16: We'll Handle It [PART I]

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Danielle POV.

"Daddy why can't you come?" Nevaeh whined as we walked inside the airport.

"I gotta work, but I promise when I finish up I'll come see you." Odell smiled at her.

Odell was dropping us off at the airport so we could fly to Florida..the kids were pretty bummed that Odell wouldn't be joining us but he promised them a thousand times that he'd come to Florida and surprise them soon. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him.

"You better not let any of them bitch niggas talk to you while you down there." He whispered.

"Boy please, don't nobody want them...I only want you." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, you better." He laughed and kissed me.

I stared in eyes for a second and spoke."You better come back to me.."

"Don't worry baby, I'll be back and not a scratch will be upon me." He smiled and kissed me again.

Odell POV

I watched them walk away to board their plane and I let out a sigh, I needed them to be safe and in order to do that i need them gone for awhile. Jermaine had came up with a plan...we don't know how long it's gon' take somewhere between 3 weeks and a month.

"Why can't we just find this nigga and blow his nigga head off!" Kyle said as he loaded a gun.

"Shut up! We ain't using you're plans no more, Mr. Let's torture him and then set him on fire.. Shit that's why we in this situation now." Jermaine said.

"I set him on fire though! I don't know how he escaped it." Kyle said curiously.

"Skull is a fucking super thug, what'd you expect." I chimed in on the conversation.

Honestly I just wanted to kill his ass and get it over with but I know it's not that simple with his ass. Jermaine was smart as hell when it came to computers and searching shit. He was sitting in front of his laptop trying to find anything and everything about Skull..well Terrance.

"Aye yo, look at my bitch..she fine ain't she." Kyle said handing me his phone.

I recognized that girl...that's Kayla!!! "Nigga that's my girl's sister! Don't be calling her a bitch!" I smacked him upside his head.

"Damn,my bad ..." He mumbled.

"If you ain't gon make her ya girl then leave her the fuck alone before I shoot yo' ass."

"Chill out! I ain't mean it like that...of course I'm gon cuff her. Shit, just takes time.!!"

I rolled my eyes and tuned him out, my only focus was Skull and making sure his ass dies and is gone forever. We sat there for another hour until Jermaine got hype as shit.

"BINGO!" He yelled. "Yahtzee!" He exclaimed with a smirk as he wrote some shit down.

"This nigga stayin' in a motel about twenty minute from hea' and he just ordered some dominos pizza about fifteen minutes ago!"

Me and Kyle both stared at him in confusion..how the hell he find out all that shit within two hours.

"What kind of pizza?" Kyle asked.

I smacked his arm and shook my head."Anyway! How you find all this out?" I asked.

"It's not hard...I know it's a lot of hotels and motels in New York but if you only search the ones that's in this area it narrows it down. So I hacked into they shit to see their reservation records and shit then BAM! His name, credit card number and room phone records popped up!"

"That's dope...did he get pepperoni or cheese?" Kyle questioned.

"Will you stop worrying about that pizza!" Jermaine said too him.

"Excuse a nigga for having an itchy trigger finger with an empty stomach!" He yelled before walking away.

"Anyway...you need to go to practice, Imma do some more research but don't worry bruh. Everything's gon be cool, Kyle gon be there secretly just in case." Jermaine explained.

I nodded my head. "Bet, thanks man. I owe you." I handed him a wad of cash as we did a handshake.

"Nah, man I can't accept this..I'm just watching out for my nigga." He handed it back.

"Just take it. I owe you for looking out for me and my family." I gave it back to him.

"What about me!?!?" Kyle yelled from the kitchen.

I reached in my pocket and threw him a wad of cash as well.

"Damn, thanks O'."

I left for practice and Kyle left as well just a few cars behind me. I wanted to get practice over with. My teammates were starting to irritate the shit out of me anyway. Smart ass mouths, if I wanna deal with some smart ass remarks I'll go to Louisiana and sit in my sisters room. When I got there, Kyle parked on the other end of the parking lot. I groaned to myself as practice began.

During our break at practice I was feeling stressed. I was still fucking up and I couldn't get right. While we sat in the locker room I scrolled through my phone. I was missing my girls..couldn't wait for this shit to end so we could all be together again. I clicked on Jazzy's name and sent her a text message, I missed my little sister.

To:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- jazzy! What you doing?

From:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- hanging with Anthony. What you doing?

To:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- mmhh, he better not be touching you! I will kick him in his face!

From:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- chill out! You so petty, go to practice.

To:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- I don't know why, I'm doing terrible! I barely catch anything, my focus is out of the water...I can't get right.

From:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- Just relax big brother. I believe youπŸ’― I look up to you. You got this junior.

To:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- Thanks babygirl😘 I'll call you tonight. Tell you're ugly ass boyfriend I said 'Wassup'

From:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
- Hater ! lol, enjoy practice I love you junior.

To:My ugly sister πŸ˜‘πŸ’•βœ‹
I love you too Jazzy

I smiled to myself at our text messaging conversation and put my phone away. Jazzy could always cheer me up no matter what, I guess that's where Hailey and Nevaeh get it from. They all remind me of each other. We went back out to the field and I spotted Kyle sitting on the other set of bleachers behind our sideline with some girl..it wasn't Kayla. SHIT! Come on Odell!! Focus. I took a deep breath and went to my spot on the field.

"You got it Odell!!!" Coach yelled in excitement. "you finally did it!! Was that so hard? ..run the play again." Coach smiled.

After that I was pretty much back to my normal self on the field catching anything that was thrown my way. It was great! After practice had ended Kyle caught up with me as I walked out the locker room.

"You did the damn thing out there man!" He said.

"Thanks bruh, who was that chick you was sitting with?" I asked him.

"Oh her name is Gwendolyn. I know weird name right! but she wanted to speak to you, I wasn't pulling you out of practice after you had just got you're groove back so I told her to catch you another time. " I nodded my head and we went our separate ways to our cars.

Before going home I stopped at the gas station, Kyle stopped as well. Damn, when that nigga say he got yo' back he mean it. While I was walking out the store I noticed a female standing next to my car.

"Uh, can I help you?" I asked her.

"Actually I'm here to help you. Can we talk." She said.

"And you are?" I glanced over at Kyle who was standing nearby.

"Gwendolyn. Call me Gwen." She said. "Can we sit In you're car and talk. It's important."

I recognized her as the girl from Coney Island driving Skull's car.

"Yeah we can," I nodded my head and then whistled for Kyle to sit in the car with us. I wasn't taking no chances!

She got in the backseat while Kyle got in the back right next to her and I got in the front seat.

"Nigga can you back up some, you all up on me!" Gwen rolled her eyes at Kyle.

"Shut up!! Put you're hands where I can see them." He put her hands on the center console.

"Ight, now you can talk." I said.

She sighed. "I know a guy that's been stalking you and your family. I'm pretty sure you already know since you got this rent-a-thug nigga following you but. Kyle cut her off.

"Rent-a-thug!? I will slap the shit outta you! Ion care I will fight a girl!" Kyle snapped.

"Fight me then nigga! I want you to I will hurt you're skinny ass." Gwen snapped back and they started arguing.

"Shut up!!! Babygirl either say what you gotta say or get out, my patience is running low!!" I raised my voice.

"Okay well anyway, his name is Terrance aka Skull. He's been following you, and you're family talking about how he's gonna catch you slipping and then he was gonna kill you. He keeps saying that after he takes you out he's gonna do all these things to you're girl and make her and the girls stay with him..." She explained.

"How we know you ain't setting us up right now?" I said to her b

" 'Cause you got a family that needs you. I got three kids of my own, it's hard without having their father around and I don't want you're girls to grow without their father too.." She said. "He also had help with this shit too, a girl named Tianna I'm sure you know her. She was suppose to drug you with Percocet pills, I guess she felt guilty because she put you're anti-depressants back and those pills mixing in you're system caused you to snap and attempt suicide. The other night she was suppose to sneak into you're house and hurt somebody in you're house, she didn't wanna do it. she knew Nevaeh was a light sleeper and she'd wake up, giving her an excuse as too why she didn't do it and she got attacked by you're dog." She explained to me.

"She fucking played me! I put my kids in fucking danger ! That bitch deserves to die!"

I was outraged, now I got two people on my list...Tianna and Skull. I started to calm down a little but I just got even more pissed knowing that bitch fucked me over.

"I had to tell you! It was only right. He knows you're family left New York. He just doesn't know where they went. Tell them to be careful, just in case he finds out. I gotta go. My daughter is at daycare and I gotta go get her, thank you for listening." She said before getting out the car. "One more thing....umm, Nevermind. I gotta go."

Memories of Danielle telling me about Tzar attacking the person that came through Nevaeh's window flashed through my mind. Along with memories of her going through my medicine cabinet. I don't care if she did have a change of heart, she still tried to fuck me over!

"Aye 'O...you good?" Kyle asked.

I nodded my head and pulled my phone out, I dialed Tianna's number.

'I knew you would be calling me soon, wassup baby.' She answered.

'Wassup, what you doing tonight?' I asked her.

'Nothing I was just gonna watch Netflix and chill, why wassup?' She said.

'I was thinking maybe you could come over, we do that thing we used to do.' I smirked..

'Mmhh I'd like that..I'll be over at eleven. I'll call you later baby.'

'Ight bet.' I hung up.

I put my phone back into my pocket and sat back...

"What the fuck did you just do?" Kyle glared at me.

"I called Tianna...I ain't gon fuck her or nothing." I dojo my head.

"Let me run up in there and kidnap the bitch! Tie her up and set her ass on fire.."

I'm starting to think Kyle is obsessed with fire and he needs help, as my babygirl Vaeh would say.."he's need to find JESUS and hold onto him."

"The kidnapping part, yes I'm down with that...but I'm not setting nobody on fire man! What is wrong wit' you!?!?" I said while shaking my head.

We went back to Jermaine's house and explained to him what happened. He found out more information on Skull so that would help us too. While I was talking to Jermaine my phone started ringing..Danielle. A smile spread upon my face.

'Hey Beautiful' I smiled.

'Hey baby, just wanted to let you know we made it to Florida and we just got settled at Jarvis's house.'

'Good, the girls doing okay?' I asked.

'Yupp, except Nevaeh. She's okay, she just got sick during the flight and was throwing up. She's laying down now'

'Awe, my princess feeling sick. Tell her and Hailey I'll FaceTime them tonight...you okay?' I asked her.

'I guess. I'm just worried about you.' She sighed.

'Don't worry baby. I'll be fine I promise'

'Okay...I gotta go, Jarvis is calling for me, I love you Odell.'

'I love you too Danielle...'

I hung up the phone and dragged my hand down my face, I hated when the girls were sick. Especially when I'm not there.

Later on that night, after i had FaceTimed the girls I was sitting in the Livingroom watching ESPN chilling. I was bored as hell, Tianna was on her way and should be here at any moment. I wasn't gonna use Danielle's house for this, I wouldn't disrespect her and have that bitch in her house even if I am just leading her on so Kyle & Jermaine can take her ass away I don't want her in Danielle's house.

"We gon be over here in this closet ten minutes after she gets here we gon jump out and grab her trifling ass." Jermaine said holding up a roll of duct tape.

I nodded my head and they went in the closet, the doorbell rang and I knew it was Tianna. I took my shirt off and threw it onto the couch. I answered the door and Tianna was standing there all dolled up with make up on and her hair curled.

"Hello Mr. Beckham." She smirked.

"Wassup." I stepped aside so she could come in.

I sat on the couch and she sat on my lap so she was straddling me. On the inside I wanted to push her ass onto the floor!

"So where's wifey?" She put her arms around my neck.

"Obviously she not here." I said.

"I always knew you'd come back to me, I treat you better than her anyway." She smiled. "Besides she's ugly, her attitude is just shitty! god forgive me for saying this but she's gotten fat over the years! I don't know if it's because she had kids or what! But she's really gotten fat as hell." She started laughing.

"Oh hell naw!" I pushed her of me and she fell on the floor.

"What the fuck! What'd you do that for!?!?" She yelled.

Jermaine and Kyle ran out the closet and grabbed her. She started screaming like somebody was killing her.

"Oh shut the hell up!" Kyle put tap over her mouth.

In the process of them tying her up it was a knock at the door. We all looked at eachother in confusion. I looked through the peep hole and noticed a pizza delivery guy.

"Who the fuck ordered pizza!?!" I said.

"Oh shit, my bad bruh. I got hungry." Kyle said handing me money to pay for it.

I shooed my head and stepped outside, I handed him the money and took the pizza from him. While I was standing there I heard a loud boom from inside.

"Keep the change." I hurriedly went back inside and shut the door.

Tianna was fighting the both of them as they tried to tape her legs together. Kyle had landed on my glass coffee table. I guess Jermaine got tired of her because he knocked her ass out with one punch.

"So fucking annoying." Jermaine rolled his eyes. "Where we putting her?" He asked.

"Basement.." I said.

He nodded and took her downstairs to the basement.

"What you want me to do with her car?" Kyle asked. "If you want, I got a friend that can just...make it disappear for a couple days." He suggested.

"Call him for me." I nodded.
grabbed her purse and dumped the contents out on the kitchen counter. Makeup, paper, pens, hair glue, nail glue, eyelash glue, percocets....I should drug her ass until die from overdose!..but I ain't that evil type of nigga.

I picked up her cellphone and put her password in. She gave it too me when we were together. I went to her text messages and skull was the first one. I gave her phone to Jermaine so he could do is technology whiz magic. We gon let her ass stay knocked out for awhile...then when she wakes up we'll handle her.

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