Interference with Quidditch, First Game

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We open to see Hermione sitting on a chair waiting for Y/N to recover. Soon enough his eyes flutter open and once he sits up Hermione puts him in a bone crushing hug.

Y/N: 'Mione... Air.

Hermione: Oh, sorry. *lets go of him*

Y/N: How long was I out exactly?

Hermione: 20 hours, 49 minutes. Now if you're good to move, Harry has a Quidditch game in a few.

Y/N points his wand at his neck and moves it down so that he is in his house robes and leaves with Hermione to the Quidditch field.

*slight timeskip*

Lee: Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!

Neville: Gryffindor!

(The players take their positions in the air in a circle. Harry weaves in, highest amongst. He looks down.)

Lee: The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game.

Hooch: Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you. {looks at Slytherin. She kicks the trunk, and the bludgers zoom out.}

Lee: The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game.

The snitch zooms around each Seeker's head, then disappears. Hooch grabs the Quaffle.

Lee: The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!


Arsene: Keep an eye on Harry, I sense trouble.

Lee: Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor! *He presses a button and a 10 shows up beside a plaque with Gryffindors name*

Me: Come on Harry, find the snitch already, end the game.

Hermione: You sound anxious.

Me: I just sense alot of trouble, more than Slytherin brings combined.

Lee: Another 10 points to Gryffindor!

Ron: Why're you with us?

Me: You guys are my only friends.

Oliver falls after a bludger hits him in the stomach from Flint.

Me: That was a blatant foul!

After two scorings and another elimination, Harry sees the Snitch. He starts to head off after it and then his broom starts bucking and turning.

Me: Arsene, what's going on?!

Arsene: Either Quirrel or Snape are jinxing his broom.

Captain Kidd: 10$ on Snape.

Carmen: Your betting on who it is?

Goemon: My money's on Quirrel, I also bet 10$

Zorro: 10$ on Snape as well.

Carmen: 10$ on Snape then.

Ruby: 1 cookie on Snape.

Epsilon: Why a cookie?

Ruby: I like them ok?

Me: Hermione, let's go save Harry.

Hermione: Lead the way.

We push past students to get to the teacher tower and climb up.

Hermione: Know any spells for this?

Me: Alot, but I have a good option.

Hermione: Is it the one I'm thinking of?

Me: If you're think of, *points wand at Snape's cloak* Lacarnum Inflamarae, *retracts wand after the spell succeeds* then yes.

Hermione: Smart Alec.

Me: Don't sound so disappointed, you'll make me cry.

We unfortunately can't see Harry but we hear...

Lee: He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!

Hooch: *Blows whistle* Gryffindor win!

Soon enough we are walking with Hagrid

Hagrid: Nonsense. Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?

Harry: Who knows. Why was he trying to get past that 3 headed dog on Halloween?

Hagrid: Who told you 'bout Fluffy?

Ron: Fluffy?

Hermione: That thing has a name?

Hagrid: Well, of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-

Harry: Yes?

Hagrid: Shouldn'ta said that. Don't ask any more questions. That's top secret, that is.

Harry: But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it!

Hagrid: Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher.

Me: As much as I hate to admit it, Snape does seem loyal to Dumbledore, if I wasn't there I'd have a hard time believing it was Snape.

Hagrid: That because Snape is loyal.

Hermione: Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a curse when I see one. I've read all about them. You have to keep eye contact. And Snape wasn't blinking.

Harry: Exactly.

Hagrid: *sighs* Now, you listen to me, all four of you. You're meddlin' in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel.

Harry: Nicholas Flamel?

Hagrid: I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that. I should not have said that. *leaves*

Harry: Nicholas Flamel...Who's Nicholas Flamel?

Hermione: I don't know.

Me: I know something about him, but I brushed it off as unimportant so I didn't completely commit it to memory, I have to get back to my common room, see ya guys!

As I return to my common room I hear Maria speak.

Maria: Dear reader, quiet time is going on, come to the velvet room.

When I return to my common room I enter the velvet room.

Igor: Hello Trickster, what would you like to do?

Me: I want to draw from the experimental deck.

Maria: *holds it out*

I put the diadem in my hand and draw 2 cards, the first one multiplies into 3.

Igor: Ah the Blue Eyes White Dragon, weak to none, strong against bless, physical and ranged, nullifies lightning.

The second card begins to shake and suddenly I'm in an open space with Igor and the card, the card explodes and knocks me onto my ass, I look up and see a fearsome sight...


Igor: He is the newest Trickster, and now your new user Slifer.

Slifer: This little pipsqueak? Very well, I shall let you know my strengths and weaknesses, I am weak to nothing, I am strong against physical and ranged attacks, I repel both lightning and wind, I nullify both blesses and curses, I grow in power depending on how many personas you have, you must obtain my brother Obelisk and achieve all second awakenings that Arsene's last user helped to get, only then will Ra come to you, my power will drain you rather quickly at your current strength, you must power up not only your body, but your mind as well, until then pipsqueak.

This giant dragon that nearly made me piss my pants is now my partner, he disappears into my mask. We are now back in the library and I hear Igor speak again.

Igor: If you so choose you can fuse from the experimental deck.

I fuse the three Blue Eyes White Dragons to create...

Igor: The Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, weak to none, strong against physical, ranged, and curse, nullifies bless and lightning.

Arsene: I might as well mention this now, you will need to bond with us to gain our second awakening, talking about our previous users is but the first step, the next is talking about yourself, the next is inquiring about us, the final step, is breaking our chains, you must break mine last.

Me: I would like to draw from the normal deck please.

I draw and my new persona manifests itself.

Igor: Ah, Johanna, previous wielder was Makoto Niijima, weak to Psychokinesis, strong against nuclear.

Johanna: Greetings young one, I hope you gain my second awakening.

Me: What can you tell me about your previous wielder?

Johanna: Makoto was very determined, she was incredibly smart and scared the crap out of her teammates, but she was also very kind.

Me: She sounds alot like my friend-

Arsene: Crush.

Me: Hermione, *to Arsene* and you are now in charge of making me butterbeer when I request it.

Arsene: Worth it.

3rd person POV *timeskip*

Y/N is currently flying around on his broomstick looking for the snitch when he sees the Hufflepuff seeker dive, so he goes after on his Firebolt 2000 and a Ravenclaw scores.

Lee: 10 points to Ravenclaw!

Y/N manages to get sight of the snitch and Epsilon talks to him as time slows down and he sees where it is about to travel.

Epsilon: You can thank me later, I can predict where it is gonna go, randomly you'll see in your vision a recommended course of action, I recommend you follow it.

Y/N follows the trajectory and catches the snitch.

Lee: And the snitch is caught, 150 points to Ravenclaw!


We see Y/N hanging out in the Gryffindor common room with Harry, Ron and Hermione as he plays chess against Ron.

Ron: Knight to E-5

The knight moves and Y/N thinks before moving.

Y/N: Queen to E-5.

A queen walks over to E-5 and destroys the knight.

Hermione: That's totally barbaric!

Ron: That's wizard's chess. I see you've packed.

Hermione: See you haven't.

Ron: Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!

Y/N: Both fortunately and unfortunately all other Ravenclaws will be heading home, so I've been given special permission to stay in the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione: Good. You two can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel.

Ron: We've looked a hundred times!

Y/N: I've read every book in that section.

Hermione: Not in the restricted section... Happy Christmas, especially to you Y/N.

Y/N: I think you mean Merry Christmas, but yes, Merry Christmas to you too.

Hermione leaves and Ron speaks up.

Ron: I think we've had a bad influence on her.

Y/N: Your move by the way.


I wake up in the velvet room and see Igor with a Santa hat on.

Igor: Welcome again to the velvet room.

Me: Why did you call me here?

Igor: Be on the watch for a velvet rapped present, Maria will be in it, but first it is time to attempt your first second awakening.

Me: Zorro!

Zorro appears and I grab his chain and throw it with all my might, it breaks and soon enough, he transforms, but after it, there is a second rush of power and when it dies out I see Zorro, no, I see Diego.

Diego: I feel it, my original power, thank you young Y/N, I am now strong against blesses and nullify the wind, this power of mine, is yours now.

Igor: I dare say, this is unique, you completely skipped his second awakening, try another today?

Me: Necronomicon!

I grab Necronomicon's chain and break it, it transforms twice before I can get a clear look at it, I manage to gaze upon its third awakening, Al Azif.

I remember it's words about Futaba Sakura.

Necronomicon (Past): She was a shut in, but she was an excellent hacker and navigator, like the rest of her allies, she detested rotten adults.

I suddenly collapse in exhaustion from breaking their limits.

Igor: Your willpower is strong, but unfortunately, I estimate Christmas break will end, then you can do this again.

In the time trying to find information on Nicholas Flamel, I've read through the entirety of the Velvet Room, gotten Hermione's "confidant" up to rank 3, started Harry's, apparently he is the Fool card, and Ron's, he is the magician card, I've asked Igor what I was, I don't have one assigned to me, but I strongly resonate with the Fool card.

Igor: Goodbye for now Trickster, it's time to wake up.

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