Danielle POV
"I don't wanna go with daddy." Hailey whined as I got them both settled into the car.
"Well mommy has to go to Atlanta for work and I cant send you anywhere else." I said putting Nevaeh's seat belt on her.
"Can't we come with you." Nevaeh asked.
"No, mommy will be working.." They both groaned.
It was now Sunday and my flight to Atlanta was in a couple hours so by the time I get to Atlanta it'll be around morning time. Hailey and Nevaeh didn't wanna go to Odell's only because on Tianna. Hailey already said she doesn't like her and according to Nevaeh she's okay but her shoes are cute...so I don't know if that's a yes or no on not liking her. When I got to Odell's house I got the girls out the car along with their bags.
"Mommy can we please go with you." Hailey begged.
"Hailey no you cannot, I'll be back on Friday." I said as I rang the doorbell.
After waiting a few seconds Tianna answered the door while wearing nothing but one of Odell's shirts and no pants or shorts..
"You're disgusting!" Hailey pushed pass her and walked inside the house as Nevaeh followed behind her.
"You're daughter doesn't like me too much." Tianna sighed.
"I can see that." I mumbled.
I walked inside and Tianna went upstairs while Odell came down the stairs.
"I'll be back on Friday." I said to him.
"Alright. Um..girls!! Come say bye to you're mom." Odell yelled up the stairs.
They both came down the stairs with their faces into frowns.
"bye mommy.i love you" Nevaeh and Hailey both said while hugging me.
"Bye babygirls..." I kissed ther foreheads. "I love you too, I'll call you in the morning"
They both nodded and went back upstairs, I stood up and headed for the door but Odell gently grabbed my hand stopping me from walking.
"I'm sorry...i didn't mean for the other night to happen.." He apologized.
"I gotta go I'm gonna miss my flight." I snatched my hand away from him
I walked out his house and headed to my car, I wasn't about to let him suck me back into his little games, I'm done with it. When I finally arrived at the airport Jermaine was there to take my car back to my house..as much as I hate flying I knew I had no choice but to get used to it all over again.
Shark sent a limo to pick me up from the airport, the driver took me to this big beautiful house with a circle driveway, colorful flowers bloomed and a grey range rover was in the driveway. Shark came outside and opened the limo door for me.
"Hello Derrick." I hugged him.
"Hello Danielle, don't you look beautiful like always." He looked me up and down.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Miles, take this lovely lady's bags upstairs to her room. Come with me August is out back waiting for you." Derrick took my hand and lead me to the back yard.
It was basically a mini pool party going on, August was sitting under a summer tent with a couple other guys.
"August this is the beautiful lady I was telling you about. Danielle meet August, August meet Danielle." He introduced us.
"Nice at' meet ya' baybeh.." August stood up with a smile.
"Nice to meet you too." I stuck my hand out for a hand shake and he looked at me like I was crazy.
"Sorry baybeh but ion do dat' handshake shit wit' beautiful women like ya'self." He pulled me into a hug.
By now I was blushing and I tried to hide it but I couldn't. August was a huge flirt but he had a certain wait of letting his flirtatious personality flow.
"I'm glad ya' decided ta' be in my video. I seen ya' in Breezy's video and i jus' had ta' have ya' fo' mine." He pulled a chair out for me.
"It's no problem. I'm a big fan of you're music anyway and Kissing on my tattoos just happens to be my favorite."
"well dats wassup. Thank ya' fo' the support." He smiled and one of the guys he was sitting with started to clear his throat.
"You Ight Trav? Somethin' in ya' throat?" August asked making me kinda laugh.
"I'll do it myself then. How ya doing beautiful I'm Travis, August's brotha'" Travis hugged me.
"It's nice to meet you Travis." I hugged him and smiled
"This is my bodyguard T' and dat's my nigga Sneak and dat's his twin brudda' Teke." I received hugs from all of them.
"So what's going on with this video boo?" I asked as I Poured myself a glass of champagne that they ha on the table.
"Boo? Awe shit, I play my cards right you jus' might be callin' me Baybeh." August said and I laughed at how blunt he was. "But on tha' real, the video is pretty simple. Everything I say in tha' song gone' be seen in tha' video word fo' word but otha' than dat' it's not dat hard. You get to be wit'cha boy Aug and you get to relax a lot cuz in this video you gon be at the beach a couple times anyway so it's a win, win fo' us all." He explained.
"Ight' that's wassup. I'll be ready tomorrow morning." I smiled.
My phone began to buzz in my pocket, looking at the screen I saw Odell's house number pop up. Damn, must be hailey.
"Excuse me for a minute my daughter is calling me." I got up from the table and answered the phone as I walked away.
'Yes babygirl?' I answered.
'Mommy! I'm ready to go!' Hailey seemed outraged.
'Whats wrong?' I asked.
'Tianna keeps getting smart with me! She keep rolling her eyes and Nevaeh is trying to take a nap, So why is she playing with her hair, taking her braids out!'
'Hailey just take you're sister to you're room and put you're dad on the phone,' I sighed.
'Im not staying here mama. Can we go to Jada's or something?!' She asked.
'..is you're dad there yet?' I asked.
'yeah he just got home from mcdonalds.' Hailey said.
'Put him on the phone' I said.
That bitch better leave my babies alone! Matta fact I just out them damn braids is Nevaeh's hair!!
'Wassup Dani' Odell answered.
'Why is Tianna getting smart with Hailey and why is she taking Nevaeh's braids out!?!?' I yelled.
'I don't know Danielle, I'll talk to her and tell her to chill.' He sighed.
'You better! If my baby calls me upset one more time I'm sending some to pick them up.' I was serious.
'Yeah okay.' He hung up.
I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pockets. I was so fucking serious! I'm not gon let that bitch disrespect my child! Wait until I get back to New York Imma say something to her!. I walked back over to the table and sat down.
"You good ma?" Travis asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine." I sighed and moved my hair out my face.
"Ya daughter okay?" Sneak asked.
"Yeah she's okay, her dad's girlfriend is pissing her off." I rolled my eyes.
"You want me to send somebody to his house?" T' added.
I laughed. "No it's fine. I'll handle it when I get back to New York."
"You sure? My cousin can handle it ?" Teek added..
"Yes I'm sure, it's alright." I reassured them.
"Why ya ain't bring em' wit' ya?" August asked.
"Most of my video shoots are just all work, no play so they would've been bored but you're the first one where I actually get to relax."
"True, well next time ya' need ta' bring em'..Aug luh tha' kids" he gave me a cheesy smile.
August was a true gentlemen. The media only shows the negative August but when you get to know him and actually sit and talk with him, he's the sweetest guy ever. He's gawwgeeousss, funny, sweet, humble and very blunt. A couple hours had went by and the pool party became pretty packed. Sneak and Teek went to go check out the ladies, T' went to go call his kids and Travis went to go talk to some girl who approached him and Shark was around socializing. So leaves me and August.
"Aug, I wanna hear you sing boo." I sat my cup down on the table.
"Watchu' you want a nigga to sing?" He asked.
"I wanna hear Inhale." I sat back in the chair.
"Nah I think I got a betta' song fo' ya' ma." He smiled and sat up in his chair.
He cleared his throat a little bit and held my hand.
'I know that love can be blind
But you should open your eyes,
Take a look in the mirror
Baby girl you're a prize
And any man that don't see that
You should let his ass go, buhlee that, because his love ain't real
What he won't do another nigga will..You deserve all the love, You deserve all the care, You deserve all that and more, You deserve better, you deserve better, You deserve to laugh, Baby you deserve to smile, You deserve the best of everything, You deserve better" he kissed my hand and smiled at me.
"What made you sing that?" I asked.
"I look in ya' eyes and I see hurt, a lot of pain. You deserve happiness." He said.
It's crazy how we've only know eachother for a couple hours and already he has me blushing and smiling like an idiot.
"That's really sweet August. Thank you." I smiled.
"No problem ma." He smiled.
As I was just sitting there mouthing along to the words of 'Blessed' by Big Sean, my phone stared ringing all over again.
'Danielle why my daughter just tell me I don't love her?!?!"
'I don't know maybe it's because of the way you push them to back burner all the time!' I rolled my eyes.
'You putting shit in they head about me now!?!?' He assumed.
'Odell you need to chill! I would never talk bad about you too those girls and you know that!'
'Whatever, you'll be lucky if I even let you get them back on Friday.'
I got up from the table and went inside to finish me and Odell's conversation.
'Odell you are now keeping the girls from me..'
'Shit, why not? My kids are only 4 and 7 years old and already they cussing!! Hailey don't wanna listen, she's becoming rude to, Nevaeh thinks I don't love her! and she's telling me she don't wanna be here. You obviously gotta be putting shit in they head and I'm dealing with it! If it doesn't stop within the next month then we got a fuckin problem.'
'Odell you're the problem!!! You barely come see them, you out you're girlfriend before them all the time, you lie to then and you even smoke weed around them knowing they don't need to be around that stuff! If anybody shouldn't have the girls it's you!!'
He hung up on me. I swear I can't stand his ass ! He blames everything on me! He makes it seem like I'm the bad guy when in reality it's him. I let out a deep breath and put my phone back into my pocket.
"Everything okay?" I heard shark ask.
"Yeah I'm fine, what room did they put my stuff in?" I asked.
"Last room on the right." He informed me.
I nodded my head and walked up the spiral staircase. I walked down the hallway and entered the bedroom. It was pretty nice and cozy in here, I sat on the bed as a text message came through on my phone.
From: ###-###-####
-You deserve better baybeh❤️
I smiled at the text message already knowing it was from August! Before I could reply he walked in the room.
"I see you got my text message." He said.
"Yes I did, thank you." He sat next to me.
"No problem. I heard ya' arguing wit' ya' Ex." He sighed.
"Yeah..he just pisses me off. I can't stand it." I rolled my eyes
"He one of dem' types. Y'know the type that start off all lovey dovey, then when y'all break up he wanna be a dickhead." He described.
"Yupp that's Odell for you. I'm gonna for a walk or something I'll be back later." I grabbed my mini purse.
"I'll come wit' ya. Ya' shouldn't be walkin' alone, this is a safe neighborhood but jus' ta be on tha' safe side, I'll walk wit' ya' ma." He said.
As we started walking towards the front door to leave Sneak and Teke yelled for August.
"Aye yo, Aug!!" Sneak yelled.
"Wassup?" He yelled back.
"I see you my nigga!!! Tryna pull her!!" Teke said while making a Stevie J face.
August laughed and waved them off, he opened the front door for me and we headed out.
"So wassup wit' ya ma? Tell me 'bout ya'self?" He asked.
"Well..I'm from Cali, I have two beautiful daughters named Hailey and Nevaeh, and I hate the color Yellow." I said.
"Dats it? It's gotta be more 'bout ya' than ya' need to hate on the color yellow." He said stuffing his hands in his pockets. "How ya expect ah' nigga ta' get ta' know ya' if all you gone do is tell him 3 things bout' ya."
"Maybe that should encourage you to wanna get to know me more."
"I guess so, well ion have no kids but I luv em'..they are ah' joy ta' be around, I can cook and I'm from NOLA.." He said, damn I'm always attracting these New Orleans Men!
"You can cook? Hmm, you need to cook for me one day. I love seafood."
"Ahh, now dats four thangs I know bout'cha.." He said referring to how I just told him I love seafood. "It's ah' start, you wanna stop here." He pointed over to Dairy Queen.
"Yeah sure." I nodded.
He opened the door for me and held my hand as we approached the register.
"Welcome to Diary Queen how can I help you?" The lady asked.
"Can I get a large Oreo blizzard,please." I said as she pressed some buttons.
"Chocolate ice cream, large cone." August ordered.
August paid for the ice cream even though I told him I'd pay for it. We started walking again it was kinda silent as we ate our Ice Cream and walked. I just happened to look over ad I seen august's tongue flicking across the ice cream.
"Damn August." I said loud enough for him to hear me.
"What I do ma?" He asked.
"Mmhh I see you licking that Ice Cream." I laughed.
"Oh you like dat ma?" He smirked.
"No comment." I shook my head.
"that must be a yes." He flicked his tongue across the ice cream.
"Let me stop playing...so you ridin' ta' tha' set wit' Shark tomorrow or ya' want me to come getcha'?" He asked.
"You barely even know me though." I asked.
"Ya seem harmless to me baybeh.." August shrugged.
"I could be a serial killer or robber and you don't even know." He laughed.
"Baybeh I know ah' killa' when I see one, you far from it." LITTLE DOES HE KNOW I HAVE KILLED SOMEBODY!!!! "Wait,then again...you do kinda got that walk but anyway Come on now baybeh, you? Ah robber? What could you possibly be stealing besides my heart." He smiled.
I started to laugh and he laughed with me, this boy was a mess. I had been having a great day so far and August Alsina was the reason, he wouldn't let Odell get to me...
Odell POV
The Kids were finally taking a nap and now Tianna was all up in my face tryna kiss on me and shit, she's fucking sex crazed.
"Man chill out, I ain't in the mood for that." I pushed her away.
"Why not baby, I want you." Her hands rubbed in my chest.
"I'm on my period, move!!" I pushed her away,i was just saying random shit so she'd leave me alone. "My kids are here we not doing that shit while they sleeping right across the hall."
"Forget them baby they sleeping." She got on top of me
"Tianna, what the fuck did I just say! Leave me alone!" I yelled.
I was stressing, after Nevaeh told me "why do you care, you don't love us" that shit kinda messed me up !!. I love my babygirls I know I do dumb shit but I love my kids, sometimes I wonder why I do so much dumb shit. I don't know why I keep hurting Danielle, she shouldn't have keep experiencing pain caused by my dumb ass. She's been posting pictures all day of her and August, I've met him a couple times anyway..pretty chill dude. Just quiet as hell
"Baby why don't you're girls like me?" Tianna asked
"They don't like nobody, unless you mommy or daddy you ain't shit." I laughed.
"Especially hailey! Maybe Danielle is putting stuff in their heads. You don't want you're girls being around that do you? For them to grow up hating you, you shouldn't even give them back to her, fight for full custody" Tianna suggested.
"You crazy? Dani will beat my ass before I can even say Full Custody."
"she ain't gon do shit, I got you baby. The girls aren't mine but I want what's best for then just as much as you do and it's best that they be with you. In my eyes you take care of these girls better than she does." Tianna said while laying next to me.
Maybe Tianna was right, the girls should be with me. Especially Hailey, she's not Danielle's daughter anyway and when Nevaeh was a newborn, I took care of her while Danielle stayed out all night tryna avoid the responsibility of being a mother. I grabbed my phone off the charger and called Danielle.
'Hello..' She answered.
'Danielle why my daughter just tell me I don't love her?!?!"
'I don't know maybe it's because of the way you push them to back burner all the time!'
'You putting shit in they head about me now!?!?' I yelled .
'Odell you need to chill! I would never talk bad about you too those girls and you know that!'
'Whatever, you'll be lucky if I even let you get them back on Friday.'
'Odell you are not keeping the girls from me..'
'Shit, why not? My kids are only 4 and 7 years old and already they cussing!! Hailey don't wanna listen, she's becoming rude, Nevaeh thinks I don't love her! and she's telling me she don't wanna be here. You obviously gotta be putting shit in they head and I'm not dealing with it! If it doesn't stop within the next month then we got a fuckin problem.'
'Odell you're the problem!!! You barely come see them, you put you're girlfriend before them all the time, you lie to them and you even smoke weed around them knowing they don't need to be around that stuff! If anybody shouldn't have the girls it's you!!'
I wasn't in the mood for her so I just hung up, my kids deserve to be with me. Not with her, I don.
"Daddy I want some Ice Cream." Nevaeh said walking into the room
"What kind?" I asked her.
"Oreo ice cream!" She said.
"Ight, Imma go to the store and get it." I kissed her forehead and grabbed my keys. I loved my daughters. I'd do anything for them and I know I do dumb shit but deep down inside I'd take a bullet and a charge for them, shit maybe even a couple charges ....in all honesty I'd do the same thing for Danielle, maybe not Tianna but definitely for Danielle.
Hailey POV
Ugh! Why would daddy leave me here with her!...I wish she'd just leave! She's annoying.
"Nevaeh you wanna watch a movie?" Tianna asked her.
"Yea-" I cut Nevaeh off.
"No, she's gotta clean her room like daddy said...right Vaeh.." I said.
Nevaeh nodded her head and got up off the couch, she went upstairs leaving me and Tianna in silence..
"You're not gonna last." I told the truth .
"huh?" She said.
"You're not gonna last. Mommy and Daddy will be together soon and he's leaving you. Don't get too comfortable." I said while rolling her eyes.
For a seven year old I knew I had a serious mouth! I can't help it though, my daddy always told me to speak up and never hold back.
"How about you just shut the hell up. Nobody wants you're mother! She's nothing! Odell hates you're mother and he wants nothing to do with her. She's a hoe, you're dad doesn't want you growing up with someone like her so he's getting full custody of you and 'Vaeh, so get used to me ladybug...I'm gonna be around for awhile." She smirked.
"My mom is gonna kick you're ass." She glared at me.
I folded my arms,all I did was tell the truth. Mommy was gonna
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