Is The Ghost A Menace Or Am I?

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Sams Pov

I smiled watching Kat get along with Gray, at least I know that while us three are out ghost hunting those two will be comfortable here alone. y/n and Colby split up the ghost hunting gear y/n had so that way if we got separated for whatever reason we each had equipment. She had spare backpacks for us too, we each had a camera and the usual mic and flashlight, "do you guys mind looking up the moth man and getting some basic knowledge on him, like what sounds it makes, how to know its near, things like that, here's a notebook to write stuff down in" y/n passes me a notebook and I take out my phone to look up the information on this moth man.


Colby is making some weird ass noises trying to figure out what this thing sounds like and about 5 minutes into Colby doing this gray and Kat went into y/ns room and closed the door. I slap my hand over Colby's mouth and shush him so Y/n can speak. "Thanks, Colby I'm sure Mothman probably thinks your a hot moth creature now so have fun with that, now we should get going since theirs like no light" She put her backpack on one shoulder and I grabbed mine, Colby did the same and he also grabbed the gloves from his car that we drove here, as well as some extra batteries for the camera and flaashlights. Colby sat in the back seat and I rode shotgun, y/n's car roared to life and we pulled out of the driveway and down the road, I pulled the camera out and started an intro kinda, explaining where we were going. Eventually, we got there and y/n pulled to the side of the road by some trees, it was really creepy. We all got out and I placed the camera on a tripod behind the car, "okay we gotta do the intro quick so we don't look suspicious" I backed up next to the two, the camera already rolling. "WHATS UP GUYS ITS SAM AND COLBY" I turn to y/n "AND ME, Y/N" she spoke matching my energy, "we are here to investigate a supposed Mothman sighting by y/n here, now she is a bit special, she can tap into the spiritual realm and hear and see things that are in a different plan of existence, so we are gonna go inside this creepy forest and find somewhere to set up for a few minutes to try and get some evidence, on that note lets get started" I finish my sentence and turn the camera off. "Guess what" y/n spoke, colby and I turned to her "The creature might like it if his prey tries to run" a mischievous glint in her voice, I looked at her confused before she turned and sprinted away, making me and colby sprint after, "WHY ARE WE RUNNING" colby yells next to me.

y/ns pov

I decided in the middle of sams intro that I was gonna be a menace for this investigation, so when Sam turned the camera off I spoke "Guess what" The two turned to me "The creature might like it if its pray tried to run away" and with that i turned and sprinted away, the boys taking off soon after. "WHY ARE WE RUNNING" Colby yelled sounding out of breath, I made them run for another minute before slowing down and taking a sharp turn into the trees, I was gonna scare them again, crouching down in the trees I turned my camera on and turned it on me, whispering I tell the camera what I'm doing, I see sams flashlight moving around in front of me and I hear Sam calling out to me, as I'm about to jump out I feel this cold wind on my neck and I freeze, as still as a statue, I listen, faint growling from behind me, in a moment of bravery I turn around and swing, hitting air. Colby spots me and walks next to me, "the fuck are you doing" he looked confused, I was gonna scare you guys but as I was sitting here, something was breathing on my neck, and my fight or flight is swing then run, and when I turned around swinging nothing was their" I stood up dusting my pants off "you're a menace y/n" Sam said chuckling. I laughed with him and we turned towards where Colby was standing, keyword WAS standing but he was further down the path eventually disappearing into the trees, me and Sam run in the direction he went calling for him but with no luck we both began panicking, yelling for Colby.  Following Colby's footsteps, we find him standing in front of a cave, its entrance is covered with vines and flowers, it would be really pretty if it was daytime. We watched Colby for a moment but I grabbed his arm when he began walking forward, he stopped and I felt him shaking, he quickly turned and ripped his arm from me frantic, Sam stepped forward and grabbed both his arm keeping him still "Woah Colby relax it's us, me and Sam, you're okay" I put my hands on his face to try and ground him, he locks eyes with me and I see his eyes relax, his stops trying to pull away and Sam releases him, I put my hands on his shoulders and I noticed Sam dropped his camera and that Colby didn't have his either, "Colby what happened, where's the camera" I ask, He looks around and then down at his hands "I don't know how I got here, one minute I was watching you crouched down in the bushes and now I'm here, I must have dropped the camera I'm sorry", hearing him apologize made my heart hurt so smiling I patted his head "don't worry we can go back the way we came and look for it, however, I wanna know why you ended up here" I look at the cave behind him. Sam pointed the flashlight into the cave and there was a glint of something, being the brave one I walked over to it, and it was Colby's camera? Somehow it was in the cave, I walk out and turn the camera off, "wait is that the camera you had Colby" Sam said looking at Colby "I don't know let's look at the footage" Colby took the camera from me and turned it back on, we surround the camera and watch the footage. It was indeed the camera Colby had, we watched Colby walk away from us and into the cave setting the camera down and walking back out, about five minutes passed and that's when I walked into the cave and grabbed the camera. Colby was shaking and we decided to leave the forest and go back to my place, on the way out Sam felt something touch his shoulder and I noticed the playful energy, I couldn't really see the spirit but instead a white ball almost floating behind him, faintly I could hear someone speaking, "what is it, I felt someone touch me" Sam spoke shaking, "there's a very bright ball of light behind you, it's not menacing at all, it feels playful" right as I say that it nudges sam and he stumbles, Colby backs up and asks what it was and I tell him it's just a friendly spirit. I watch it for a couple of moments before it floats over to Colby and floats by his ear, Colby jumps and swats at his ear "I HEARD A VOICE OH MY GOD" Colby yells, I laugh and try to focus on figuring out who it is, "gimme your hands and make a circle with me" I ask the two and I hold their hands making a safety circle, "I know you can hear me if you would like to take energy from our cameras please do, I wanna know who you are" I say out loud, the ball of light floats into the circle and I notice my camera dies, finally the ball of light forms into the shape of a person and then eventually I can see them, however the other two can't. The person has shorter brown hair and fair skin, they wearing overalls and a yellow striped shirt underneath, something about them feels familiar. "Sam looked around before speaking "Well can you see them" I nodded and described them but neither of them knew the person, "what's your name" Colby asked and I saw the spirit mouths move but I couldn't hear them, "okay i can see you but I didn't hear you, let's try something okay, I'm gonna go through the alphabet and when i get to the letters in your name I want you to stomp or knock really loud okay" the spirit nods and leaves the circle going to a nearby tree. I begin going through the alphabet and eventually, we spell the name Thomas, neither boys know anyone named Thomas, so I ask the spirit if they know us and I see Thomas's head nod yes, we go through the alphabet and he spells out hotel. The boys have gone to several hotels so I have to ask which one and we spell out Mary, Sam's eyes go wide and Colby breaks the circle to sit down on the dirt to think over what I just said. "Wait does it mean the Queen Mary if so that's actually crazy" Sam spoke and I saw the boy nod his head, "well Thomas nodded his head, did you guys speak to any child spirits on the ship" I asked the both of them and Colby still hasn't said a word, Sam nods his head as he speaks "yeah we did actually, we spoke to a lot of spirits when we went", "I get the feeling he isn't attached to you two but instead he keeps tabs on you guys almost, like they follow you to some places, almost like a cat or dog, sometimes they're with you and sometimes their not" I tell them, look back at where Thomas stood and he was gone, "like right now he just disappeared so now it's just us" I watch Colby nod. We eventually make it out of the forest. We left the forest, and I let Colby drive cause I was really tired, Sam got to do the outro and in the background, you can see me asleep, so when we got home we began editing the footage, Gray and Kat watching some of the clips, the video wasnt too long to edit so we finished around two in the morning, I woke up at about ten in the morning, I noticed I was in my bed covered up, even my heated blanket was on and I was very warm, reluctantly I left my bed in search of the boys and Kat, I only found Gray in the kitchen making breakfast, as I was walking into the kitchen one of the cabinets swung open and it scared Gray, however, it was simply one of the many ghost cats that wander around, I asked Gray where the others went and she said after they finished editing they went back to their hotel to get some sleep before the last day on con which was today, remembering that I had a booth to run I quickly ran back to my room and got clothes, running to the bathroom to quickly shower, turning on the hot water I jumped in but I was met with ice cold water instead and it gave me shock which made me slip and fall, a loud string of obscenities left my mouth, "y/n you okay what happened" Gray asked opening the bathroom door slightly, "I'm fine, I turned on the hot water but I got into ice cold water and I slipped, i'll be fine, I'm just gonna shower sitting, however, if I'm not out and dressed in twenty minutes you can scold me got it" I yell to Gray, they agreed to scold me if I wasn't ready soon so I got to work on washing my hair, the water finally turned hot and I relaxed a little bit, however now my ankle was starting to hurt, as I close my eyes to wash the shampoo out of my hair, the lights turn off, I chuckle "very funny Gray you can turn the lights back on now" but there was no response, "Gray?" I dip my head out of the curtain, there was no one their, sighing, I just continue to wash my hair and ignore any noises I hear as well, finally I get out and I dry myself off, reaching for my clothes I find that their missing, sighing once again I wrap myself in my towel and leave the bathroom, Gray looks at me oddly "don't ask, I doubt you came in and stole my clothes, mainly because I didn't hear the door open, but if you wouldn't mind helping my look for them that would be great thank you" I watch Gray get off the couch and begin looking "yeah no I didn't take your clothes, maybe you brought a ghost home last night", I think about that for a moment, I probably did, I just find a different pair of clothes and I get dressed, then my phone buzzed and I see its Colby texting me, he asked If I was gonna be at the con soon, and I reply back sarcastically "aw you miss me?", but his response seems to make me upset, he says "yes and no, however, that ex of yours keeps flirting with Kat, and sams about to break his neck, so if you wouldn't mind getting here soon that would be great". I tell him I will be there soon and I tuck my phone into my pocket, I put my shoes on and finishing the small things like deodorant and my little jewelry as well as some mascara and lip tint, I finish getting ready and I find Gray waiting for me at the door, we leave and drive to the building. We go inside and I see Sam and Kat behind my booth, while Colby is glaring xander down, who is across the row staring at Kat, I walk up to Colby and catch his attention, he turns to me and sighs "he has been staring at Kat for about ten minutes and I'm about to go over there, it's getting really annoying" he says finally looking at me, "I know but don't go over to him, he just wants to make you guys upset, if anyone's going over there it's me", Colby tries to tell me that I'm not going over but I just wave my hand at him and walk over to my booth where Sam and Kat are, "hey good you made it, I'm gonna kill that dude if he keeps staring" Sam spoke protectively wrapping an arm around Kat, "If he does keep staring I will go over there, but why are you guys behind my booth, my booth can't protect you from creepy people" I chuckle, "we just thought since we got here before you we could keep an eye on it for you, and so far you have sold, twenty-two keychains and three sweaters, and Colby managed to get more than eight of those keychains sold, sam here was yelling about how good quality your sweaters are and how you make the designs yourself" Kat spoke standing up and leaving the booth "wait sam, how did you know i made the design on the sweaters?" I ask him with a chuckle, "me and Colby totally didn't research you before we hung out and read everything we could about you, that would be weird" he looks at Colby and Colby scratches the back of his neck while whistles pretending to walk away, we all laugh and Kat grabs my shoulder "hey can you come to the bathroom with me" I nod following Kat to the bathroom.

3rd person

The boys watch as Kat and y/n walk away towards the bathroom, forgetting about Xander, they hadn't noticed him blend in with the crowd and follow the two over there, the two girls use the bathroom and they leave, turning a corner Kat runs right into Xander and she steps back almost behind y/n, "well well, look who I found, two of the prettiest girls here" he steps closer to y/n and instead of responding to him she pulls Kat around him and steps away, he grabs y/n's wrist and she panics, flipping him over her shoulder and slamming him on the ground, the two girl quickly run away back to y/n's booth. They both step behind the booth and Kat hugs Sam while y/n stands trying to catch her breath, Gray grabs her shoulders and asks what happened and y/n tells them how he grabbed her wrist and she threw him over her shoulder, and then they both ran away, Gray laughs and hugs her.

First person

Gray laughs and I smile "Well I guess the countless hours I put into watching WWE really paid off", they wandered around the con and took turns running the booth, the con started coming to a close and I remembered that this meant the boys would be going home soon. We were packing up my booth when Colby noticed how I was sad, so he pulled me off to the side "You okay y/n, you aren't being peppy or anything like usual" I looked up at Colby reassuring him I was alright but he didn't believe me, " I just realized that since pax is ending you guys would be going home soon, and I would just have Gray again, and don't me wrong I love gray truly, but I'm gonna miss you guys even though we just met" Colby nods and places a hand on my head "yeah your gonna be so bored without us" he says sarcastically and I roll my eyes smiling "but just think we get to see each other in less than four months for another collab, and we can pull Wilbur along as well, maybe we can have him bring some friends and me and sam can have some other friends tag along, and we can do something really fun like rent out a waterpark, pus we have each others numbers, we can call as much as you want too" he smiled and there was this smile that climbed onto my mouth, "you're right, I can do this, but let's get back to the opthers, their doing all the work" I pull Colby back to the group, we finish packing my stuff up and the boys help carry the boxes outside and to my car, "hey do you guys wanna sleep over tonight since its your last night, we can get some whiteclaws or something and watch more movies?" I asked the group and everyone seemed to agree, so on the way home I stopped and bought three six-pack boxes of Whiteclaw, we arrived back at my apartment and went inside, my clothes from earlier were sitting in front of the door nicely folded, Gray and I looked at each other in disbelief, I pick up my clothes "these weren't there before, so I bet you're wondering why my clothes are in front of my front door, well they disappeared out of the bathroom when I was showering earlier, and so I guess I have a new ghost buddy, who is indeed a menace" I set my clothes onto my kitchen table "Wait, they disappeared out of the bathroom while you where showering, and you didn't find them until now, yeah no this ghost is definitely a menace, but I don't feel like finding out more tonight, so to the spirit that is listening, please let us have a peaceful last night together and when we leave y/n is all yours" Sam says chuckling at the end, both me and Gray punch sam in the shoulder playfully.

(I am really sorry if theirs mistakes, since the last chapter was posted I lost three of my keycaps, so please ignore and overlook the mistakes, love you guys)

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