24: Cute or Whatever

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Danielle POV

-4 Months Later -

"Mommy when's Santa coming?" Vaeh questioned.

"Ain't no damn San-" Kavarha started speaking but Odell smacked him.

"Ain't no damn sand ..cuz we not at the beach." He corrected.

"Uncle Kav..you need to go to bed." Vaeh shook her head.

"For you're information lil mama it's ten thirty-five so you need to get in bed or Santa ain't coming." Kav replied.

"You promised you would tell us a Christmas story!" Hailey pouted.

"Fine, gather around little children...I've got a story. I got some egg nog in my system so bare with a brother." Kav cleared his throat.

I wanted to hear Kavarha's Christmas story! I knew it was gonna be good so I was tuned in as I washed up the dishes.

"T'was the night before chrisstmmaaass. Everybody was sleeping. All the pimps, all the woes, the snotty nose little kids the grandmas and the grandpas, the aunties and the uncles, the rats, the roaches, Carlos from down the street."


Odell walked into the kitchen and put his arms around my waist. He placed his hands under my shirt and rested them on my belly that was now beginning to get bigger as I entered my three months of being pregnant.

"Give me this." He grabbed the plate from my hand.

"Baby I got it!" I said.

"You been on you're feet long enough. Go listen to the Christmas story." He said.

"Odell, you never let me do anything. You don't even want me working in the boutique!" I complained.

"Danielle I just think you should take it easy. You do too much baby." He kissed my lips.

"Fine..I'll go this to this story he's telling." I laughed to myself.

I went out to the Livingroom and sat down on the couch, the girls were sitting down listening to Kav's Christmas story with weird expressions on their face.

"He gathered all the reindeer...snotzle, and pretzel, and smoothie blizzard." The girls both laughed as Kavarha made up names for the reindeer.

I was listening to the story but I started daydreaming. Me and Odell were back together again, and I was now pregnant with my third child...but I'm just getting tired of waiting! I'm ready for him to put a damn ring on this finger again! I wanna be Mrs. Beckham...speaking of marriage, guess who the hell getting married!! Tianna. She even sent us an invitation to the wedding, like bitch no! Fuck is you doing!?!?.

"Santa and little Johnny wi never forget their encounter, evveerr" Kavarha ended the story. "That's the end of the story...sound like some bull but it's real."

"Can you tell us another one!?" Nevaeh said.

"Nah, it's almost eleven thirty. Y'all need to go to bed." Kav said.

"Come on princesses, it's time for bed." Odell said walking into the Livingroom.

Nevaeh groaned and Hailey groaned as well. We have this problem with them every Christmas Eve. They never wanna go to bed..well that's every night actually.

"Really, Kavarha..Snotzel?, Smoothie Blizzard?." I laughed at his reindeer names.

"Yes girl! I forgot their actual names so I had to think of something." He laughed.

"Kav when you gon get a girl?" I asked.

"When they become loyal.." He replied.

Kavarha and Kayla were both single as hell! They spent way too much time over here at my house, and they both replied with the same thing when I asked them why they were single.

"I think I might have somebody for you.."

"Nah, I ain't wit' that blind dating shit! You gon hook me up with a donkey and a pigeon mixed female!" He shook his head.

"No, baby cousin! I would not do that. She's kinda young though."

"How young? Her booty fat? She got kids?" He questioned.

"She's 19, I'm not looking at her booty and yes she has one kid." I informed him.

"Hmm? Ight, cool when can I meet her?" He shrugged.

"Tomorrow, she's coming over for dinner."

"Ight, cool.. When you and Odell gon get married?."

"Truthfully, I have no idea..anytime I do bring up marriage he changes the subject. I don't know why though, it's not like we were never engaged a few years ago!" I shrugged.

"I talked to him about it but you can't say anything about it to him. He wants to marry you, trust me he does..but he's afraid."

"Afraid of what?" I asked.

"He doesn't wanna break you're heart again. He's afraid that the same thing will happen." Kav sighed. "He feels like he's always messing something up and he doesn't wanna lose you again."

I didn't know he was feeling like this, I don't even know what to say. He has been working on himself though, he's going to counseling again and he takes his medicine too.

"Don't worry bout it Danielle. Who knows, maybe he'll have a change of heart." He shrugged.

"Yeah maybe.." I replied.

"I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." Kav hugged me.

"Uh uhh, nigga you gotta help go to the attic and get the rest of the gifts." Odell stopped him.

"What?!? It's more!? Oh my god! These girls are spoiled rotten! Ain't no more room for these damn gifts!" Kavarha complained.

"Shut up, I'll make room for more stuff."I laughed.

"Um, no you're not. You're gonna go get ready for bed. I don't want you bending and picking up heavy stuff." Odell said.

"Babe! I'm just pushing the couches back further." I shrugged.

"That's even worse! Just go to bed, I'll be up in a little bit." He shook his head.

"I can't! I told Jarvis I'd wait up for him and Jennifer."

"Well go lay down and relax. You been up and moving around too much." He said.

His over protectiveness is already over the top and with me being pregnant doesn't make it any better. I think it's cute when he gets like this. The best part about his over protectiveness is when he gives me massages every night...yaass!

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cookie that was baked by the girls. I always loved Christmas. My situation as a child was terrible and Christmas was always the worst time of year but I always found a way to make it joyful for myself. When I found Jarvis he made it even better. He'd mail me a bunch of stuff, even though my sperm donor would break it and throw it out It still made me happy to know that somebody was thinking about me around Christmas time. That's why the girls have so much stuff, I wanna give them the Christmas I never had.

I know I told Jarvis I'd wait up for him but I was tired and I just wanted to sleep, after showering and putting on a pair of shorts and Odell's shirt I got into bed.

Odell POV

"Nigga that is not Santa Clause!" I shook my head.

Kavarha swore up and down that our neighbor was the black Santa.

"How? Just because he's plump with a big white beard means nothing."

"That's the black Santa clause, I know it is!" He was so drunk off this egg nog he made with a bunch of liquor in it.

The doorbell started to ring and I knew it was Jarvis. I looked at him through the peep hole and yelled.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"You're worst nightmare if you don't open this damn door!" He yelled back.

"I don't know who that is, I think you have the wrong house." I Started laughing.

"Open this damn door!! It's snowing out here and it's damn near 15 degrees!!." Jennifer yelled.

I laughed and unlocked the door, Jarvis opened the door and pushed me out the way.

"Wassup Jarvis." I laughed.

"Nigga don't wassup me, I almost froze to death out there..oh yeah I think you're neighbor is the black Santa." He said.

"I told you!!!" Kav yelled.

"Shut up!! You gon wake everybody up!" I said.

"Danielle sleeping?." Jennifer asked.

"Yeah she got tired." I said.

Jennifer went upstairs to the guest room while I sat in the kitchen with Jarvis and Kavarha.

"Yo, Odell..when you gon marry my sister, I'm sure she waiting." Jarvis asked.

"Ion know bruh.. I still got the ring but I just don't wanna rush anything, I don't wanna mess up anything and then end up losing her again.."

"Nigga for one, you're not rushing anything..y'all were suppose to be together anyway so miss me with that bullshit! For two, you don't mess stuff up Odell so stop saying that. You made a few mistakes...for three, you're not gonna lose her again, y'all were made for eachother. Don't even stress it."

Jarvis was right, it's not like I haven't thought about marrying her because I think about it all the time. I just...I don't know. Who knows I might propose to her tomorrow, I don't know.

Jarvis POV

Ion know why this nigga playing, he know damn well he wanna marry her and he know he wanna do it soon. Y'all might be saying "Jarvis they grown, mind you're business" but I can't help it!!! They made for eachother and I know they wanna get married soon. I wish they'd just do it already!. Once everybody had went to sleep I was still up watching tv in the living room. I slept the whole way to New York so I'm wide awake.

"Hey uncle Jarvis.." I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned around and seen Hailey standing at the top of the stairs.

"Hey babygirl!" I smiled as she began to walk down the stairs.

She gave me a big hug and I kissed her forehead, I loved my nieces. I didn't have any kids so I treated them as if they were mine.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked her.

"I couldn't sleep. My tummy hurts." she groaned.

"Awe, well you can stay here with uncle Jarvis until you fall back asleep." she nodded her head and laid back on me.

It was quiet for a minute as we watched This Christmas.

"I met him before" she pointed out Chris Brown. "He was really nice."

"Yeah, Chris is a cool dude." I replied.

"On tv they make him seem bad." she rolled her eyes.

"Sometimes people only point out the bad in other people because they don't wanna see them succeed, they wanna see them fall."

"Like they did with daddy." she said. "when daddy took those pills people on the news were saying bad stuff about him. My daddy isn't bad, he just messes up sometimes. Mommy said everybody messes up so we have no right to judge them." My niece was smart for a child her age, she never missed a beat.

"Make sure you never forget that babygirl.." I said.

"Uncle Jarvis.." She said.

"Yes princess?"

"Are mommy and daddy gonna break up again?" She asked.

"Nah, don't worry about it princess..why'd you ask?"

"I thought people get married when they love eachother. I don't want them to break up. Daddy's last girlfriend was just evil.. Mommy never got anybody except Maine and he was boring! I like my daddy, he makes mommy happy and he's fun!" She confessed.

"Well mommy and daddy won't break up again. I'm sure of it."

She smiled and laid back down, I put a blanket over her and we both fell asleep watching the movie.
The next morning I was awoken by Vaeh screaming and jumping around.

"Santa came here last night!!!!!" She screamed.

Kavarha came running down the stairs with a damn baseball bat, I swear something is wrong with him.

"What happened?!?" Kav yelled.

"Nothing...why are you wearing footie pajamas?" I asked.

"Oh I always wear footie pajamas on Christmas Eve with a Santa hat."

Once Danielle and Odell came downstairs the girls started opening their gifts. I swear it took damn near two hours. After picking up all the ripped up Christmas wrapper that covered the floors Odell called Danielle into the livingroom..OH MA GAWWDDDDDDDDD HE BOUTA PROPOSE!!!!!!!

"What's wrong babe?" She asked.

"Nothing come here" he said. "I missed you.." He said. "I missed having you in my life..now I finally got you back. Dani I know I keep apologizing but baby I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I put you through, I'm sorry for breaking you're heart..but I also wanna tell you thank you, you have held me down through so much and even when I did you wrong you still stood by me. I love you and I promise I'm gonna do things right this time.."

Kavarha wiped his eye. "that was so beautiful.."

Odell got down on one knee and stared up at Danielle who was now smiling so damn wide, I know her face was hurting.

"Danielle...will you marry me?...again?" He nervously laughed.

She couldn't talk, she was too busy crying and smiling so she just nodded her head.

"Awe, ain't y'all just cute or whatever." Kavarha smiled.

OKAAYY, I hope y'all enjoyed it. If you didn't OH WELL !!!

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