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20: Maybe 

April's POV

Scarlet falls to the hospital floor and we all call her name, yelling with worry. It seems as if her knees were knocked off beneath her. She steadies herself with her hands as she collapses, but soon her head hits the floor too.

It was definitely not a pretty sound to hear.

The last thing we heard escape from her mouth was a little yelp.

She was put in a room right next to her father's, which was really no surprise. Now Scarlet is sleeping, hopefully it's a peaceful sleep for her. She really needs it.

"She's going to be fine, right?" I heard Nathan say for the hundredth time.

"Yes, Mr. Adams," the doctor sighed again. It's not his fault though, I was tired of Nathan asking the same question every five minutes. "If you keep worrying, you'll end up on one of the beds yourself."

"Yeah, well..." For once, Nathan was out of words.

"Calm down for a bit, alright?" I heard the doctor say, and then his footsteps started to echo.

Nathan came back in the room, closing the white door behind him.

"How long are you going to keep asking that?" I ask with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes as he sat down in one of the comfy chairs. "I'm just... worried."

"And Scarlet is just tired," I shrugged.

"I made her tired though. I feel bad," Nathan frowns. "Is this really what happens when a werewolf bites another werewolf?"

My eyebrows furrow at the question. "Not particularly. Usually, when werewolves mate, it is through love bites, but it they don't really affect the other's... health."

"But why is she sick now?" he whispers, and the tension of the room had turn serious.

I looked straight at him. "Didn't you hear what Mr. Perez said? You and Scarlet are together now. New pack, new family. She left her dad's pack," I said, quoting the word. "She's completely with you now, all yours. Don't you see, Nathan? You are meant to be an Alpha."

"I'm not ready though," he sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I'm not ready to start a family, to take care of a whole pack. I'm seventeen for God's sake. We're too young."

I smiled. "There is no age limit to destiny, Nathan. And there never will be."

Nathan's POV 

I needed the quietness in the room. Even with the solemn beat of the monitors, it was considered quiet to me. Scarlet's chest rises and falls, and I panic as it rises, because for some reason I always think it will be the last breath she takes. I'm not usually this much of a pessimist.

April had left to go home for the night, so I was alone. For the last minute I had sighed probably five times already, thinking about her words. There is no age limit to destiny, Nathan. And there never will be. Was she right? Am I meant to do this?

Am I meant to be an Alpha? To be Scarlet's mate? Or is this all just an odd dream that my scarred mind had scraped up? All I know is that I'm not ready.

Or am I?

We could go back to Canada - Scarlet and I. We can run in the woods without a care in the world, and maybe once in a while go to her grandparents' house for a feast. I can tell my mom how I've finally moved on with my life, and how I already have a family at such a young age. Would she be proud of me if she were here?

Is she looking down at me now?

Who would want to be in a pack with me anyways? I've only been a werewolf for a few days. I've only changed a few times in Canada. I'm inexperienced. So how am I meant to do this?

Sighing, I pull the chair I was sitting in over to the bed. I hold Scarlet's hand in mine, and I ask her quietly, "What do you want in our future, Scarlet?" I whisper in the quiet room.

I had already turn out the lights, since it was night and I was most likely staying over. The moon was the only thing lighting up the room, lighting up her face. It was so peaceful, even in the hospital. It felt like it was just Scarlet and me.

"Scarlet?" I whispered again. "Do you think I'm up for this?"

It was quiet until she replied.

Don't ask me... ask yourself. She said.

"I did," I respond. "I already asked myself."

No. Not your human-self. The werewolf in you. Ask him. 

"How do I do that?" I questioned. She didn't answer. "Scar?"

My mind was completely blank, not a thought came to mind. I took in the silence with a sigh, and I watched Scarlet. Her red hair, her freckles... those long eyelashes, those soft lips of hers... And even though her eyes were closed, I could imagine her grey eyes, watching me carefully.

Within just months I have fallen in love with this girl. I really can't believe it. Is love supposed to be this rushed? Is this how mating works? Is it this fast? Or was this meant to go downhill, and end tragically? I'm just... I'm just scared that I'll mess up... that I'll kill my own family because of a stupid incident.

I don't want any of them to end like up like my mom.

And I sure as hell know that Scarlet doesn't want any of her relatives dead.

I rub my temples, trying to clear my head again. I think too much. If I keep doing this, I'll lose all of my hair before I'm even thirty years old. And for the slightest of a second, I imagined myself as a fur-less wolf.

What a funny yet sad picture to imagine..

Letting out one last breath, I kiss Scarlet's hand and before I knew it, I drifted off into a heavy sleep.

Scarlet's POV

My hand was losing blood flow. How did I know? Well, for one, I couldn't feel it. And two, I couldn't move my fingers. And the last reason is that Nathan was practically sleeping on my hand.

What ever happened to pillows?

I move my hand out of his weight, and tried to get my blood to flow. After a few minutes, my hand was back alive, and I my eyes move to the little boy sleeping on the bed.

His lips were slightly parted, and his cheeks were flushed. His eyelashes were even longer than mine, and I was definitely jealous of his perfectly arched eyebrows. He looked really... adorable when sleeping. I couldn't resist though, I ran my fingers through his soft dark hair.

He didn't wake, which was good. As I run my fingers over and over through his hair, I began to think about last night.

Nathan had asked me what I wanted in our future - our. He wants a future with me. I was quite surprised that the monitors didn't show how oddly my heart had beat when he said that sentence, but I was happy nonetheless. But I can't help but ask myself, Do I really have a future with Nathan?

What will happen? Will we get married? Will others join our pack? What will happen to my dad? Will we have to move? Is he going to move in with me? Are we practically together already, or do I need a ring? When will we have kids? What will I do as a career? How will Nathan be as a father? 

I don't know. I just don't know.

"Scarlet," Nathan's morning voice sent me shivers. "Ah," he said as he touched the hand that was massaging his head. "I'll never get tired of that."

I smiled. "How did you sleep?"

When he stretches I see his belly button... for such a simple thing, I blush. To my disappointment, Nathan sees me and smirked. "My back is killing me, but other than that... nothing was haunting me in my dreams."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Do you have nightmares at night, Nathan?"

He started to scratch the back of his neck. "Sometimes... it comes from time to time. They're usually about... my mom... the accident... those things..."

Without hesitation, I sit up to hug him.

"Why?" he asks simply.

"I know it hurts for you to be here, Nathan," I said quietly. "I can feel your pain right now. Don't forget that alright?"

He sighs and wraps his arms tightly around my waist.

"What are we going to do, Scarlet?" Nathan asks, breathing into my hair.

I pull out of our hug, and looking into his eyes. "We're going to... we're going to start out fresh. We're going to look for people who want to be in the pack, since you're now an Alpha and all," I said, smiling. "But we can't do any of this until school is over... okay? I just need to get one part of my life accomplished."

He nods. "Okay, I understand."

"Maybe after, we can start to have an actual family. And maybe even move to Canada. We'll have our own place... and it'll be just us. We're going to live happily ever after and... that'll be the end." I smile again, but he frowns.

"What if I screw up?" he whispers.

"Well then, Nathan," I said. "Maybe screw-ups are meant to be in your destiny. Maybe all of this... all that we've been through is your destiny. To run across the woods with fast speed... to hunt... to feel the adrenaline..."

I shake my head and stare into his forest-green eyes, eyes that I'll never get tired of.

"Or... Maybe we'll create our own destiny, together."

A/N: Believe it guys, that's the end. That is my cheesy ending for you all. ;) Finally "finished" a story.

Maybe Not will be uploaded when the epilogue for this story is updated. I'm going to tell you now that the second book will be more serious, and will be a lot better, but... my chapters will take a much longer time to upload, with school and things. So, you'll know when to add Maybe Not to your library when you get a notification for this story ;D

I'll have an author's note in the beginning of the next "chapter" so you don't have to read the epilogue to get to my note. It will be very important.

This is your last chance to vote and comment for Maybe if you won't be reading the epilogue.


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