percy. SHIRTLESS! I could see his gorgeous tanned body. I wish i could've stopped time and stare forever but I couldn't DAMN!
"OH hey Abi come in" he said while stepping aside. I walked in and was immediately overwhelmed by Percy's scent. My luck had run out because when I turned around to face him he had put on a blue t-shirt.
"So wanna get started?" I asked. He nodded and gestured towards his room. I slowly turned the handle on the closed door of his bedroom.
His room was a light shade of sky with a white ceiling and a grey carpet. A large flat screen t.v. occupied the wall across from his king sized bed. There was a wooden desk to the left with a small shelf of books over it. Light flooded into the room through the open curtains. Percy sat down on a spiny chair next to his desk while i sat down awkwardly on the side of his bed.
"Let's start with the essay about Shakespeare " i suggested.
He took out his book and opened it.
"Shakespeare was a famous-" I was cut off by the doorbell ringing.
Percy looked confused but got up and raced to the door.
"Hey Seaweed Brain" a female voice greeted.
"Annie what you doing here" Percy asked but I could hear the pleasure in his voice. Then everything went silent.
I pulled my long purple hair out of my eyes and walked out to see what had happened. Percy was kissing a blonde.
The shock was evident on my face to I composed myself properly and cleared my throat, interrupting the oblivious couple. They broke apart and turned. Percy smiled sheepishly and introduced me to the girl. "Abi this is Annabeth my girlfriend and Annie this is Abigail my tutor."
'GIRLFRIEND' that word stung. Well course he has a girlfriend I thought.
"Well" my voice sounded weak so I cleared my throat once again and continued "I'll leave today but see you next lesson Perce and nice to meet you Annabeth." I gave Annabeth a forced smile.
"Bye Abi you too" Annabeth gave me a warm smile.
I ran out the door before my tears and sobs took control on my body.
(I was gonna end it here but heres a small bit more)
I ran until my head slammed into someone's body. I looked up to see a boy staring daown at me with bright blue eyes.
"Hey I'm sorry I'm Adam."
"I'm Abi and no probs" I smiled.
"What's wrong?"
Let's just say I'll be seeing alot more of Adam.
Ta dah J
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