Chapter 50 -The sound four

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I still do NOT own Naruto or anything, this is just a Fanfic..............But I DO own Leaha/Saki and Kale AND THEIR PLOT


CHAPTER 50 -­~­-

I grit my teeth as our line raced through the trees. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't that stupid bastard just stay put! I pushed off from the branch I had landed on with extra force, trying to focus my anger and worry into that one kick.

I grimaced, glancing down at my body. Damn it, I need to calm down. Wasting anything right now is a bad idea. I haven't slept in over 24 hours, I can't let exhaustion get a grip on me.

I watched Kale from the corner of my eye. If he even thought there was a chance to keep me back I'm sure he would have done it. I have no doubt that he's already taken that into account, probably one of the first things he thought about. I turned, resuming my scan of the front.

What's more... what's supposed to happen next is a bit fuzzy. Actually if I was being honest, I shouldn't be relying a whole lot on my own knowledge. As much as I'd like to think so, I can't remember everything that's going to happen. And if all this goes wrong... three years is a long time to hold that much information fresh in your mind.

"Hey, Saki are you alright?"

"Huh?" I glanced over my shoulder. Neji was just a few yards behind me, he must have sped up so he wouldn't have to shout.

"You looked really pale for a second. Are you sure you are fit to join this mission?"

"Of course. There's no way I'd let them get away with this."

"Hey, Akamaru smells blood somewhere nearby!" Kiba interrupted.

I swallowed hard. Genma's team, how could I have forgotten?

"Here's what happened, the scent of two newcomers met up with Sasuke and four others. They stayed behind while Sasuke's group moved on. So what now?"

"Just as we thought, Sasuke's got an escort," Shikamaru sighed.

"There's no question, we've got to go after Sasuke!" Naruto yelled.

"Who died and made you boss, last I checked Shikamaru was in charge, he gets to decide." Dog boy huffed.

"Considering Akamaru smelled blood, I'm guessing there was a battle between them. If we go to where they fought we might be able to gather some useful information. Of course we can't just rush in, it might be a trap, so when we get there we'll go into full reconnaissance mode and take it slowly."

"And while we're doing that, Sasuke will have crossed beyond the border of the Land of Fire and out of our hands." Neji put in.

"So what's it gonna be Shikamaru?" Naruto asked.

He was silent for a moment before answering. "We follow Sasuke. But one thing, these guys have already been in one fight so they'll be on their guard. Unless they're complete idiots, they're gonna know there's going to be more ninja on their trail. There's a good chance we may hit some booby traps or an ambush up ahead. So from this point on we proceed with caution. I want everyone to be on alert, use all your senses. If you find anything suspicious sound the alarm. We want to find them before they find us."

"And when we find them I'm going to beat them with this brand new jutsu!" Naruto boasted.


"Kiba!" I shouted in warning as I caught the scent of the sound four.

"Yeah I know! Their smell is everywhere!"

"Everyone stop!" Shikamaru ordered. "See that?" He pointed up into the trees to a paper bomb.

"I'm sure there's five more of them, a perimeter barrier," Neji deduced.

"It's a type of trap ninjutsu. There is a delay giving just enough time for the enemy to get to the middle for the full effect. I learned about it in one of the books my dad used to make me read."

"Now we have to waste time going around it, great." Kiba complained.

We dropped down to the forest floor only to discover a wide range of string traps. "Man this whole forest is crawling with booby traps." Kiba groaned.

"Yeah but at least they are easy to spot. These guys are moving fast and getting sloppy," Shikamaru said.

"No," I said. "That's just what they want you to think. Don't let down your guard-"

"Naruto hold it!" Shikamaru quickly stopped him in his tracks with his shadow possession.

I stepped over, grabbing the back of his shirt and taking the pressure off Shikamaru.

"I get it one is easy to see and the other is camouflaged. You avoid the first and trip the second."

"A trap within a trap, they're clever whoever they are." Neji folded his arms.

"About that," I said a bit guiltily. "I was going to tell you earlier but Sakura kinda distracted me. I know a bit about Sasuke's guards."

"What the hell! So you wait until we almost die?" Kiba shouted.

"Don't be so dramatic, I tried to tell you to be careful. Naruto is a magnet for these things."

"Besides the point of being a bit late with it, what is it that you know?" Shikamaru asked.

"They're called the sound four. They created the barrier jutsu that Orochimaru and the Third fought in. Besides their sound, they each have a special trait. One has chakra webbing, one a summoning, one has a twin and the other has something to do with the earth and is just large in general. Also... Orochimaru has been experimenting on them, so you need to be careful of their power."

"This would have been helpful to know sooner. How do you know all this anyway?" Shikamaru sighed.

"Let's just say we've met before," I said darkly.

Seeing as I wasn't about to elaborate, he let it go. "All these traps have been done quickly, but not this one."

"They may have stopped to rest, one may even be injured." Neji raised his head and activated his Byakugan. "I see them. They have Sasuke in some sort of barrel."

"What?! They couldn't have killed him right?" Naruto spoke worriedly.

"No that wouldn't make any sense, why go to all the trouble," Shikamaru said.

"He's not dead, they're probably containing him." I put in.

"Well alright let's go get him! I'm dying to try out my new move!" Naruto exploded.

"Is that right? Well hate to disappoint you hot shot, but I've got one I've been working on too," Kiba smirked.

"Yeah me too," Choji stepped forward.

"Alright, alright, calm down. First we make a plan and get everything ready. Then we nail these bastards." Shikamaru smiled.


"The timing of those smoke bombs is critical, Kiba. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Then let's split up."

Everyone quietly took to the ground, it was too risky to go by tree in case they heard us. I warned them about the webbing, if we wanted to take them by surprise this was crucial. Hopefully it was enough to give us an advantage.

Kale and I took our position on the left, Neji and Shikamaru in front and the others on the right side. My eyes widened as I saw Kidomaru's fingers twitch. No! Someone must have disturbed one of his lines. The next second, Sakon spun around and threw a kunai near the front area.

I covered my eyes with my arm as the thing went off. "Damn it you guys, I warned you." I breathed as I saw the pair skid in front.

"Here I thought I was flushing a couple of snakes out of the bushes, but it's just a bunch of mice."

"Wait a minute, calm down we're here to negotiate. Can't we talk this over like reasonable people?" Shikamaru held up his hands.

"Let's not forget your friends shall we?" Kidomaru smirked, pulling his hands forward. I felt a twinge on my right leg.

What? No way! I gasped as we were flung forward with the others. But before we fully reached them Kiba threw a smoke bomb, covering us.

"What good is that going to do? Throw all the smoke bombs you want, I still got you. These threads are so fine they're almost invisible. But they're stronger than they look, you may have already encountered them in the forest."

"What the heck Saki? I thought you said if we avoided the webs we'd be fine?" Kiba shouted.

"It should have I don't know what happened."

"I get it so that double trap, was actually a triple trap. That was clever." Shikamaru said.

I bit my tongue. He's right, I completely forgot about the extra trap. I thought it was only the spider webs in the forest. As the smoke began to clear I shifted my hand, quickly charging my claws with chakra and cutting our ties.

"Hey, my strings," Kidomaru blanched. "What did you do!"

"That's my little secret," I smirked as the cloudiness disappeared.

"Well looky here, it's the brat. Changed your mind have you? Or are you here to kill us one by one?" Sakon laughed.

I narrowed my eyes. "Keep talking and you'll find out."

"Forgive me if I don't believe you, your assurances don't seem to pan out. Sasuke came like the good little dog he is."

Kale grabbed my arm as I started forward. My lips curled back, "shut your fucking mouth!"

"Hmm, you must be him. Kabuto mentioned you... Kale right? The extra body." Kidomaru said, looking him up and down.

"So you've seen Kabuto huh? How's he doing? Shame about uhh..." I gestured to my face. "In my defense I was aiming for his neck," I snapped.

"Saki what are they talking about?" Naruto asked.

"Oh I see how it is, you didn't tell them did you?" Sakon grinned. "No matter where you hide it they're going to figure out you're a monster. Just. Like. Us. You should just accept it too. Sasuke already has."

Kale held on tighter as I lunged at them. "You bastard, you'll be dead by the end of the day!" I growled.

"I'm getting really tired of your obnoxious attitude. Interrupting us and running away before we could finish our chat." Tayuya glared.

"There was nothing left to say. There's no way I'd ever join that snake! If he wants me that bad, you're just going to have to drag my dead body to him." I glared right back.

The boys gasped at my outburst.

The four laughed. "I think you misunderstood us, when we extended the offer... it wasn't negotiable!" Kidomaru tried to jump at me. "Hey, my body. Why can't I move?"

"Way to go Shikamaru! You got him with your shadow possession!" Naruto cheered.

"Saki, when you said you met them before... when exactly was this?" Shikamaru narrowed his eyes.

I looked away from him, avoiding his gaze.

"Very good, I'd be even more impressed if I hadn't mastered that technique as well," Sakon smiled.

Suddenly ninja stars flew out from behind us, catching Shikamaru in the shoulder.

"Earth style barrier!" Jirobo said, slamming his hands on the ground.

I put my own hands into position to try and counter, when a glob of webbing latched onto my side. Before I could cut it, I was yanked to the ground and dragged away from my team as the dome built up around them.

I let out a cry as Tayuya stepped down on my hand. "Now now, we wouldn't want you running away again would we?"

Muffled shouting echoed from the dome, one voice making it through. "Don't you dare touch her!"

"So what should we do with her?" Jirobo called loudly, smirking back at the rest.

"I think we should break her arms, keep her from making trouble." Tayuya said, putting more pressure on my hand.

I kicked out at her and she jumped away, Kidomaru taking her place and grabbing my arms and pinning them to my sides. I attempted to twist out of his grip but he already started wrapping me in a cocoon with his webbing.

"No, Orochimaru said he wants her in one piece." Sakon spoke.

"Then should we give her a pill?"

I stiffened at its mention, remembering what it had done to Sasuke.

"No, it may not work with a half mark. Besides we only brought one box and we're running late. We should wait till we get back and let Kabuto decide."

"You guys go on ahead, I want to drain these brats." Jirobo smiled.

"Alright but don't take too long," Sakon said as he picked me up and started off.

I squirmed, trying pathetically to free myself. "I'm not going anywhere with you! You think that this will hold me? Or that dome will hold them? You've got to be brain dead."

"Shut your mouth bitch," Tayuya hissed in my face, running along behind my captor.

"Come a little closer and I'll shut yours," I muttered. I wriggled my hand beneath the webbing, forcing it to shift in the tight space.

Sakon's grip on me tightened, I froze for a split second before flailing in his grip. Using the movement to cover the positioning of my claws against my bindings.

"Stop moving," a voice hissed in my ear, sending a sickening shiver down my spine. His brother.

"Let me go! I know his sick plans for Sasuke. What does he want with me?"

"Like we'd know," Tayuya rolled her eyes. "Kabuto wouldn't tell us, he just said Orochimaru wanted you. Whether or not you came on your own didn't matter."

"I thought he had gotten tired of kidnapping. I know how much he loves twisting people to do his bidding." I said harshly. While I'm here I might as well get all the info I can get.

"He'll have plenty of time to adapt you to his needs, especially with your mark." Kidomaru said.

"What do you mean with my mark?" I paused in my channeling of chakra.

"I heard him and Kabuto talking, apparently he picked it out special. Orochimaru has been keeping this one and waiting for the right person to come along to test it on."

I craned my head to look at him. "What do you mean, he's never even tested it?"

"From the way it sounded, you may be the very first subject of a new curse mark. Aren't you lucky." He smirked around the barrel.

*Hold on Leaha, I'm almost there!* Kale sounded in my head.

*Kale! What about the others?*

*They can take care of themselves, there's no way I'm going to sit there and wait for them to escape. Don't worry I told Neji about the weakness.*

*Be careful, this has to go as planned for them, they must pay for what they've done.* I glanced at the load Kidomaru carried.

*That may be, but you are my first priority. They made a grave mistake when they came after you.* He growled.

"Did you hear that?" Tayuya said, glancing back.

I took their moment of distraction to slash through my bonds, freeing an arm.

"What are you- Ahhh!" Sakon cried out as I sunk my sharpened teeth in his shoulder, claws dragging down his chest.

He ripped me away, throwing me against the trunk of a large tree. I winced as my head bounced off the bark.

"You little shit!" Sakon spit, hand on this shoulder. "What the fuck are you?"

I kicked the remains of the sticky strings off me, wiping his blood from my mouth with my paw. "Like you said, I'm a monster." I smirked.


Long over due. Writing this is probably only for myself now haha I doubt anyone reads this. But if anyone does, I hope to write one or two more chapters this summer.

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