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April 3 2017,

I look around, my eye twitches. This? This is the place I'd be staying all summer?


[N] Murphy wasn't in such a great mood. She had just travelled on an hot bus all the way from her little beach house in Kennebunk Maine, for some old rundown summer camp. At the crack of dawn, 5:35 am exactly, little 13 year old [N] had to board a plane all the way to California. She was to go to Astronomy Camp this summer, at the request of her adoptive mother, Cas Murphy.


Gosh, this place looks terrible. The image of Camp Campbell that I had in my mind was much different. The main building looks like it could fall apart with just one kick, and spider webs covered every corner of practically everything. I look around, clueless as of what to do. Out of the blue, a girl, who looks to be my age comes bounding up to me.

"Hi there! You're the new camper, right? I'm one of the co counselors, Nikki!" She has a wild smile plastered across her face.

"Yeah, I'm [N]. It's nice to meet you Nikki." I can't help but feel the tiniest grin tug at my lips. I think I'm about to make a friend.

"Well than, because our main counselor, David, is super busy dealing with Max right now, I guess I'll just show you around." She turned and motioned for me to follow her.


7:40 PM

I had to be quick on my feet to catch up to Nikki, she was very hyper, but in an endearing sort of way. I definitely wanted to be her friend. After a while of running around, meeting people, and getting informed on the basics of Camp Campbell, I actually felt pretty comfortable. The air still reeked of mildew, though. Maybe I'll just get used to it. I had seated myself at a tiny picnic table that had ants crawling on the other side. I was currently waiting for my favorite part of the day, sunset. I couldn't wait to look at the stars, how different would they look in California? Would they look any different at all? Would I even be able to see them? My thoughts were soon interrupted by a husky voice.

"Hey idiot, welcome to hell. I hope you hate your stay like the rest of us." Wow, blunt. I turn to face some kid, with his hands stuffed in a baggy worn-out blue hoodie.

"Oh, uh? Thanks?" I tilt my head, I don't really know how to respond to that. To my surprise the cynical-seeming kid actually chuckles.

"That's the strangest response I've ever gotten. You seem nice, so just a warning, you'll probably get torn apart here." With that, he walked away leaving me confused by myself.

10:20 PM

After having had studied the stars for quite some time, I was ready to go to bed. I wandered the camp in search of my tent, with no luck. Pretty soon, a girl with dark skin and pretty wavy black hair walked up to me.

"Hi, [N], correct? I'm Collette." (i'M SORRY OC, SHE WON'T STEALS UR MANS I SWEAR) The girl stuck her hand out for me to shake, which I did.

"Yeah. It's nice to meet cha'!" I was putting on a happier attitude than usual- maybe Collette could help me find where I was supposed to go.

"Wow, you're a friendly little one, most people at this camp are pretty rude. Anyways, lemme show you your tent." She grabbed my hand, and began walking somewhere.

Pretty soon we arrived at the tent, which had two other girls inside it.

"[N], you've already met Nikki, this wizard girl is Nerris." Collette explained.

"Oh, okay!" I nodded my head. The tent fell silent, an awkward silent. Nobody was talking. Suddenly, Nikki spoke up.

"Do you guys wanna play in the forest?"

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