xviii. THE MEET UP

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VIENNA MARS REYES WAS SITTING ON A TRAIN ON HER WAY TO BOGNOR REGIS. wilbur had made a deal with vienna's mum to let her go visit tubbo and ranboo as a surprise birthday present for ranboo. vienna had an early morning train so she could be there in time to surprise ranboo before him, tubbo, billzo, aimsey, and freddie all went off to do a bowling stream for ranboo's eighteenth birthday. it was also perfect timing because vienna had a long and busy week of school ahead of her wrapping up her entire education and ranboo was leaving the uk in the next couple of days.

vienna was determined to meet him at least once before he left for america. also not only would ranboo be leaving for america but wilbur, tubbo, aimsey, freddie, and billzo would be too fairly soon so she wanted to meet them all before she would have to wait till they all got back from their trips — plus she would t know the next time she would be able to see ranboo since he wanted to stay in the us for a while and work on a few projects.

tubbo had offered vienna to join him and his friends on their journey across the pacific to america but she had to decline to see as she had lots of school work and no one would be there to take care of her mum and brother. so sadly, she had to refuse. the one thing that was in the back of vienna's mind when tubbo asked her that question was her final day of college would be the seventeenth of november. so if her mum would agree and her mum and brother would be okay on their own for about a month vienna could make her way to the united states. but even then it was a big possibility since vienna didn't have the funds to pay for everything.

what time are u gonna be

prolly like an hour or so

u know what time the gang is

4 right?


do the rest of the people know
i'm joining you guys?

i mean i know freddie but if
THE billzo and THE aimsey
don't know i'm going to be
there i might just like idk not
go cause #socialanxiety

actually just anxiety in general

how am i suppose to reply to
this vienna


answer the question

yes bill and aimsey know about
your arrival

now does r know about my

nope! this is the one thing i haven't
accidentally leaked.

honestly i had to tell bill and aimsey
or else i would leak it

they're the reason your secret is safe

thank god for billzo and aimsey

my saviours


hey i'm also not telling ranboo

yeah but you can tell ranboo and
that is what scares me

fair point

lani and my dad will be at the train
station to come and get you

text me once you get to my house
and i'll do the rest :D

sounds good toby!

can't wait to finally meet you!!!

it's going to be a very good day

and now we have 3 adults with us
we're even now






i thought she was 17 </3

why are the children even with the
adults this is bad

we need to overpower

make ranboo age down

i won't come over

it will be like his birthday never
happened and we can be powerful


i don't think that's how it works

but yet again my brain if goofed so

it's okay toby, my brain is also goofed

maybe if we put out two goofed brains
together we will have one normal brain

shall we try?

we shall

how'd it go?

honestly i think i'm more goofed

vienna changed 'TUB-OH' to 'GOOFED BROTERIN'

tubbo changed 'AUSTRIA' to 'GOOFED SISTA'

my train is 15 minutes away, your dad
and lain here?

they are 7 minutes away, lani updates
me every so often


i'm going to get all my things together
because i have really spread out around
this seat

i'll see you in 30 :)

see you in 30 enna :)

the next fifteen minutes went line lighting speed. vienna cleaned up the area around her and scrolled through tik tok before she heard the voice on the pa tell the passengers of the train that they had reached their final destination. vienna was only staying for three days but somehow she managed to fill 3 bags to the brim of stuff. if we're being honest here one of the bags was filled with stuff just for ranboo — but that was irrelevant.

vienna had scooped up all her belongings and made her way off the train. tubbo had told her to meet lani and his dad at the front of the train station so vienna began her walk around the bognor train station. believe it or not, this was the first time vienna had ever been to bognor regis, the only times she travelled by train were to go to brighton to see wilbur so vienna depended heavily on the signs plastered all over the ceiling and walls of the train station.

as vienna found the door to the front of the building the crisp autumn air brushed against her rosy cheeks. the first thing vienna noticed about bognor was how similar it was to brighton — weather-wise. both were abnormally warm for what was supposed to be the wintertime. back in nottingham, everyone was already wearing coats and hats. here the people were nearly wearing sweaters.

vienna began looking for lani, she was sure lani would be much easier to recognise since when she and tubbo would face time lani would make a regular appearance in their calls. sure enough — viennas memory did not fail her. she saw the brunette girl standing next to her father and quickly walked up to them.

"lani!" vienna hugged the younger girl. "hi mr smith! i'm vienna, toby and ranboo's friend," vienna shakes tubbo's dad's hand.

"pleasure to meet you vienna," tubbo's father greets back.

the three of them make their way to the car. mr smith helped vienna put her luggage in the trunk of the car and vienna and lani sat together in the back so that the two of them could talk on the way home.

"y'know this is the car toby crashed when he first began driving lessons," lani tells vienna.

"no way — this is the car ... the 'and i crashed the very first time i drove my parents' car' car?! from the hit song life by the see by tubbo and cg5?!" viennas over the top description earned a small laugh from mr smith along with a much louder laugh from lani.

"yes! the car," lani laughed.

the two girls continued talking their little heads off in the back of the car. while on the train ride to bognor vienna was having doubts and anxieties about coming to visit since ranboo and tubbo already had so many other people over, but seeing lani in person and getting to experience the dynamic of lani, mr smith, and her did calm her nerves about meeting everyone else.

"we're about to drive up," mr smith warned vienna and lani. vienna thanked him for the warning and pulled out her phone sending tubbo a quick i'm here text so that tubbo could make an excuse to get out of the room in which ranboo and all of his other friends were in.

i'm here!!

tubbo felt his phone vibrate indicating he had gotten a notification. the phone — which was sewn into his hand had gotten many notifications in the past hour that his dad and sister were out. and tubbo checked every single one. he tried not to make it too obvious, trying to distract himself with other things while ranboo was near him so tubbo didn't look like he was hiding something.

tubbo couldn't ruin the surprise, not now. he was too far into the plan.

aimsey, billzo, and freddie attempted to distract ranboo as much as possible so tubbo could focus on getting vienna into the house without an issue.

but alas, ranboo got suspicious.

"tubbo..." ranboo looks at his british best friend.

"hm?" tubbo's eyes go wide and he hides his phone behind his back hoping this was just another random question.

"your phone has been glued to your hand for the past hour — did something happen?" tubbo wanted to spill. he was not the best at keeping secrets.

"everything's fine." tubbo turned around and walked off into his parents' kitchen hoping that ranboo didn't follow him.


another notification. tubbo quickly looked at his phone unlocking it. it was a text from vienna. thank god for her timing ranboo was getting suspicious and tubbo could not handle this much longer. "lani and my dad are home from tesco! i'm going to go grab our food!" tubbo shouts hopefully bringing ranboo's suspicions down just a little bit.

tubbo runs to the front of the house where he sees the brunette girl step out of the car, immediately making eye contact with her. both of them smiled at each other but couldn't say anything so instead vienna just ran over to tubbo and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"hi," vienna whispered into tubbo's ear in case ranboo was somewhere around.

"hi enna!" tubbo whisper-yells back, all excited that he finally gets to see vienna in person. in person — vienna was a good three inches taller than tubbo. "holy fuck you're tall," tubbo lets go of the embrace and looks at vienna, making her laugh.

"i've seen your height check with ranboo, i'm a pea compared to that giant." both tubbo and vienna are laughing but attempt to hold it in because if they let it out it was going to be loud.

"okay okay," tubbo breaths. "— let's get your bags inside then i'll make sure the coast is clear and we will find a hiding spot for you." tubbo grabs two of vienna's three bags while vienna grabs the third backpack (which is her third bag) and puts it around her shoulders. vienna attempted to take at least one of the bags from tubbo but tubbo refused. vienna followed tubbo around as he lugged her bags around his house finally stopping at what vienna recognised from their facetime calls — the entrance to tubbo's addition onto his parents' house.

"wait so you don't have a hiding spot for me?" vienna questions.

"no, because if i did your secret would be let out and the surprise would be ruined, ranboo's already sus." vienna held back the temptation to make an among us joke at that moment and instead just nodded her head.

"okay i'm going to get ranboo outside with everyone and make sure they distract him for ten more minutes, stay here." tubbo leaves the room and enters a hallway only coming back a few minutes later. "i'd say we have about seven minutes before ranboo realises he doesn't have his phone on him," tubbo holds up ranboo's phone.

"was that necessary toby?" vienna laughs.

"no, but i thought it would add spice," tubbo leads vienna through a hallway — then the two enter tubbo's kitchen. right off the kitchen was the main living area. vienna peaked around the corner and saw a group of four teenagers in tubbo's back garden all talking about random things. the tallest of them — ranboo — had his back faced towards the door making it easier for vienna to sneak around since there were primary windows around the area in which vienna had to hide.

"start looking for a place to hide, i'm gonna go outside and help distract ranboo, we'll be in here in around 5 minutes." tubbo left out the back door leaving vienna in the main living/streaming area.

vienna wandered for about a minute, scoping out the best place to hide. where ever she was going to hide was going to be very obvious because vienna was terrible at hiding, but she only needed to be there for a few seconds before she would surprise ranboo.

vienna had decided on a little spot behind the couch — and just in time as well. as she got comfortable in her spot she heard the door click open and the sounds of five teenagers making their way back into the house.

"tubbo — what are you recording for?" ranboo questions.

"vloggin'! i'm going to take over tommy's career!" tubbo responds.

"you literally can't use that footage though — my face is in it," ranboo begins to get suspicions again and begins looking around the room.

"i'll blur your face out don't worry mystery boy," tubbo adds.

billzo looks over the couch and sees a weird lump at the end of the couch, thankfully there was a blanket next to it. "ranboo, get me that blanket?" billzo asks.

ranboo obliges and walks over to the end of the couch where a black blanket was laying on the edge of the couch.

"HAPPY SURPRISE — WAIT FUCK — BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" vienna pops out of the side of the couch once ranboo lifts up the blanket.

"WHAT THE—" ranboo yells. "VIENNA?!"

vienna smiles and wraps her arms around ranboo giving him the biggest birthday hug. "happy birthday r," vienna says once more. "i did not mean to mess up the surprise — i swear i practised it in my head at least ten times before you pulled the blanket off my head." vienna's comment makes the entire group burst into laughter.

"you're here?!" ranboo looks at the girl in disbelief.

"for three days and two nights only!" vienna responds.

"this is so great, thank you for coming!" ranboo thanks vienna for her surprise.

"hey, you only turn eighteen once and i want to be there to celebrate," vienna smiles then turns to the rest of the group.

"hi! i'm vienna," vienna introduces herself to billzo and aimsey.

"hi! i'm aimee, tubbo and ranboo talk about you quite frequently," aimsey laughs.

"oh — uh i hope good things," vienna gives aimsey a quick hug.

"i'm bill!" billzo comes forward to introduce vienna and hug her as well.

"hi bill!" vienna greets billzo. "and how could i forget the badlinu! hi freddie," vienna moves over to freddie. after finishing greeting everyone vienna brought her bags into tubbo's part of the house and the five teenagers began getting ready to leave.

none of the teenagers thought it was so hard to lug a bunch of streaming equipment and five teenagers down to a bowling alley for some good old birthday bowling. it was very difficult. they needed to make sure that nothing broke — people or equipment. while tubbo went to check them in for bowling the rest of the group sat down and began playing with all their streaming devices so that they could start ranboo's stream.

tubbo joined the group ten minutes later with his hands full of bowling shoes. he began giving them out according to size then they were all ready to start the stream.

"you okay with your face being on stream?" ranboo asks.

"i mean yeah, already done a face-cam stream," vienna answers.

"great! let's start then."

TWITCH | ranboolive is live!

authors note

the ranboo tubbo and vienna trio is my favourite trio ever. the past couple days have been surreal, thank you all <3

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