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Kokichi POV

I stare at the ceiling. Yeah I'm just staring at it. I got nothing to do. I don't plan on socializing... you know, what Kaede did when she was still alive.

Knock Knock. My eyes immediately turned to look at the door. "The door is unlocked... Come in?" Crap. What if that person is here to kill me? Shuichi stepped inside the room, holding a book.
"Saihara-chan? What 'cha want?" I grinned.
"I just want to read a book with you.. if you don't mind" he scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't mind" I sat up and patted a spot beside me for him to sit at. "What's the book about?" He sat down.
"I don't know yet.. I just saw this in the library. It looks interesting so I took it" he explained. He turns the book around and reads the summary.

"Castello Bran, a millionaire that has everything he wants. Except one. A girlfriend. While walking down the streets of Marinduque, a girl catches his eye. What would happen if they meet once again? Would he talk to the girl?"
"Romance... I see" I mumbled.
"I'm not a big fan of romance... Kissing and all those stuff" he laughs.
"So you aren't a big fan of sex?" I grinned. His face turns completely red that his blush reached his ears. I laugh at his reaction.

"Stop!" I laugh more.

Shuichi POV

Something about him... So interesting. Did I just fell for him twice? You can't be serious. My blush calmed down and we started reading the first chapter.

I want him to move closer to me. I want to feel his shoulders brush against mine. I want to feel his head on my shoulder as he quietly sleeps while I watch him.

I want to do all those again.

"Saihara-chan Are you ok?" I snapped out of my thought and turned to look at Kokichi. "Y-yeah.. why?"
"You're shaking a little" he pointed at my hand that was holding the book that was also making the book shake.
"Am I too hot that you can't stand me?" He smirked at me. Once again, I blushed.

I want to see him remove his shirt, revealing all those beautiful bruises and cuts all over his chest and arms. I want to throw him to the floor and add more cuts to his soft pale body. I want to see that despair full look on his face as I break his ankle..

I'm getting flashbacks.

All of those healed anyway. He needs to be perfectly clean for this show.

"I don't like where this is going" Kokichi said. I look at the last two paragraphs and realized that some random woman and Castello aren't gonna sleep tonight. If you know what I meant.
"I.. I should get this book back where I saw it" I spoke quickly with a blush and ran out of his dorm. I heard him laugh before I left.

Instead of going to the library, of course I went back to my dorm.
"You're back"
"You were waiting for me?"
"Yeah duh" I laid the book on the table.
"You know you're really bad at hiding that dirty thoughts of yours"
"I know" I sat down.

"Jesus Christ, stop speaking so bluntly. Have some life in your voice for once!" The girl screamed from the other side.
"Though who cares?"
"Just tell me what do you want?"
I could hear that stupid grin that girl has.
"Make another motive! Make another student kill! It's getting boring for me with all those hope shits" I sighed.

"Don't you think it's too early?"
"Nothing is too early for despair"
"Shut up with that attitude for once. It's getting annoying"
"I could say the same for you" I said before I shut the computer off before I could hear one of her high pitched voice screaming insults at me.

My eyes wondered around the room before it stopped once again at the book me and Kokichi were reading.

I want to see my favorite obedient Kokichi again. Surely nothing can stop me from getting what I want.

Kokichi POV

Minutes passed and I'm once again alone in my room doing nothing but staring at the ceiling like a weirdo.
I thought Shuichi would come back with another book, but it seems like he just left me instead. Maybe he was going to come back but the idiot and scary glare-y stopped him from doing so.

"Upupupupu~" Monokuma laughed. I sat up and stared at the bear inside my room.
"What are you doing in here?!"
"Oh.. Saihara-kun asked me to call you to his room. He didn't said the reason why but I hope he's gonna kill yeah!" He laughed. Shuichi couldn't do that, right? Hes too shy and kind- now who am I thinking? Even the shy ones like Gonta and Kiibo could commit a murder.

"Fine.. but why did you called me? Couldn't you just tell him to do it itself?"
"He's very suspicious so I would be careful if I were you!" He laughed before leaving. He does act suspicious, even from the days before Kaede died. I went out of my room and walked towards the detective's.

What could he be doing in there? Is he going to knock me out the moment I walk in? Does he just want to talk to me? What's his plan? Am I overthinking it?

I hesitantly opened the door.

"Saihara-" I felt myself get pushed to the floor. "Oww!" I looked up and saw Shuichi. The door was now closed. Locked too.

"S-saihara..." I crawled backwards but was stopped by a foot on top of my own. He leaned down and grabbed my throat with both of his hands. My eyes widened in fear and my heart thumped  wildly in my chest.
"Shui.. shuichi..." I grabbed both his hands and tried taking it off but he only seemed to grip my throat tighter.
My lungs were begging for air. I felt weak.

I hate feeling weak.

Instead of choking my to death, he uses his one hand and grabs my hair before slamming my head to a nearby wall, knocking me out.

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