O2: Ditched by a Mitch

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Danielle POV.

I was hurt , so hurt that not even two seconds after I put the girls to bed I broke down.

"Let it out babysis.." Jarvis said as he held me while I cried.

"He was trying to playing me Jarvis! He told me to call him tonight, and he got a whole damn girlfriend who just happens to be my ex-bestfriend!!" I cried.

"Life is all about changes..I guess love is one of them.." Jarvis said.

I wiped away my tears and sighed, Jarvis hated seeing me cry but he knew I was hurt so he just let me let it all out.

"Hello everybody....babe what happened to your face, Dani why you crying?" Jennifer asked as she came into the room.

Jennifer had to work so she took a separate flight out here to New York.

"Him and Odell got into a fight."

"Damn it I missed it!!" She groaned.

"Yeah girl you did..I'm gonna go shower and then I'm going to bed.." I hugged Jennifer and Jarvis before leaving Jarvis's room and going down the hall to the bathroom. I shut and locked the door behind me before running a hot bubble bath. While I was in the bath tub I just kept thinking about Odell, maybe I should just move on..things do happen for a reason right. Maybe Odell getting a girlfriend is a sign that it's just time for me to move on.

The next morning I didn't feel like getting up and the house was silent so I knew the girls were still asleep, I wasn't really worried about getting up just yet. I checked my phone and saw I had a missed text message from Shark, I still do his music videos from time to time..I've been working part time at a Nursing Home for the Elderly recently.

From: Shark๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ™Œ
- Goodmorning Danielle ๐Ÿ˜ป I've got great news! August Alsina wants me to direct his next video for Kissing on my Tattoos & he wants a beautiful lady to be in it. Are you up for this?

To: Shark๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ™Œ
- I'd love to do it. When do you need me?

From: Shark๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ™Œ
- Tomorrow? 3:00 ? I'll txt you the address.

To: Shark๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ™Œ
- Not gonna work. 'Vaeh is having a birthday party.

From: Shark๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ™Œ
-Great news, August really wants you soo he wants to know if Monday will work?

To: Shark๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ™Œ
- that'll work, thanks.

I tossed my phone too the side and my bedroom door opened. My mom walked in and a smile spread across my face.

"Hey mama." I sat up.

"Hey babygirl..how you feeling? Jarvis told me what happened.." She sat on my bed.

"I'm alright..things happen for a reason so maybe this just a sign that it's time for me to let him go." I shrugged.

"I also heard it's you're ex bestfriend.." She said.

"Yupp...both of they asses is trifling ." I rolled my eyes.

"It'll be just fine babygirl I know it hurts but trust me, the wound will heal."

"I know, are the kids awake?" I asked.

"Jarvis just took them out somewhere. I think they went to get ice cream." She informed me.

"Ugh, I'm gonna hurt him! He knows i hate when they eat ice cream early in the morning."

"Babygirl it's past noon.." She said.

"Oh my god! Are you serious. I didn't even notice. Oh my gosh I was suppose to go pick up the cake at 10 o'clock . Ugh! Now I gotta get it tomorrow morning and it's gonna throw my whole morning plan off!." I stressed.

"Don't worry babygirl. I'll pick up the cake for you." My mom was always a big help and even though we just started to become close a few years ago she made me feel like we've been close since forever. "Let's go out to lunch, I'm sure Jarvis and the girls won't be back for awhile."

"Alright we can do that mama. I'm gonna take a shower and get dressed so I can get the day started." I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

After taking a shower I got dressed in a white dress with Rose print on it, with some red heels to match. Me and my Mama went to Chili's for lunch.

"So how's Jermaine?" She asked me.

"He's doing good, we still keep in touch. He's coming to the party tomorrow too." I said while looking through the menu.

"Odell bringing his girlfriend?" She questioned.

"Don't know, don't care."

"Well if he does don't let it get to you, just enjoy you're babygirl's party.." I nodded my head..

More than likely I knew he would bring Tianna but I didn't care. I was just gonna say forget and let him live his life, I didn't wanna talk about Odell anymore so I changed the subject to something else. My phone started ringing and it was shark.

'Hello Derrick.' I used his real name.

'Hello Danielle..I have some news about the video with August '

'Whats up?'

'The video shoot is now in Atlanta..can you still do it?'

'Umm, yeah I can still do it. It's no problem.'

'Great. We'll have somebody pick you up from the airport and we'll see you on Monday.'

'Alright. I'll talk to you later.'

I hung up and put my phone in my purse. Being in music videos was basically full time while working at a nursing home was part-time. Derrick was always getting me in videos with great artist. August Alsina is actually one of my favorite artist. Shit, he's also the sexiest!

"Music Video coming up?" My mom asked.

"Yupp, it's August Alsina." I nodded.

"The young boy with the tattoos and the smooth accent!" Her eyes widened.

"Yes mama that's him." I laughed.

"Mmhmm he's a handsome young man..." She smirked.

"Got that right." I muttered.

A text message came through on my phone...from Odell, ugh.

From: Odell๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ‘ฃ
- Can't make it to Vaeh's party. I'll be over later to give her, her gifts.

To: Odell๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ‘ฃ
- K.

I put my phone away and tried to enjoy lunch with me mom. I knew Vaeh would me broken when he tells her he can't make it! I'm pretty shocked that Odell would let anything come between him missing his daughter's party. It must be really important.

Odell POV

"Baby my fashion show is tomorrow night you're coming right?" Tianna asked as she put her earrings on.

"What time?" I asked.

"Starts at seven o'clock." She said as she let her robe fall to the floor..

"damn, I can't make it baby. I gotta go to my daughters birthday party." I reached in my top nightstand drawer and grabbed a pack of swisher blunts and a bag

She sucked her teeth. "Dellie..you promised you would come to my show." She straddled me.

"I know baby but my princess is turning four, her party starts at six."

She started to kiss my lips lustfully and her lips trailed down to my chest then back up to my lips.

"But baby what's more important to you?, you're girlfriends biggest night of all nights...or a three year olds birthday party, she'll have other parties baby." Tianna said.

"...aight I'll be there. I'll just give Nevaeh her gifts tonight."

She kissed me again. "Thanks baby. You don't know how much it means to me to know that I'm gonna have you there." She kissed on my neck.

"Well why don't you show me." I licked my lips.

She licked her lips and kissed me, our kiss turned sloppy and more lustful once our tongues started to wrestle, she started to grind her hips against me and My member started to rise...she got down on her knees in front of me and tugged at my belt buckle. She unzipped my pants, without any hesitation she eased the tip in her mouth and she started to suck.

"Oh, shit." I put my head back as I took a drag from the blunt. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pushed her head down further.

"Damn Dani!" I groaned in pleasure.

"DANI!?!?! Do I look like that bitch to you!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled..

I Zipped my pants up and grabbed her hand.

"Baby I'm sorry." I apologized.

"You miss her or something !?"

"No baby, you know I only want you. I'm sorry it was a mistake, you know I only want you baby." I stared in her eyes.

"It better not happen again." She rolled her eyes.

"Girl chill, why would I want her back when I already got my true queen." I kissed her.
Danielle POV

My front door opened and Kayla walked in with her son 'Avery' and her brother Issa and cousin Jacquees. I never considered them guest they were family so they had the right to just walk in without knocking.

"Hey Aunt Dani" Avery smiled as he hugged me.

"Hey baby boy, you're cousin's are upstairs waiting for you." I kissed his forehead.

"Hello my beautiful sister." Kayla said smiling and kissed my cheek.

"Mmhh what you want?" I asked.

"When have I ever asked you for anything I'm just glad to see you." She grabbed the plates and helped me set the table.

"Mmhh I know you, we'll talk about it later..Hello Ques and Issa, y'all can't speak." I folded my arms.

"I couldn't speak, Kayla was talking like always!" Issa pulled me into a hug.

"Shut up Issa." Kayla laughed.

"You know I was gon' speak, I can never leave my baby hanging." Ques smiled and hugged me.

Kayla, Jacquees and Issa have also been around a lot more too. The guys are becoming pretty big with music and Kayla is basically their manager. She books their shows, talks to record companies..everything and she's only 19. I went to the Livingroom so I could open up the windows, it was a cool breeze outside so why not let it circulate through the house. My doorbell rang, I looked over at the see through glass double doors and saw Odell standing there with at least 5 bags and a box In his hands. I opened the door for him.

"Hey...something came up for tomorrow so I can't make it to her party, so I bought her gifts over now.." He said

"Okay, she'll be down in a minute anyway." I sat on the couch.

Nevaeh came down the stairs with Issa behind her along with Avery.

"Hey daddy !" 'Vaeh said as she ran into his arms.

"Hey, I missed you babygirl. Where hailey at?" He asked.

"Right here." Hailey said in a dull tone.

Odell explained to the girls that he wouldn't make it tomorrow and they were kinda sad but he informed that if he finishes up his business meeting early he'll come straight over.

"Which one you wanna open first?" Odell asked her.

"The purple box." She pointed to the box Odell got her.

She pulled the top off the box and a puppy jumped out the box and into Nevaeh's arms.

"A puppy!!!" She beamed. "Thanks daddy!"

"Anything for my princess." Odell smiled.

"I'm gonna name him ..Bash" she smiled.

I left the living room and went back into the kitchen, my mom was cooking dinner and Jennifer was helping. A few minutes had passed by and it was so much yelling coming from the Livingroom. We all raced out the kitchen and faced the commotion. Jarvis and Odell yelling and fussing. Issa and Ques were trying to push them away from eachother while Hailey, Avery and Nevaeh all ran off.

"What is going on!?!?" I yelled.

"Ya bitch ass brother always tryna start shit!!" Odell replied.

"Nigga I ain't start nothing! All I said was you wrong for coming up in my sisters house high as a fucking kite!!" Jarvis said.

"And all I said was mind ya fucking business!." Odell said.

"Both of y'all need to stop! I don't want all that arguing around the kids!!" I said.

"Speaking of kids, Odell you ain't shit. We all know you wouldn't miss you're child's birthday party for nobody...unless it's some bitch." Jarvis said and the room fell silent.

Odell walked out without saying anything and left. I sighed and shook my head.

"Damn it's sad that my niece is only 4 and already she getting ditched by a Mitch!" Jarvis said in a disappointed tone.


Odell & Tianna ? Comment you're thoughts.

Danielle staring in August Alsina' new music video !

Odell ditching his own daughter's birthday party for Tianna .. OHSHNAAP!!

For those that don't know, a 'Mitch' is a male bitch

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