Chapter 16

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Yuzu hadn't uttered a word since they arrived at the hospital only a few minutes behind Mei and Ren's ambulances.

Yuzu's mind was in overtime as she thought of the 2 people she loved the most in the world both fighting for their lives.

Everyone sat quietly next to the blonde as they tried to think of something or anything to say to try and ease her mind but seems as though they were coming up with nothing that would help.

After what felt like an enternity the Doctor finally came out still wearing her scrubs from the surgery.


Yuzu, Gina and the parents quickly were at the Doctor's side as they waited for her to speak.

"Thank you for your patience Mr Hatichi is out of the red zone for now and-"

Ren and Gina's father quickly cut off the Doctor as he spoke in his authouritive tone.

"I need to see my son now!"

The Doctor's expression quickly changed as she spoke back to the wealthy man with a serious tone.

"Sorry but he has asked to see Miss Okogi first"

"What!?" Ren's mother was angered by what the Doctor had just said, Yuzu completely ignored the ignorant old couple as she spoke softly to the Doctor.

"R.....Ren is awake?"

Giving Yuzu a warm smile the Doctor gestured for Yuzu to follow her as they left the rest of the group behind in the waiting area.

Yuzu could hear both Mr and Mrs Hatichi saying how they shouldn't be getting treated like this, she couldn't stop a small smile from forming on her lips. But as soon as they reached his door Yuzu felt the anxiety kick in and it felt like she was about to fall.

The door was slowly opened and she saw her Husband to be laying on the hospital bed.

"I'll be just outside Miss" The Doctor closed the door after she spoke.

Yuzu slowly made her way over to Ren, the tears were already falling as she looked at how fragile he looked right now. This handsome strong young man that had saved her years ago during that drunken night was now laying helplessly on the Hospital bed with his life barely holding on.

She grabbed his chart and tried to read through it with watering eyes.

'A blood clot!? How could they have missed that!? It should have been one of the first things they checked after his surgery'

After placing the chart back Yuzu took her side next to her man, his eyes were closed and his chest was moving steady as he breathed in and out.

'He must have been exhausted and fallen asleep' Yuzu though as she placed a hand on her stomach and started to silently cry.

"Dont cry my love" Ren tried to lift his arm to wipe Yuzu's tears but a shooting pain caused him to grunt as he felt his body stiffen.

"Ren! Dont move too much you just had a major surgery"

Yuzu wiped her own tears as she grabbed his hand and kissed the top.

"Are you o.k?" Ren asked as he looked over to the beautiful blonde carrying his unborn child.

"What do you mean? of course i'm o.k, I should be asking you that"

Yuzu's eyes widened Ren gave her a wide smile and closed his eyes as he spoke.

"I'm just perfect, now that your here"

Yuzu felt Ren give her hand a light squeeze and she couldn't stop a smile from reaching her lips either before she spoke.

"Still the perfect charmer, arent you?" Yuzu said in a playful tone as she gave his hand a light squeeze back.

"Is it working?" Ren asked

Yuzu leaned forward and kissed his lips softly before she answered.

"Does that answer your question?"

The two lovers looked at each other lovingly, Yuzu watched as Ren's smile slowly faded before he spoke.

"How is Mei?"

Yuzu looked down at their hands as she spoke in a small voice.

"The Doctors haven't come out yet, she's still in surgery"

"Hmm I see" Was the only reply Ren felt that he could give his lover.

He knew that Yuzu had studied hard about any information on her fathers unique heart condition but as far as research went, still no new information or cure was discovered.


Ren looked over to Yuzu as he heard her try to speak, tears were starting to stain her cheeks as she tried to say something.

"I....Dont k...know what I w.....would do if I l....lost one of"

Yuzu could barely see with her eyes watering, but she could tell that Ren was smiling at her before he spoke.

"Did you tell her?"

Yuzu gave a confused look at what Ren had just said, she sat quietly as she waited for him to explain further.

"That your still in love with her, did you tell her?"

Yuzu felt her cheeks heat up as Ren looked her straight in the eye as he spoke.

She tried to form words but nothing was coming out. She slowly shook her head before she was finally able to speak.

"I'm in love with you too"

Ren held Yuzu in his gaze for a few minutes as he tried to think of what to say next.

Yuzu waited for Ren to be upset with her but the next sentence that left his mouth only made her fall in love with this man even more.

"I know you do babe, you have such a big heart. A forgiving one as well"

Ren's eyes were showing Yuzu nothing but unconditional love and care but she also could see the hurt in those deep blue eyes. She wanted nothing more then to hold him close right now, then guilt struck her.

"We kissed"

Yuzu lowered her head as she spoke, she thought for sure that Ren would yell at her or tell her to leave, she went to pull her hand back but to her surprise he held on more tight with no intention of letting go as he spoke.

"Do you still want to marry me?"

Yuzu snapped her head up to see a few tears running down his face as he spoke.

They sat there for a few minutes as Yuzu seemed to be in deep thought.



Yuzu woke up to Ume gently nudging her to wake up.

"Mei is finally out, we are going to see her now" Ume gave her daughter a sad smile as she spoke.

Yuzu looked over to Ren who was fast asleep, still holding on to Yuzu's hand.

Kissing his forehead and slowly moving her hand back, Yuzu took one last look at her lover before she quietly closed the door and followed her mother down the hall.

Yuzu was confused as they went to another level.

"Mama where are we going?"

Ume pushed the elevator button and looked at her daughter as she spoke.

"She is in the ICU, they still need to keep a close eye on her at the moment"

Flashes of her father started to flood her mind, Yuzu remembered it too well. Her father spent his last few days in the ICU before he passed, was Mei going to suffer the same fate?





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