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★ ☆ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✶

The group pulled into the parking lot and climbed out of the car. Matt helped Heather out of the van, and then held her hand as they met up with the rest of their friends. They walked through the parking lot, where a red carpet was leading up to the doors.

George, Chris, Nick and Elmer walked towards the doors, whilst Matt and Heather waited for a few seconds. Once the group of boys were safely in front, the couple followed them.

''You okay?'' Heather asked, noticing Matt's hand tighten around hers.

''What?'' he looked at her.

''You okay?'' she repeated.

''I'm fine. It's just...there's a lot of people here.'' he breathed out slowly.

She kissed his cheek. ''I know, but we can leave anytime you want. Just tell me.''

''Thank you.'' he replied.

They both walked through the doors, and were greeted with loud music, balloons everywhere and people dancing. There were tables and chairs set up around the room, and Heather began scanning them for a sign of Dakota.

They caught up with the boys, and Heather looked at George. ''Can you see Dak anywhere?''

He scanned and then shook his head. ''No.''

''Alahna said they're by the drinks table.'' Nick said, looking up from his phone.

The 6 of them found the drinks table, where both Alahna and Dakota were talking and laughing.

''Lana!'' Nick yelled.

She grinned and pulled him in for a hug. ''Hey! You look amazing!''

''You look gorgeous!'' Nick returned the compliment, smiling.

Alahna hugged Chris and Elmer, and then Matt, meaning he had to let go of Heather's hand to hug his friend. Heather and George looked at each other and then walked to Dakota. She was wearing a blue dress, and she was holding a drink in one hand.

''You look so pretty, Dak.'' Heather said.

''You really do.'' George nodded.

She smiled, pulling them both in for a hug. ''I love you guys.''

''We love you.'' Heather said, hugging her friend.

''We do.'' George confirmed.

The three hugged for a few moments, and then moved away. Dakota held her drink in one hand and pointed with the other.

''Matt looks good.'' Dakota said, raising her eyebrows.

Heather shrugged. ''I guess he does.''

''Are you going to tell him you love him?'' George asked.

She looked at him, eye widened. ''What?!''

George and Dakota laughed. ''We're your best friends...we can tell.''

''Shit. Do you think he knows?'' she asked.

George shook his head. ''No.''

''Are you going to tell him?'' Dakota pushed.

Heather nodded. ''Yeah...what could go wrong?''

''Nothing.'' George and Dakota said in unison.


Alahna pulled Matt in for a hug. ''Are you going to tell Heath you love her?''

Matt pulled away in surprise. ''How do you know?''

''Chris texted us.''

He rolled his eyes. ''Of course he did.''

''So? Are you going to tell her?''


Alahna smiled and then moved back. She turned towards where Dakota, Heather and George were standing. She caught Dakota's eye, and then waved her over. The three of them walked over to the group, and they all greeted one another.

''I hate this song.'' Nick muttered.

''Same.'' Alahna nodded.

''It'll change soon.'' Matt pointed out.

''Can we find a table for now? These heels are already killing my feet.'' Heather whined.

''Why did you wear them?'' Chris asked.

She shrugged. ''I don't even know.''

The group laughed and then walked to one of the tables. They all sat down and spoke between each other.

''Are you guys coming back to ours after this?'' Matt asked.

''Can we?'' Dakota replied.

''Obviously, we just asked you.'' Chris rolled his eyes.

Dakota put her middle finger up at him without taking her focus off Matt. ''Yes, thank you.''

Chris laughed, picked up a handful of the confetti from the table, and threw it at her. ''We don't want you to come.''

She looked at him, throwing the confetti back at him. ''I hate you so much.''

''George? Elm? Are you both coming back after?'' Nick asked, steering the conversation.

''Sure.'' George answered.

''Yeah.'' Elmer nodded.

A new song began to play, and Alahna and Nick looked at each other and gasped. ''Should we-''

''We have to-''

None of them finished their sentence before they jumped up and rushed to the dance floor.

''I love this song...Nick stole my dance partner.'' Dakota muttered miserably.

Chris looked at her. ''I'll dance with you?''

She looked at him for a second, and then gave him a small smile. ''Okay.''

They both stood up, and Chris took her hand as they walked to join Nick and Alahna.

Heather looked at Matt. ''I like this song.''

He looked at her in disgust. ''Really? This song is shit!''

Her mouth fell open. ''No, it's not! Me and George like this song!''

''Dance with George then.''

She narrowed her eyes and then looked at George. ''Dance with me?''

He nodded. ''Yeah.''

They both walked away, and Elmer looked at Matt. ''I hate this song to.''

Matt laughed. ''Finally! Somebody with some sense!''

Elmer grinned and then took a sip of his drink.

Matt watched as his girlfriend clutched her stomach as she laughed at George's dance moves. He couldn't stop a smile from spreading across his face - George was a terrible dancer. He made a mental note to thank the guy for making his girlfriend laugh so much.


''You're fucking terrible.'' Heather laughed.

''So are you.'' George laughed, pointing at her.

''It's the heels! I can't dance in them!'' she protested.

He rolled his eyes. ''I've seen you dance, bitch. You're shit.''

''At least you're not as bad as Chris.'' Dakota said as she joined the two.

''Shut up, Dakota. Not everybody can be as perfect as you.'' Chris said sarcastically. He took Heather's hand and twirled her around. ''You're better than Dak, don't worry.''

''I took professional dancing until I was fourteen you dick.'' Dakota grinned.

''And Heather's still better than you.'' Chris joked.

''Don't boost her ego.'' George grinned.

''Loser.'' Heather laughed.

''Did you see me and Nick?'' Alahna asked as her and Nick joined the group.

''Obviously. You take up the entire dancefloor.'' Chris rolled his eyes.

''Shut the fuck up.'' Nick laughed.

''He's just jealous he can't dance like us.'' Dakota nodded.

''I agree.'' Alahna said, taking her girlfriend's hand.

Heather looked over to Matt and Elmer and waved them over. They looked at each other, and then walked to the group.

''Who was the best at dancing?'' Nick asked.

''Definitely not George or Heather.'' Matt laughed.

''You're the worst boyfriend ever!'' Heather cried, but she laughed.

''We're not friends anymore, Matt.'' George smiled.

''I'm voting Nick.'' Matt shrugged.

''I'll vote Dakota.'' Elmer said.

Dakota dapped him up. ''I love you, Pleit.''

The song changed, and Heather's eyes lit up. ''Oh my god!''

''It's your song, Heath!'' Dakota yelled.

''I can't believe they're playing it!'' George grinned.

''You like this song?'' Matt asked.

Heather looked at him. ''If you don't like this song, just shut up.''

''No...I love this song. It's been my favourite since I was a kid.'' Matt replied.

''We always bullied him for liking it.'' Chris added.

''That's true.'' Nick nodded.

Heather and Matt looked at each other for a few seconds, and then she took his hand. She pulled him away from the group, until they were a few metres away, and then she put her arms around his neck.

''Can I tell you why I like this song?'' she asked.

''Of course.''

''Me and Harry used to listen to it after our dad left. It made us feel safe.''

He looked at her for a second and then kissed her. ''You're safe now.''

''I know.'' she hesitated. ''I always felt like a nobody until I met you, Matt. You make me feel like a somebody.''

''You're my somebody, Heather. I couldn't imagine being with anybody else.'' he replied instantly.

''I need to tell you something.'' she said.

''Same.'' he replied.

''Can I go first?'' she asked.

He nodded.

Heather smiled. ''I love you.''

Matt pulled her into him, hugging her tight. ''I love you.''

She pulled back slightly. ''Really?''

''Yes. I love you so much, Heather.''

''I love you so much too.'' she whispered and then kissed him firmly.

''I guess the dare wasn't that meaningless.'' Matt muttered.

She scoffed slightly. ''No...I think it was quite meaningful.''

★ ☆ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✶



Liked by NicolasSturniolo, HeatherSmokes22 and 78 others

DakotaSilk17 💙🔵🔷💠

Alahna111: I'm so lucky😍
DakotaSilk17: @Alahna111 my girl❤️

GeorgeDiesDaily4: damnnnn
DakotaSilk17: @ GeorgeDiesDaily I love youu

ChristopherSturniolo: i hate you but you're hot
DakotaSilk17: @ChristopherSturniolo hate you even more but you're hotter

HeatherSmokes22: YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL
DakotaSilk17: @HeatherSmokes22 NO YOU


Liked by Matthew.Sturniolo, GeorgeDiesDaily4 and 85 others

YungPleit 😀

☑️Alahna111 ChristopherSturniolo NicolasSturniolo DakotaSilk17

Alahna111: ❤️❤️❤️
YungPleit: @Alahna111 ❤️

NicolasSturniolo: love u all sm
YungPleit: @NicolasSturniolo my guy

DakotaSilk17: Bestiess
YungPleit: @DakotaSilk17 fr💕

ChristopherSturniolo: my people🐐
YungPleit: @ChristopherSturniolo you know it


Liked by DakotaSilk17, ChristopherSturniolo and 95 others

Matthew.Sturniolo my somebody❤️


HeatherSmokes22: I love you❤️

Matthew.Sturniolo: @HeatherSmokes22 I love u even more gorgeous💕


Liked by HeatherSmokes22, YungPleit and 74 others

Alahna111 my dance partner forever <3


NicolasSturniolo: We're the best dancers fr
Alahna111: @NicolasSturniolo so true

NicolasSturniolo: I LOVE YOU SM
Alahna111: @NicolasSturniolo I LOVE YOU BESTIE


Liked by YungPleit, GeorgeDiesDaily4 and 80 others

ChristopherSturniolo 🤠

Matthew.Sturniolo: 😍
ChristopherSturniolo: @Matthew.Sturniolo ❤️

DakotaSilk17: it's a shame my enemy is so beautiful
ChristopherSturniolo: @DakotaSilk17 so is mine
DakotaSilk17: @ ChristopherSturniolo ❤️

NicolasSturniolo: Nice
ChristopherSturniolo: @NicolasSturniolo like you

HeatherSmokes22: twin looking GOODDD
ChristopherSturniolo: @HeatherSmokes22 evil twin🔥


Liked by HeatherSmokes22, GeorgeDiesDaily4 and 83 others

NicolasSturniolo 💕💕💕

☑️ChristopherSturniolo Matthew.Sturniolo

Alahna111: You guys >
NicolasSturniolo: @Alahna111 love you

Matthew.Sturniolo: my brothers❤️
NicolasSturniolo: @Matthew.Sturniolo ❤️

GeorgeDiesDaily: you all kinda fine😏
NicolasSturniolo: @GeorgeDiesDaily4 😏

ChristopherSturniolo: I love you both
NicolasSturniolo: @ChristopherSturniolo love you


Liked by NicolasSturniolo, YungPleit and 32 others

HeatherSmokes22 my person❤️‍🔥


Matthew.Sturniolo: you're so gorgeous🤩
HeatherSmokes22: @Matthew.Sturniolo so are you <3

Matthew.Sturniolo: so in love with you
HeatherSmokes22: @Matthew.Sturniolo forever🫶


A/N: That is the end of meaningless! Reminder: I am beginning a Nick fanfic which will feature Dasha from field trip :D

If you read it, thank you.

If you don't, still thank you for reading this one! I hope u enjoyed it!

Love you all - i love writing so thank you for always following me🫶🫶

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