Chapter 3 - Only 1 shower ⚠️smut⚠️

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- The next morning  -
Today was Saturday so we don't have any classes. When I woke up Mattheo was still asleep. I got out of bed and realized Mattheo had a morning boner... probably because he was spooning me the entire night, and once again, he is a boy.
We had made plans with the rest of the group to meet up and go to hogsmade today. I realized that it was already pretty late and I had to take a shower before we met up with the others. Just when I had grabbed a towel and was gonna enter the bathroom Mattheo woke up.

"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Taking a shower"
"No your not"
"Yes I am" I answered.
"Well I have to take a shower before meeting the others as well" he said.
"Too bad" I said and locked the door.
"You shouldn't have done that"He said.

When I was completely naked and had stood in the shower for about maybe 2 minutes, I started hearing some weird noises. I turned around to see Mattheo in the bathroom just staring at me. "WHAT THE FUCK MATTHEO?" I screamed.
"I told you I had to shower as well but you locked the door so I had to break in" he said and smiled.
"And since we both have to take a shower and there is only one shower and not much time, we'll have to share" he added.
"Fine" I muttered.

He got undressed and stepped in the shower.

He was staring at me up and down.
"Would you stop that you creep?" I said.
"No" he said and smirked.
Suddenly he moved closer. Our bodies were pretty much touching and I could feel his breath on my neck. Suddenly he smashed his lips onto mine. I don't know what happened to me. I am supposed to hate him but I was filled with so much desire and kissed him back. We started making out. He pinned my arms above my head and started kissing me and leaving marks all over my body. He started at my lips, moved down to my jaw, then my neck and soon my breasts. I couldn't help but let a small moan escape my lips. I wasn't expecting that and got kinda embarrassed but he just smirked bigger than ever. Suddenly he lift me up, his hands on my ass, and put me against the other wall. "Are you okay with this?" He asked. I had never seen this side of him. I nodded. "Words" he said. "Yes." He smirked once again and entered me.
I was chocked. His member was huge and once again I couldn't help but let a moan escape my lips, this time a big one. He smirked once again and started pounding in and out of me. He was extremely big. I almost couldn't handle it. It was definitely the biggest I have ever seen and I had never gotten this much pleasure of sec before.

He was extremely strong. He held me the entire time during our sex, like a was a feather. After going on for a while we both finished at the same time and both him and I moaned in relief. "Omg Mattheo" I moaned. I was so chocked and embarrassed after I just did that. I couldn't help it. I had never had sex like that before. "So much for hating me" he smirked. "Oh don't get this wrong, I still hate you" I answered. "Sure you do" he said and smirked.

When he put me down my legs stopped working under me and I fell to the floor. It was kinda embarrassing but Mattheo just laughed. "Am I that good?" He asked while helping me up. "Oh shut up" I said. He helped me finishing the shower and cleaning up. Once we were both clean we got out of the shower and grabbed our towels. Just as I was about to put on my towel I saw Mattheo in the mirror about to smack my ass. So I turned around quick and catched his hands. "Don't even try" I said and walked out of the bathroom.

I put on a hoodie and underwear and laid down on the bed since my legs were still hurting. Soon Mattheo came out of the bathroom and started getting dressed. "We have to leave soon, you should get dressed" he said.
"Fine, help me up then" I said. Once again he smirked and helped me up. We got dressed and fixed and we were about to leave. It was pretty hot outside so you put on a cute pink dress.

Before you opened the door to leave you turned around to face Mattheo. "Not a word about this" I said. "I can't promise anything" he said, once again smirking.
This bitch, I thought to myself.

*Writer words*
Ohhh spicy chapter... are you enemies with benefits now?

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