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Masky's Point of View:
I found my self, petrified, staring at a small, weak, and paler than usual Toby, lying unconscious on the floor. I stood there in complete shock when Ben ran to the room, probably noticing that I was there longer than planned. He stared at Toby on the ground in horror, then turned to me. Full of rage, he screamed at me, "DID YOU DO THIS? I SWEAR TO GOD MASKY IF YOU FUCKING DID THIS". I interrupted him. "No! I swear Ben, I didn't! I was just coming in to bring him food when he collapsed onto the ground!". We both looked back at Toby.

-Time Skip-: Toby's Point of View:
I woke up and looked around me. I was on the couch and I looked up to see Ben, Jeff, Hoodie, and EJ (Eyeless Jack) staring at me with a look of relief on their faces. Then I smelled something familiar. Waffles. Masky was walking in with a plate of waffles. He was about to but then on the table in front of me when he smirked. He took the waffles away saying, "Aww it's such a shame since you didn't want any food! I'll just have to eat these waffles myself...". He said this in a playful, sarcastic voice. I weakly smiled and said, "No-o I w-want them! G-give the-m b-back Masky!". He smiled and put the waffles in front of me, and I DEVOURED THEM. Welp, I guess I was hungry!

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