On set||DDM||Rudy

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Age: 1 almost 2 yr old

Rudy's pov
Today I have to go back to set as we are filming season 2 of Outer Banks.

My 1 yr old daughter, y/n always goes with me for multiple reasons

1. She's 1

2. I don't trust hiring a babysitter or nanny with most of the world knowing me from outer banks

3. She loves going there and hanging out with the cast.

4. She loves watching me do my thing. It's pretty adorable watching her play with Bailey, Cline or one of the boys while making sure she pays attention to know what I'm doing.

5. She doesn't like being separated from me, so daycare won't work.

There's a lot more reasons but those are the main ones.

I was kinda scared to bring her to set today as one of the scenes where filming is me getting pushed of the boat and "drowning" and kie (Bailey) jumps after me, y/n is known to cry or get scared if anything happens to me so I'm scared for her to see this.

I've talked to everyone and I asked while filming that scene everyone that's not in it to keep her occupied and make sure she doesn't pay attention, I have a feeling it won't work as she always wants to watch me to make sure I'm fine but I'm hoping they can keep her occupied.

Right now where currently leaving the house, she's buckled in her car seat and is watching Mickey Mouse on my phone and I'm just know pulling out of the apartment complex garage.

Skip time
We just pulled up to set. I get out of the car walking to her side and un buckling her car seat I pick her up and she immediately wraps her arms behind my neck and her head on my shoulder, still holding my phone watching Mickey Mouse.

I lean down and grab her diaper bad putting it over my shoulder and locking the car.

I walk to the set and right when I do Bailey runs over immediate standing behind me to see y/n

"hi princess!" Madison greets her

Y/n looks up from my shoulder and sees Bailey

"mads" She said all cheerful

"babes you wanna go to mads?" I ask, Y/n nods

So Bailey takes my phone out of her hands and pauses her show

And me and Bailey switch. I give her y/n and she give me my phone.

We start walking to my trailer so I can get my hair and makeup done and such, while doing that we start talking, y/n is occupied with playing with Baileys hair so she's not even listening

"how do you plan on doing the boat scene with out her freaking out?" Madison asks

"i talked to everyone that wouldn't be in that scene like Austin and such and they said they would try to keep her occupied. I'm praying it will work but with the way she likes watching me to make sure I'm ok I don't think it will. If it doesn't work, she'll be getting a lot of cuddles, ice cream, and her choice for dinner. " i reply Bailey smiles a little at the end

"your a good dad you know? I don't know from experience but I know from you and such that being a single parent isn't always the easiest, and especially a toddler turning two in like two months. " Madison complements

"that means alot Bailey, thank you. It is hard alot but at the end of the day I wouldn't change a thing. Y/n has made me a better person for the better. "

We kept talking even when we got to the trailer while I was getting my hair and makeup done

Bailey stayed in my trailer hanging with y/n while I went to the dressing trailer getting the episode outfit for today.

Skip time
We were now getting ready to film that scene. I looked back to see y/n on Austins lap watching Mickey Mouse on his phone.

Ok she's occupied. Let's hope she stays occupied. I thought


Right when I "fell" into the water and Bailey screamed JJ I heard y/n crying

I forgot she knew I played JJ... SH*T

We finished the scene and we all got back on the actual boat and dried off. Once I was semi dry I went over to Austin and picked up y/n her immediately cuddling into me still sobbing.

"shhh shhh your ok. I'm ok. It was just for a scene. Shhh" He said calming words while rubbing your back hopefully trying to get you to calm down

Eventually it does.

After that drew took her and kept her occupied while I went and changed out of my wet clothes.

When I came back she was half asleep and drew was talking

"go to sleep, your dada will be back soon" drew said

"nuh-uh" you say

"why?" drew asks

"dada" she pouts

I walked over there and drew saw me so he got y/n to look In my direction.

When she saw me her eyes lit up and she tried squirming out of drews arms.

I walked over faster and took her out of drews arms and she cuddled into me almost instantly.

"thank you for watching her" I say to drew

"of course." And he walked off.

Eventually we were able to leave so I went to my trailer and got her diaper bag and my stuff, I said goodbye to everyone and got her in her car seat I then asked what she wanted for dinner and she said (y/f/f) so I went there and got it, then went to a local market and she picked out the ice cream she wanted.

We eventually got back home, and I gave her a bath and then put her in her playpen so I could have a shower.

After all that we ate dinner and ate ice cream while watching (y/f/m) or (y/f/s) and cuddling.

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