✧༺ 8. Rune ༻∞

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No matter what he did to try and make it up to me, I dont forgive him. He practically used me, and now he expects me to believe he didn't mean it? No. Fucking. Way. Even though he saved me from that guy who tried to touch me, I would not forgive him, at least not so easily.

I am already sleeping in the same hut as him again, but I haven't spoken a word to him since he had beat that guy up. It's not nice to be here, but at least it's warmer than outside.

I turn over in my bed again, pulling the blanket higher up until it reaches my chin. The words he said to his friends replay in my head, no matter how hard I try to push these thoughts away. I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

A cold breeze comes into the hut as the door is opened, I don't have to look to know who it is. To avoid a possible conversation, I pretend to be asleep, hoping he'll just leave me alone, but then he sits on the edge of my bed. I don't know what exactly he is gonna do, but I keep my eyes closed, wanting it to seem like I am asleep.

"If there would be a chance to make you forgive me, I would take it immediately." His voice is so soft and so sweet. It makes my heart melt.
"I never meant to hurt you, love." I can literally hear his voice breaking, and it's making my heart break a little more.

As he realizes I won't answer, he just gently kisses my forehead, stroking my hair with his hand, and I can't help but melt into his touch. I don't know if he means it or if he is just saying this to play with me a bit more, but I hope he means it. He doesn't speak anymore, just watching me while he runs his fingers through my hair.

He kisses my head once again before he covers me with a blanket, making me curl up on instinct, which makes his chuckle a bit. "You're so cute." He mumbles quietly before he walks to his own bed and lays down. I don't want to open my eyes anymore, so I just keep them close and slowly drift off to sleep. Something inside me wants to stand up and wrap myself in his arms, but I stay in bed, out of fear, shyness, and shame.

---------The next day ---------

I wake up in the morning as the sunlight hits my face, causing me to squint my eyes to try and get my eyes used to the bright light so early in the morning. It's peaceful, but that feeling of peace is interrupted as the sound of the box rings through the glade. I can hear all the gladers running out of their huts, Newt and me aswell.

It's fine for me, since I wear sweatpants and a top and I couldn't care less what I wear right now. I just pray that it's a girl, so I have someone to talk to who understands me. Everyone gathers around the box as two of the boys jump in.

Seeing the girl curled up in the corner makes me remind myself of when I came up in that box. Her eyes are full of fear. The boys don't care about that and laugh at her. I can't help myself and push myself past the boys.

"Get out." I demand them, and they obey, getting out of the box. The girl is shaking, her eyes wet with tears - I entirely understand her.
"Hey." I gently get into the box, crouching down in front of her. She looks up at me, and her eyes somewhat lighten up.
"Hey." She stammers out, her voice trembling.
"Can I touch you?" I ask quietly, not wanting to startle her and wanting to respect her boundaries, to nor make her even more scared.

She doesn't speak, but she nods, so I gently take her hand in mine, feeling it tremble. My thumb slowly strokes her hand, and I can feel how she slowly calms down. I turn my head to face the boys again.

"Can y'all leave. She's clearly uncomfortable." My voice is not loud but a clear demand.
"Ok. Get back to work, everyone." Alby says out loud and slowly, the boys leave, getting back to their work, while I stay with her.

It takes her some moments before she calms down enough to talk with me. And I gladly give her all the time she needs. Then, after about 5 minutes or so, she stops crying and shaking, slowly but surely calming down.

"Good. Can you tell me your name?" I ask her, and she takes some moments to collect herself.
"My name is Alina." Her voice is so sweet, and I can't help but smile.
"Nice to meet you, Alina. My name is Rune." I smile at her, and she smiles back, a small smile, but it's genuine.

"What is this place?" Is the next thing she asks, and I'll gladly explain it to her rather than letting it the boys do since most of them would just explain everything without caring for her.
"I don't know exactly, but I know that we're mostly safe here. It's a bit crazy at first, but you'll get used to it, trust me." I explain to her.

She listens and nods along with my explanations. I can see how she looks around and then asks me another question.

"Are here... are there any other girls here?" She is curious but also a but scared, I think.
"No." I shake my head, and she looks down to her feet, probably disappointed.
"Hey. I am glad you're here now." I smile, and she looks up at me and smiles back.
"Come on, I'll show you around." I take her hand and stand up, pulling her up with me.

Sorry for taking so long, loves!!😕😕
Anyways, tell me how y'all like it!!

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