Sora's P.O.V
After encountering Axel, Donald, Goofy and I continued onward. We passed through Halloween Town. Why did I get a feeling that I've been there before? Eh, I'm too lazy to think about that right now.
" Hmm." Goofy suddenly stops. He was thinking about something.
" What's the matter?" Donald asked him. " It's that creepy castle that I was talking about earlier... I know I didn't imagine it." He pointed out.
Donald and I looked at each other. Was there really another castle we've been too? " 'Cause that was the castle Sora had to use the Keyblade to free Maya's heart." Goofy mentioned as memories of that time flooded my head. " Then he just disappeared! And I was so worried. How could I ever forget that?" He said frowning.
" Oh! It was when I turned into a Heartless!" I remembered. I thought about for a second. " Wait. That happened... in a castle?" Why was it hard to remember these things. " More importantly.... how did Maya died anyways? One second I held her in my arms the next she's gone?" There's gotta be something that I'm missing here.
" Aww... You forgot that? 'Cause I remember perfectly." Donald said almost bragging.
" Okay... then what did happened to her?" I tested him.
" That's easy! She died in..." He stopped midsentence as he couldn't figure out the name of the castle. " Jiminy, help me... is it in your journal?" Donald asked the small cricket for help.
" Every word. I finished the first volume right before we got to this castle." Jiminy said taking out his small journal. " Now then, if I can just find it... Oh, here we go! Let's have a look." His face grew in terror when he opened the book. "Oh! How could that be?" He said in shocked. Judging by his reaction I was getting a bad feeling.
" What's the matter?" Goofy asked.
" All my entries--- They're gone! Every page is blank." He showed us the pages have no words in them. Which is wired cause I saw him write them down last night.
" What'll we do?" Donald asked in panic.
" How could this happened? I'm so careful with the journals! All that hard work is gone..." Jiminy cried.
I frown at him. " The journal's blank... what's going on?" I made a thinking face. Does it have something to do with those guys in black?
In that white room from before with the blond girl in the white dress, she quietly drew another picture. The girl in the black hood stared at her as she drew. She hugged her knees closer to her chest.
- back to Sora
" Something's screwy. Journal pages don't just vanish!" Donald huffed.
I stopped as these thought came to mind. " What's more things?" I asked worriedly. They stop to look at me. " Goofy was telling us about another castle we'd been to... but none of us really remembers it. do you think? Could it be that we don't remember because we're loosing our memories?" I questioned them. It would make the most sense.
" Loosing? Our memories?" Donald asked if that's something he didn't want to say.
" Hold on! Remember what that mystery fella said? 'In this place to find is to lose, and to lose is to find.' It musta been our memories he was talking about loosing." Jiminy explained.
I crossed my arms. " So if we keep going, we'll lose more... Guess it really is Castle Oblivion." I stated. Man, that sucks.
" So the higher we go, the more we'll forget?" Donald repeated making sure he understood what was going on. " Does that mean everything and everybody will be forgotten?" Donald frowns.
That hit me. I didn't think about that. " Riku, Kairi and Maya...." Now it was my turn to frown. There's no way I can forget about them.
" Do you want to go back?" Donald asked. " Don't worry fellahs! We might forget about where we've been or what things we've seen, but we won't forget who are friends are." Goofy assured us. " I don't know..." Donald had a hard time believing that. " C'mon Sora... when you turned into a Heartless, did you forget about me and Donald?
I shook my head. " Of course I didn't." I replied. How could I?
" There ya go! No matter what happens, you won't forget your friends." He smiled.
He's got a point. " You're right. Thank you, Goofy." That made feel a lot better. It's impossible to forget your friends.
" So, if there's nothing here that can make you forget about your friends... then we have nothing to be scared of! Let's go!" He turned around to face the other door.
Someone sure is confident now. I placed my hands at the back of my head remembering something. " But when I turned into a Heartless... who was the one who took forever to notice and kept clobbering me?" I teased him.
Donald stopped walking. " How come you didn't forget about that!?" He glared at me. Goofy and I laughed at him.
Olympus Coliseum was the next world we finished visiting. Just like the other ones everyone seemed so familiar to me. Then I heard Donald sulk. " I hope the king is gonna be okay..." He brought him back up.
" Why bring that up?" I asked him. I'm pretty sure he's able to handle himself just fine. And besides he's got Riku with him too.
" I had to be sure that I hadn't forgotten him. " Donald said. " How that go for ya?" Goofy asked. " Good! I remembered--- we're on a quest to find the King." He pointed out that's the whole reason for coming here. " I remember that too. The King saved the everything by staying on the other side of the door to darkness. I think..." Goofy mentioned. " You got it Goofy!" Donald nodded.
" And me--- I'm looking for Riku. He was with the king when the door closed. I promised Maya I'd bring him back home. Hm. I guess there's no way we'll forget the most important memories." I placed my hands behind my head.
" That's good. 'Cause I don't want to forget." Donald said.
" You seemed pretty intrigued by this Sora kid." An unfamiliar female dressed in the same black coat mentioned to Axel. She had yellow hair and teal eyes.
" Are you telling me you're not, Larxene?" Axel questioned the women in front of him.
She giggles. " Haven't decided yet... I think what intrigues me more is what you see in him."
" There was a time he became a Heartless. And if one becomes a Heartless ---" Axel began to say till he was interrupted. " They lose their minds and their feelings... they're consume by the Heartless." The women Larxene finished for him.
Axel nods. " Right. But not Sora. He held on to his feelings, even as a Heartless. And there's only one other man who's been able to do just that." Axel said even though he wonder how Sora was able to do that.
Larxene put her fingers on her chin. " It's the strength of his heart... that's what interests you. Why the Keyblade chose Sora's heart." She smirked back at Axel.
" To unlock the mysteries of the heart. Isn't that the Organization's mission?" He pointed out their goal.
Larxene laughs.
- back to Sora.
" Hey, I wonder if there's anything we've forgotten then...?" Donald thought as we passed through the next door.
We stopped to think. " Hmm... if we did, what would it have been?" Goofy asked. Nothing seemed to pop in mind. " I can't think of anything, so maybe that means that I really am losing my memories." Goofy said.
Donald frowns. " But whatever they were, they couldn't have been very important memories right? He added.
I nod. " Right, or else I don't think you would have forgotten it." I took out the good luck charms. " Look."
" What is it?" Donald asked.
" It's a good luck charm Maya made for me, Riku and Kairi. It's special to her. She said if we hang on to these nothing can break our bound. I'll never forget that moment. It's why I can never forget Maya." I told them. They nod.
" Am I right, Maya?" For a moment there I saw her smiling back at me. The same smile formed my lips. It sure been a while since I smiled.
I couldn't help but get this strange feeling like someone else was watching me. I turned around I could've sworn I saw two other girls behind me. I saw blond and purple hair.
" Do I know... those two girls?" I muttered they seemed so unfamiliar to me. Then why am I getting the feeling like I should know them.
" Hey, Sora. where did you go?" Donald snapped me out of my thoughts.
" Sorry. Never mind." I brushed it off.
" We better keep goin'." Goofy suggested.
Still I couldn't help but think about those two girls I just saw. Who are they?
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