The Same Kind

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We sat against a verge along the road, waiting for nightfall. The town was behind us, slowly lighting up. We didn't say anything, mostly because we didn't know what to say. I had grabbed my phone when we left my house and it kept buzzing like crazy. I thought about my friends. Last time i was with them, we were drunk and passing out one by one. How confused they must've woken up. I felt guilty for not answering their worried texts. At this point it was just easier to leave their questions unanswered because i didn't have to make up lies.

And Dave... it was the first time i thought about him since... well since everything. Except for waking up naked next to him, there wasn't any proof we actually had sex. Maybe he passed out right before... or i did. I couldn't remember. Even if we did have sex, it was my fault for letting him take advantage of my first time, twice. 

I'll never forget the confused look on my mother's face and the rage crashing over my father's. I knew i was going to see the twins again. I couldn't just vanish out of their lives. Who was Diana going to look up to? Who is she going to when she has to cry about boys and best friends? I felt a tear roll down my cheek and didn't even bother to wipe it. There had been countless tears before this one in just a single day. 

For the moment, i had to think about what adventures lied ahead of us. Me and Rory. We were of the same kind, we both had Masteries as Ace called them. While our personal lives were a mess, at least we were in this together.

"This is what it must've felt like to go to war"

His voice cut through the wind. That thought was depressing, but seconds later we both let out a small laugh.

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