"I should've placed a bet on it" Jared snickers as he finished up the tent. We had to ask for help because, after the third attempt, it kept falling.
"You promised you wouldn't be an asshole" I smack his chest with the back of my hand.
"I'm just saying I would've more money right now" He teases the top of my head before walking towards his tent. "Good night. Don't do anything I wouldn't do"
"Remind me again why did we call Jared?" I huff as I crawl into the tent, Alex following close behind.
"Because you kept messing up" He stops himself from smiling when he notices me glare. "I'm kidding"
"No, you are not" I try to not grin when he lies on top of me with his arms at my sides to hold himself up.
"You have to admit it wasn't the best of jobs" He smiles before giving me a quick kiss. He moves his arms around me so when he rolls over, I end up on top of him.
"We should really sleep" I say between every kiss Alex gives me, totally ignoring me.
"You need to shut up so because I'm trying to have a romantic moment right now" He pulls back slightly, pushing the hair behind my ear.
"I don't think this is a very romantic scenario" I frown as Alex's lips start a trail from my lips to my neck until they reach right under my earlobe. "I mean, we've had better moments and we usually just-"
"Y/N" He leans back at me with a frustrated look on his face. "Shut up, right now"
"Sorry" I mumble, bitting my lip as he brings his hand to the back of my head. His lips continuing with the torture around my neck as his other arm wraps around my waist. "I mean the worst thing would be if the tent were to fall again-"
"Okay, this is not going to happen" He sighs, letting go of me to place his hands at his sides.
"No, I'm sorry" I pout, reaching for his hands to bring them back to my waist. "I promise I'm done"
He stares at me, not sure if I'm being serious so I decide to take the lead. I bring my leg over him so that I can straddle him, his hands on my hips. He is wearing a buttoned down pijama shirt so I undo the first two while I lean in for a kiss, which he meets half way. I place one hand next to his head to gain some balance as the other one moves under his chest, feeling every perfectly defined line.
"Wow, easy there tiger" Alex chuckles when I move over him, his hands trying to hold me steady.
"Sorry, I've never done this before" I pull back, a shade of red taking over my face.
"Wait, what? Never?" I don't know what the surprised tone on his voice is supposed to mean.
"Well, I did let Jeremy touch my boob back in tenth grade but let's just say I wasn't really big on that area so he mostly grabbed the cotton from the bra, so I don't think it counts. Does it count?" I start rambling and then I don't know if I can stop. "It's not like I have big boobs now, in bikinis the look like mosquito bites but depends on the angle because they do look good sometimes so I guess-"
"Y/N, breath" Alex laughs, rubbing circles with his thumb over my hip. "You are word vomiting"
"Sorry" I bite my lip, realizing what I just said.
"It's okay" He smiles, giving me a peck. "I like your boobs anyway"
"Alex!" I gasp, hitting him slightly in the chest.
"I just thought you should know" He grins, pulling me by the neck to deepen the kiss.
His kiss is different, it's demanding and hard and most certainly hot. Like really hot. I go back to playing with his shirt, making it my mission to remove it so that I can see the piece of art that his abs are.
"I like to see you shirtless since we are talking about this" I smile against his cheek as he kisses my jaw.
"Oh, really? I didn't notice" He smirks before going towards my weak spot, behind my ear.
"Alex, there are kids a few tents over" I try to hold back the moan that's forming at the back of my throat.
"I know, I'm going to keep it pg-13" He mutters, his fingers digging into my skin. "Besides you are the one who removed my shirt"
"Oh shut up" I roll my eyes as I run my hand through his naked chest.
His lips move back and forth between ny neck and my lips, causing me to fidget between his hands. I can feel his hands moving but I don't realize what's happening until I'm lying complete on top of him with his hands on my butt.
We are right in the middle of the kiss when the first giggle scapes my lips and then another follows behind.
"What is it?" Alex pulls back frowning.
"Nothing" I try to hold back the laugh which only causes Alex to raise his eyebrow. "It's just... you touched the butt"
"Okay, I think you just killed the mood, Nemo" His hands fall back to his side and this time I don't stop him.
"I'm sorry" I bit my lip, hiding my face between his neck.
"It wouldn't be you if you didn't say something like that" He runs his hands through my hair, his breathing steadying underneath me. "Maybe it's for the best"
"Good night" I whisper as he brings a blanket over us when he realizes I don't intend to move.
"Good night"
"You have everything?" I ask Alex as I look back around the room.
"For the fifth time, yes" He sighs, rubbing his face with his hand. "You sound like my mother"
"I love your mother but it's really weird to say that sort of stuff to your girlfriend" I pick my bag from the floor, joining Alex at the door.
"Are you ready?" Gen appears behind us with one of the kids' bag in her hand.
"Yes" I smile as I step out so Alex can close the door behind us.
We walk out of the house as Gen locks behind us. Everyone is already in their corresponding cars, waiting for us so that we can drive back to the airport.
My emotionally unstable side makes me want to cry because of the memories we created for the last couple of days. A lot of things happened here and I wouldn't have it any other way.
"Okay, she is tearing up! It's time to leave" Danneel looks back at me from her window and I want to give her the finger but all the kids are looking at me.
"Let's just get in the car" I roll my eyes, throwing my bag in the back of the car.
We finally manage to pull out of the drive way, Alex trying not to laugh at my attempt to not cry, my eyes all red and puffy.
"Isn't it weird?" I bite my lip, reaching for Alex's free hand since the other one is on the steering wheel. "We came here as friends and we are leaving as a couple"
"I always liked you and now I get you all to myself" He gives me his dimply smile, bringing the back of my hand to his lips. "I never thought that this would be the way for us to get together, honestly I never thought we would together but I'm grateful and it's one of the best things that's ever happened to me"
"You always know what to say and I end up just speechless and what I say never compares to what you say" I laugh softly, rubbing his hand with my thumb.
"But your face says everything your mouth doesn't" He looks back at me before turning his eyes back on the road. "I've seen the way you look at me when you don't think I'm noticing or when I'm telling you a story and you just focus your attention on me. I've seen the way you get overly excited whenever you want to tell me something because you love talking to me and telling me how your day. I can see you love those moments, when it's just you and me. Or how you always find a way to touch me whenever we are close, even if it's just rubbing my hair or holding my pinky. So yeah, you might not say much, but you show it"
It's too soon. But God, how much do I want to say those three words that are stuck at the back of my throat. So I just say something else instead. "You are the best, you truly are the best and I'm so lucky to have you"
"Right back at you, babe" He gives me a smooth wink, not noticing how fast my heart is running inside my chest.
What are you doing to me, Alex Calvert?
"Are we going to see each othe before the convention?" I ask, trying to change the subject.
"After spending every day with you for the last week, I don't think I can go that many days without seeing you" He answer, not helping to slow down my heart beat.
"You can come over my house or I could go over yours" I suggest, trying to sound as cool as I possibly can. Which is not too much.
"My mom is coming over in like two days" Alex mentions. "I want to introduce you to her"
"I've met her before, babe" I laugh, remembering the day she came over to the set.
"She met you as Y/N, my incredibly good looking costar" He smirks when he sees me blushing. "I want her to meet Y/N, my incredibly good looking girlfriend"
"Okay then" I roll my eyes, chuckling since he is giving me the most 'proud boyfriend' look ever.
"Thank you so much for everything" I hug Gen as everyone is saying good bye around us.
"It was our pleasure" She smiles at me as Alex walks over to us to thank her, too.
"We have to do it again sometime" Jared nods, wrapping his arms around his wife's shoulder.
"Yeah and next time we can relax more since we won't be playing cupid" Jensen teases me, wiggling his eyebrows.
"We did all the work" Vicky huffs and Dee shakes her head in agreement. "You just teased them and you even stopped them from getting that first kiss at the beach that day"
"We planned the whole plane tickets thing" Misha protests to which Danneel just rolls her eyes in response.
"It was our idea to put them in the same room and we always had to tell you to give them some alone time because you always wanted to take Alex to do the stupid things you do" She points out, Jensen frowing like he is ready to contradict her.
"We convinced Alex to make the first move" He claims so Gen just snorts.
"We got Y/N to admit her feelings and she was the one who started the kiss" She gives him her sassy glare, placing her hands on her hips.
"Uh, excuse me? We are right here" I wave my hand in front of their eyes, getting their attention. "Besides you didn't get us together, we did it on our own"
"Yeah, that's just bullshit" Jensen chuckles, and they all agree. "You were in denial about it, saying you were just friends"
"Yeah, we might not agree if it was them or us" Gen says. "One thing is obvious, you didn't figure it out on your own"
"We weren't that bad" Alex protests, bringing his arms up to his chest.
"You were always going on about how you were just friends" Misha stops him, placing a hand over his shoulder. "You needed us"
"It was like an intervention" Dee agrees, stopping me before I can protest again. "Just say thank you"
"You are the worst" I laugh, hiding my face in Alex's chest.
"It was like watching Jared and Gen all over again" Jensen grunts, rubbing his temples. "It was so annoying to watch you flirt all day and then you would pretend like nothing was happening"
"We were not like that" Jared objects but Jensen interrupts him before he can continue.
"Right, it was more like you chasing around Gen while she tried to ignore you" Jensen smirks when Jared gives him an 'I hate you' look.
"Give them a break" Danneel says, glaring at her husband. "It's not like I gave into you so easily"
"See? You guys weren't that easy either" Alex grins as he wraps his arms around me.
"Okay but one thing that is obvious is that without us, you wouldn't have had the guts to say something" Misha looks at us smugly. "We were your matchmakers"
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