story 2.1

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"Why are you punishing her like that! That's not fair! She's little kid!" Mark Screamed

I looked down, not really wanting to answer him

"Hey, I know girls are having their indifference but it doesn't mean you've to be this cruel on shy.. she's a smart and sweet one! Stop punishing her like this..! Please let her continue her academics!" He tried to be as cool as possible

"Let's see for a while! If she's clearly not settling there I'll not force her anymore!" I said

He nodded in disappointment and left


After few days

She got adjusted and she made two good friends

Even though at times she gets soo exhausted to the core, she doesn't complain

Few evenings mark or Mila used to pick us and used to take her somewhere to pamper her before going home


It was a weekend and restaurant was overly crowded than before, it has long queue and long waiting hours! Long waiting hours made most of the customers cranky with hunger

I was hearing disappointments and arguments, but I had to attend them with all smiles while I had no break to drink water for six hours straight

Just then i heard a customer screaming his heart out and saw ground manager trying to sort it out, I thought it's very minor one and didn't pay attention with my busy work

My manager came down from the top floor hinting me it's super mess! He went to the client and I could practically hear a mini war

I spotted Shy's manager and its not a good sign, so I called for substitute and by the time I went client has left and my manager gave me a death stare before proceeding to his floor

I followed shys manager

She walked into service area called everybody! Shy and her colleague Ryan stood in front! She took two bowls of soup which she brought from dining and throwed on shy and Ryan's face shocking everyone

"Is this how you clean the bowls? Is this how you serve to a customer?" She screamed on both of them

They both looked really scared and too shocked

"Is this how you serve food in an uncleaned bowl?" She yelled on the server and he bowed his head down in embarrassment

She's raging in anger but trying to control it, she doesn't have time to deal any of this

She flared her nose one last time "you both will clean all the vessels, plates and bowls and everything twice! You'll not be getting paid for today! You'll only leave after you clean everything today! Or you don't have to come tomorrow!" She yelled on shy and Ryan

They both apologized and she dismissed all of them

It must be very humiliating to shy

I didn't had time to console her, shys manager looked at me seriously while passing and I whispered a sorry but she didn't respond to me


I had to work 2 hours extra as it's absolutely crowded! And every bone in my body started to scream out loud in pain and my stomach started to scream in hunger

I packed all my stuff and went to see shy! She's looking exhausted and drained! Ryan's also looking all exhausted! I wish I could do something but I don't want to talk to her manager today as I can see, she's exhausted too!

I went quickly and told her "Hey call me after you're done with your work! I'll come and pick you! I'll take an off for you tomorrow! Okay ? You can rest!" I tried to calm her down

She looked at me and nodded "I'm sorry it happened by mistake" she apologized looking scared

I nodded my head okay and patted her shoulder "call me from reception desk! Take care!" I said and left


Shys pov :

I didn't had my lunch or dinner, all I had is just some juice and water. My hands and legs are tortured. My muscles are screaming in agony and I still have soo many vessels to clean

Ryan took a 5min break by standing with his hands on his knees trying to relieve his back and legs pain

"I'm going to faint!" He said

"Ryan go and eat something, I'll Mannage the work here!" I said

He nodded his head no "Let's finish it, I wanna go home! But i hope she doesn't fire us! I badly need this job!" He said trying to gather all energy!

"She will not, don't worry!" I assured him

Everyone started to leave and we both were the only people who are still working

Cooking team are finally taking rest as the orders are closed for today

Ah.. which means we've to wash all the utensils now! Aghh!

Head chef came to us and gave a sympathy look "should I go and talk with her? You guys definitely need a break!"

She didn't even come into kitchen after that incident, not even once. So we don't know how she's going to react

"No sir, its clearly our mistake. We will try to finish it off soon and then rest" Ryan said

"Night shift staff should be there by now! I'll go and talk to her! You guys don't worry!" He said and left

We both nodded and got back to our work again, my muscles are paining as if they're being pulled out from my body

After some 10mins she walked in and looked at the watch

We both washed hands and stood straight towards her with heads down in shame

"You guys didn't leave yet?" She asked

We both looked at each other and nodded our head no

She rolled her eyes and then looked at us into our eyes again " I apologize! I shouldn't have reacted that way today! And I didn't literally mean you to stay here and work all day! But"

She crossed her arms

"I know you both are new here! Which is why I'm going to let this go for this time, I don't want this to happen again. Ever again. Am I clear?" She asked

"Yes ma'am" we said in unison

"Good! Collect your pay while going home! You can take your week off tomorrow!" She said smiling

And we finally felt relieved.

"Did you guys eat?" She asked before leaving

"No ma'am" we said

She called head chef and made him do something fresh and hot for us


Mia's pov :

Sam and shy just reached home and it's around 2'O clock! Mark is raging in anger

"Both of you stand there!" He yelled loud while they're about to come into hall from foyer

They stood there shocked

"Is this a house or a hotel? You think you can come at whatever time you think? How did you think I'll allow a girl to work till this late ? Huh?" He screamed really loud on sam

"I'm sorry Mark, this will not happen again" said sam with his head down

"You guys are not allowed to work from tomorrow! Stand here all night!" He said and about to turn when sam interrupted

"Mark we are really sorry! Please allow us to work.. we just want to help you financially.. we just can't always be dependent on you and Mila.. you guys are working so hard for us already.. we don't wanna be burden.." He didn't finish it yet and Mark slapped sam

Which made all of us flinch

Sam's specs fell on the floor and the glass broken into Pieces

Mila tried to stop Mark but he said "shutup! It all started because of you!" And zipped her mouth

"Did I ever tell you that I don't have funds? Did I tell that I'm having trouble ? Did i ask you to work ? Did I ask you to make her work? You guys are never a burden for me! It's you who never accepted us a family! And that's why you're torturing your sister! If you still doesn't want us to treat you like a family then you can proceed with your work and you can take care of your bills but you can still live here!" He said harshly

Sam didn't raise his head

"Are you enjoying your work shyla ? Should I look another part time as well ? You can stop your studies completly and learn to wash utensils! Help pay your brother his bills!" He commented sarcastically

She didn't raise her head too

Both of them stood quietly looking down

There was silence for few minutes

Mila tried to calm him down "Mark let's talk about it tomorrow? She's looking quite tired.. we're also tired.. come on let them get in and we can talk tomorrow.."

"No you both stand here all night! And never ever come this late to home again!" He said and left to his room

He slammed the door hard

I went and got few drinks to both of them but they didn't accept

They stood their at entrance of the hall with their heads down

Mila also leaned to the wall and stood their with them

I didn't want to make them feel left out so I sat in the hall

Mark never raised his hand like this.. he must be really pisssed off .. sam or shy didn't even inform any of us that they'll be this late.. he got little worried.. I guess that's why he reacted like this..


Marks pov :

I felt extremely Bad for slapping him infront of everyone.. he must be feeling terrible too..

Shy didn't said a word but she had tears

After 3 hours I went to the hall

Mia is sleeping on couch

Mila is sleeping on a chair

Sam is still standing and shy is kneeling  I guess she didn't had the energy to stand on her legs.. I felt bad again

"Go to your room! Take her too!" I told to sam and he nodded his head

He helped shy get up

"We are sorry" He Said in a tired tone while walking to his room

"It's okay!" I said

I can see two finger marks of mine on his face.. shy didn't see me or spoke a word

I woke up Mila and asked her to go to her room and sleep

Mia didn't wake up even though I tried hard so I lifted her and put her in her bed


I woke up little late in the morning but still no one woke up except sam

He's sitting in balcony and reading from his books

He didn't see that I woke up

I went to check shy 

She's still sleeping so I didn't wake her up

While closing the door sam looked at me as he heard the sound

"Good morning!" He said as if nothing has happened yesterday

I only felt weird for slapping him yesterday night but he still tried to act normal to Me

"Good morning sam!" I said smiling

"Need a coffee?" He asked coming towards me

"Yes please" I said

He went to kitchen

I sat in hall reading newspaper

He got the coffee and gave me

Mila woke up and saw him giving me coffee

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