Today was a very exciting day for you!
NOPE! Everything about this day was living HELL why? Because you somehow got into summer class! All because of MATH. Your mother had to drag you down the stairs and into the bathroom for you to get ready and when you decided not to cooperate your mother attacks you with math problems instantly making you cooperate. Once you were done fixing yourself and making yourself pretty and beautiful you ate breakfast (poptarts) while your mother drove you to your doom.
"Please dont give the teacher any trouble, (Y/N)" your mother sighed with a tired look, you were one of those teenagers that acted like 3 year old children and that worried your mother, you gave your mom a smile "I wont!" You tell her, crossing your fingers behind your back, your mother gives you a glare "I mean it, (Y/N) be nice" Your mother told with the voice that made you cower "Y-yes Mom!" You nervously replied "Have fun! I'll pick you up after!" Your mom waved before the car sped off. You look at the school and sighed, once you entered the yellow doors the first thing you was saw was a very tall man with a green sweater, blue pants, and a single strand of hair "Hi! Welcome to my schoolhouse! I'm Baldi! But please do call me Mr. Baldi!" The teacher-guy enthusiastically said walking towards you that was when you noticed how tall this strange man was "Jesus you're tall" You blurted out making him chuckle in response "Are you (Y/N)?" He asks with a wide smile and you nod "Luckily! You came pretty early! So you are able to roam around the school for..." Baldi stopped for a moment to check his watch "a few minutes!" He continued still happy and cheerful "How many minutes?" You ask "20 minutes, My classroom is by the left.. Dont be late~!" Baldi giggled heading inside the classroom, you blinked a couple of times "He's so cheerful it scares me" you mutter before walking through the hallways.
After a while of walking you bumped into a rather small child "Sorry! Sorry!" You apologized helping the child up, when the child looked at you, you immediately noticed her black eyes "Um.." you say, the child gives you a smile "Let's play!" She cheered "What" you reply and she giggled then gave you a jump rope "I-I dont think i can..." You tell her and her face turns sad and you felt guilty "alright alright" You sigh giving in "Yay!" She clapped her hands happily "How many times?" You ask getting ready "10!" She chirped "alrighty!" You smile and started to jump "1!...2!...3!...4!...5!" The little girl counted each time you jumped "6!...7!....8!...9!....10! Wow!" She giggled, you gave her back the jump rope "Whats your name, little child?" You ask "Play time!" She replied "I'm (Y/N), Playtime!" You tell her with a soft smile "Let's play! Let's play again!" She cheered "Sorry, playtime! Maybe another time?" You ask her head dropped down and she wore a sad look "Okay.." she sighed "Maybe I'll try to do... 20?" You nervously ask hoping to get her happy again.. it worked! She had the happy smile once again "yay! See you later, (Y/N)!" Playtime waved but she seemed to be waving at a wall.. poor girl... you giggle and ruffle her hair before leaving.
You made it to the classroom and checked your watch "Ah.. 3 minutes left" You smiled and entered, you see Baldi staring at his ruler "Uh... Mr. Baldi?" You ask and he jumped in surprise nearly dropping his ruler, he gave you a tired smile "Oh!.. hello!" He greeted while you sat on a desk "On with math problems.."
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