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Viper took a gun, hitting the targets harshly. She heard some footsteps behind her.

"That's not the right gun to be that harsh, you know."

She heard that French accent. She didn't even bother answering or stopping shooting, she continued to hit the targets. Chamber took another gun from the table, walking next to Viper. He took the gun away from her, handing the other gun to her.

"Now, let me show you how to hold it in the best way."

He leaned his head against Viper's neck, his hands on top of her hands, putting her hands in the right position.

"Now, shoot"

He says. Viper starts to shoot, hitting them right in the head.

"See? Also, you must breathe, Viper. No one can hold their breath forever."

Viper didn't notice she was holding her breath until Chamber told her. She gave a deep breath. She was too focused on Chamber's breathing on her neck. Chamber chuckled at the joke he made, stopped holding Viper and started to walk. Viper sighed.


She called him before he was gone.

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I was angry.."

Chamber smiled, nodding.

"I'm sorry for pushing your limits too."


Jett smiled and clapped her hands.

"You are good at this!"

She said to Phoenix, drinking the coffee he made.

"I used to work in a coffee shop. Of course, I'm good at this!"

They talked for some time, enjoying each other's company. Yoru walked in, looking at them.

"Brimstone is waiting for all of us."

He says, leaving the room.


"I know this is too sudden, but we have another attack coming up."

Brimstone says, looking at everyone.

"Phoenix and Yoru, I want you guys to go and defend Bind, I'm going to send more people."

He orders, Phoenix and Yoru nodding.

After some time, he manages to connect to ones who don't live on their base.

(Gekko, Reyna, Viper, Chamber, Fade, Skye)

He sends Gekko and Skye and tells others to stay there.

Viper walks next to Reyna.

"Reyna, I want you to come with me for some time."

She tells and Reyna nods.

"Brimstone, me and Reyna will be out for some time."

She informs Brimstone, taking Reyna and walking outside.

"Where are we going?"

"To see your sister. You must know something."

Reyna nodded, and they both started to walk into the laboratory.

Viper opened the door, walking to the room where Reyna's sister is. They both enter the room, Reyna going right next to her sister.

"She needs more souls, Reyna. I can't keep her alive if there are no souls."

She explains. Reyna looks at her sister, holding her hand and sighing. Stroking her sister's hand with her thumb.

"Give her some of my soul."

Reyna says, looking at Viper.

"I can't. You might die, Reyna."

"I won't die, Viper. You fucking owe me her life, do as I say."

Viper sighs, walking next to her, putting her hand on her shoulder.

"I will be able to keep her alive for some time, Reyna. I just want you to go out for missions more."

Reyna grits her teeth, looking at her sister.

"Promise me you won't let her die."

"I promise."

Viper holds Reyna's hand.

"Do you need any alone time with her?"

Reyna nods.


Another short chapter, sorry

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