After the little promise you made with Sans, you fixed yourselves and sat on your desks. Baldi soon arrived with the same happy smile on his face 'must be in a good mood' you thought looking at Baldi but something about his smile was... forced... and you quickly noticed "Welcome back for another day!" Baldi cheered "Today we'll be using something different!" Baldi continued handing you and Sans a you-can-think-pad. You looked at it like you've never seen it before making Baldi chuckle "That is a you-can-think-pad! This way, you dont need to write anything down! Just answer it! And when you think you have the correct answer just press enter!" Baldi smiled at you, Sans gave Baldi an uneasy glare as he watched Baldi look at you. Sans sighed and answered his math problems "You're doing great!" Baldi smiled as you got one correct "You're doing fantastic!" Baldi yells again making you flinch, Sans giggles at this, he thought you looked adorable. After answering Baldi gave you and Sans (although he didnt want to) a quarter before letting you two go for Recess.
You and Sans roamed the halls together in comfortable silence "So.." Sans said awkwardly, trying to break the silence "Yeah..." You sigh, not looking at Sans, you felt uneasy after the promise "Hey.. you alright?" Sans asks bumping your shoulder "Yeah... I'm fine" You reply "Did i do something?" Sans asks "No.. you didnt do anything" You reply, Sans jogs to the front of you making you bump into him "Whats wrong" He asks with a serious expression on his face, he honestly felt very concerned "Nothing i-it's just... that... nevermind" You sigh, Sans cannot know how you feel about Baldi.. He'll hate you "Please tell me, (Y/N)" Sans puts an oddly cold hand on your cheek "I-I cant... you.. you'll hate me" You whispered, Sans gave you a wholehearted grin "I could never hate you.." Sans muttered, loud enough for you to hear "I... I trust Baldi alright? I like him even! There! I said it!" You yell starting to feel tears prick your eyes.
When Sans placed a hand on her cheek i was just about ready to pounce and tear him to pieces, I was about to bring out my ruler when I heard (Y/N) yell "I... I trust Baldi alright? I like him even! There! I said it!". I stop in my spot and stare at her, she just... confessed right there... to him... that she likes me.... Sans looks at her with the same surprised look, she turns away and I could clearly see tears form in her eyes "(Y/N) I-" Sans was cut off by her "I need to go" She said and started running to my direction before i could walk away she collided right into me, we fell with her on top of me, tears streamed down her soft cheeks, she looked at me while sobbing "(Y/N)-" before I could continue she got off of me and kept running "(Y/N)! Wait!" Sans panted running after her, he stopped when he saw me "Why are you on the floor?" He asks "..." i didnt reply, I kept looking at the place she ran off
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