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I rubbed at my jaw the next morning, taking a deep breath; or as least as deep of a breath as I could take. My shoulder hurt, undoubtedly bruised as I looked over my outfit in the mirror. A crew neck long sleeve with dark skinny jeans underneath. I'll probably be roasting by lunch time, but I couldn't bare to wear a short sleeve right now.

Not with my moms hand bruises along my arms.

My lesson was short last night, not lasting too long before she sent me to work on a new script she had given me a few weeks ago. And by short, I mean only an hour or so. Thankfully she didn't burn me this time, or cut my hair.

I bit my lip as I grabbed my keys, sitting in my car as it idled for a minute. Would the guys even want another abused girl? I saw the signs in Sang, I wasn't stupid. I knew what happened to her, at least partially, but I didn't know the details. Did she have it worse? Better? Would the guys even care?

I didn't want to be a burden, and right now that's all I felt like I was.

I sighed before finally reversing, pulling out of the fancy neighborhood my mom forced us into as I made my way to Ashley Waters. They would know by now, undoubtedly having talked amongst themselves. God, I'd have to sit with them too.

Everyone was about to find out. Holy shit.

I groaned as I parked, letting my head fall back and my eyes shut. I was fucked, no way of getting around it. I peered at my eyes I covered in contacts today, changing the grey to a caramel brown that stood out a little bit more against my skin. My skin was clear thankfully, my mothers skin care routine engrained into my head from having it pushed at me for so long.

I grumbled before turning the engine off and getting out of the car, my face feeling like it was pulled tight against my bones. I shook my head slightly as I let my body slip and relax into being as small as I could, shielding myself from everyone as I maneuvered easily through the crowd.

"Rose!" I flinched slightly before I peered up, my eyes wide as I saw Luke standing in his seat besides North and Gabriel, his hand waving wildly. I smiled slightly as I made my way over there, my smile faltering ever so slightly at the look Gabriel shot me.

It was like he was staring at me, searching me for something. I knew he saw my mom last night, but by the way the rest of the guys weren't looking at me like he was I had to assume he didn't tell them all.


"Hi Luke." I smiled as I reached them, my eyes flickering from all three of them. North barely smiled at me as I moved to sit in front of the three of them, his eyes traipsing over the clothes I wore before his eyebrows furrowed down.

"Aren't you hot?" I shrugged slightly, smiling ever so slightly as I sat.

"Can I, can I talk to you Rose?" My eyes flickered up to Gabriel, his blue eyes suddenly serious.

"I uh, I think I'm okay right here." I gave him a tight smile, my eyes flickering to where I saw Luke and North watching the two of us.

"Please Rose, I need to talk to you, now." I grit my teeth before I finally stood up and moved away from Luke and North. I followed Gabriel away from the tables and into a small covered hall, my eyes adverted to the ground as I stood in front of him.

"Rose." I glanced up, keeping my eyes focused mostly on his throat. He looked close to five ten, five eleven, standing at the perfect height for me to avoid his eyes.

"Look, can we not–"

"No, we definitely can't not talk about last night." I swallowed harshly, my eyes burning as I tried to cover myself.

"Gabriel, you don't–"

"Yes, yes I do Rose. All of us understand, unfortunately." I squeezed my eyes, trying to calm my heart and my breathing. "Please, you need to talk to Mr. Blackbourne, or at least let Sean see your injuries."

"They're not that bad." My voice crackled as I avoided his gaze, my fingers pulling at the ends of my sleeves.

"I don't care how severe they are, you could have old ones. Please Rose, we have to talk to them." I bit my lip as I looked up at him, fully taking in his blue eyes that bore into me.

"I, I'm sorry Gabriel. I can't, not today." He stared at me before letting out a giant breath, staring up at the ceiling over us.

"If you don't at least see Sean by the end of the day, I'm going to talk to him." I watched him turn and walk away from me, my heart racing in my chest. 


*         *        *

Walking into homeroom was weird, especially since I was pretty on edge with the whole "Go see Sean by the end of the day blah blah blah" thing I got for Gabriel. I blew out a breath as I sat, wincing as my arm hit the metal encasing the desk. I looked up to silver burning eyes, narrowed right in on me as if he were a predator and I his prey. 

Why that turned me on I didn't even know. 

"Hey Rose." I looked away from Owen, Mr. Blackbourne up to the burning eyes of Victor. I smiled at him, enjoying the silent little thud his fingers made against the desk he sat at. Nathan sat down behind me, his leather smell encasing me and mixing in with Victors mossy smell. 

"How was it going back home with you mom?" Nathan asked me, my body clamming up on the inside slightly. 

"Um, it was okay I guess. As good as you'd expect, she liked your mom Victor." I watched Victor grimace as he looked at me. 

"Thats, that's great." I felt the corner of my lip upturn as I looked up to him, my nose squeezing as I shook my head slightly. 

"Nah, they're both pretty shitty huh." I saw Nathan smile out of the corner of my eye as Victor looked to me, his lips widening to a grin. 

"Yeah, I guess they are." Owen stood up as the bell rang, his slack clad legs walking over to us as I stood up with Victor and Nathan. 

"Miss Elliot -"

"Rose. If we're spending the rest of our lives together, for the love of god, call me Rose or Rosie. You make it sound like I'm ninety, Owen." I heard the sound of a muffled laugh from behind me, my hand swinging  over my shoulder for Nathan to high five it.  

Owen looked chastised as he looked at me, clearing his throat before starting again. "Well, Rosie, I saw that you had a free period at the end of the day. I was wondering whether you would be interested in spending that in Sean and my office, since we don't have as much time with you throughout the day like the others." 

I smiled as I nodded, grabbing my bag from the floor. "Yes Owen, I would like that very much." 

I walked around him with Victor and Nathan, waving to them as I made my way down the hall. I scrunched my nose at the smell of cigarette smoke and body odor, my eyes flickering past Greg as he leaned against the wall. He smiled at me, his yellow teeth flashing towards me. So gross. 

I entered my English class, North and Silas sitting towards the back of class. I smiled at them, unsure whether or not I should stray from my usual seat and sit with them or not. It was answered for me when North stood up, pushing his way through the bodies and up to the front where I was. He grasped my hand, gentler than I could've expected from him, and lead me towards the back where Silas sat grinning at me. I was surprised, North had shown a large amount of animosity towards me last night, I definitely hadn't expected him to be the first to hold my hand. 

It was short lived though as he let go of my hand, grunting in the general direction of the chair in front of Silas. I sat down, sending a smile to Silas as the teacher stood up in the front of class. I felt something brush up against my legs, my head ducking down to look as I saw Silas's legs retract from beneath me. I pulled a piece of paper out, writing on it quickly before passing it onto his desk.

Its okay, you just surprised me. You can put your legs back beneath me. 

I felt his legs places back, a smile flickering onto my lips before slithering off as I remembered Gabriels words from earlier. I only had one more class period before the day was half over, and every ounce of happiness I had coursing through me was suddenly replaces by fear. 

oh Frick. 

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