Feelings are strange

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I hope she was enjoying her recess, i was very bored in this classroom.. maybe I should go out and look for her? No, no, no... I soon found my self in front of my classroom door, what if she'll be weirded out?.. Now I'm outside the classroom. Wow the halls are really empty until i heard her laughter "hmm" i hummed following the sound until I saw her talking with the principal, i felt something in my chest that wanted me to crack the principals neck.. it was an odd feeling but... i liked it.. I wanted to do it... but i held myself back and watched.. almost painfully

Authors POV

(Y/N) and the Principal talked to each other for a few minutes until the principal spotted the shadow watching them, he quickly stopped talking "Mr. Principal? Are you alright?" The clueless girl asks snapping the principal out of his trance  "Y-yes... everything is... alright.." The principal spoke slowly, keeping an eye on the shadow "It doesnt look like it, Mister" She spoke with sass, the principals head snapped towards her upon hearing her tone "No sassing the principal" The principal joked "I can sass who i want" (Y/N) stuck her tongue out "Not unless they give you detention" The principal smirked "Oof.. fine.." She muttered with defeat "You better go to class.. The bell will ring soon" The principal told "Okay, alright.." (Y/N) Sighed when a though went to her head 'how fluffy is Mr. Principals sweater?' She thought "hmm.." she hummed looking at the principal "Is there something on my face?" The principal asks "nope!" (Y/N) smiled before giving the principal a hug "You're pretty short.." The principal laughs, his face becoming red "Shut up and let me hug you, sir fluff" (Y/N) muttered into his sweater then they heard a cracking sound, the principal hugged her back before letting go "Now go to class, (Y/N)" the principal laughed "Fineee" you whined slowly letting go, you ran off giving him one last glance.

But as you ran.. someone in the corner... was not happy


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