Diary Stolen, Hermione's Petrification, Y/N's Rage

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We open to see Y/N walking alongside Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

Hermione: It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be.

Y/N: I have a hard time believing it's him Harry.

Ron: We don't even know this Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me.

Harry: The monster had killed someone, Ron. What would any of us done?

Hermione: Look. Hagrid's our friend and Y/N's godfather. Why don't we just go ask him about it?

Ron: That'd be a cheerful visit. "Hullo, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

Hagrid: Mad an' hairy? Wouldn' be talkin' 'bou me, now would yeh?

Y/N/Ron/Harry/Hermione: No absolutely not./No!

Harry: What's that you've got, Hagrid?

Hagrid Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent. Fer the Mandrakes, yeh know. Accordin' ter Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growin' up ter do, but once their acne clears up, we'll be able to chop 'em up, stew 'em, an' get those people in
the hospital un-Petrified. 'Til then, you three best watch yerselves, all righ'?

They all nod and watch Hagrid leave until Neville comes up to them.

Neville: Harry, I don't know who did it, but... you'd better come.

Arsene: Y/N! Great trouble will happen very soon! Tomorrow at the latest! Beware, someone dear to you will be petrified!

Y/N: Who?!

Arsene: All I know is that a dear friend is in trouble, and your godsister is in deep trouble as well.

Y/N: Ginny? Wait she's in trouble?!

Arsene: Beware.

Arsene stops talking and everyone enters the Gryffindor common room. Harry's space is a disaster: trunk riffled, drawers flung open, bedclothes strewn on the floor.

Hermione: It had to be a Gryffindor. Nobody
else knows our password, not even Y/N. Unless, it wasn't a student...

Y/N suddenly gets light headed and falls to the floor unconscious.

Hermione: Y/N!

Ron catches him before he hits the ground.

Ron: I'll take him to the medical ward.

Ron carries Y/N to the medical ward but before he gets there he suddenly ends up in a Velvet Library.

Ron: What the?! *notices he isn't carrying Y/N anymore* Y/N!

Y/N: Calm down I'm right here.

Ron looks to see Y/N in his Joker outfit.

Ron: Wait Y/N, you're Joker?

Y/N: Bingo.

Ron: Where are we?

Y/N: *sits where Igor used to sit* Welcome Ron, to my velvet room, I am the current master of this place. *Maria sits on his shoulder in raven form* I brought you here because I believe you have a Persona, recently I found out how to get you a Persona without my method of my mask. *hands him a gun*

Ron: How will this help?

Y/N: Let me give you the simple version, it helps make a traumatic experience  by shooting yourself in the head and that allows your persona to awaken and manifest, although you won't get an outfit like mine.

Ron: I'll let you know when I want to try it. *hands it back*

Y/N: Thanks for taking me to the medical ward by the way.

Ron: No problem.

Ron suddenly appears in the normal world again still walking and carrying Y/N, he makes it to the medical and puts him on the bed.

Madam Pomfrey: What happened?!

Ron: He got light headed and fell unconscious, he's still able to move, he isn't petrified.

Pomfrey: *sighs in relief* I'll take care of him, doesn't Harry have a match today? You should go watch.

Ron: Thank you Madam Pomfrey.

After Ron leaves she looks at Y/N.

Pomfrey: You going to stop faking?

Y/N: *opens his eyes* How'd you know?

Pomfrey: You had the exact same breathing pattern as you did when you're awake as opposed to when you're asleep.

Y/N: Leave it to a nurse to find subtle differences.

Suddenly the doors open and teachers come in carrying Hermione, but she's petrified, Y/N looks on in rage at the sight and his vision goes red before he wakes up in the velvet room exhausted.

Y/N: Damn it! Why her?! Why Hermione?! Why the one who understands me?! Why the one I love?! Damn it!!!!!!!

He unknowingly summons Arsene and dark fire surrounds them and when it dies out...

Y/N: What the hell? What happened to my clothes?

Arsene: Your anger and feeling of loss has unlocked our rebellion mode, with this we increase our current power to our fullest extent, we can attack with skills as many times as we desire, our limits are cast aside, but I don't have my second awakening, but while we use this, we are strong against everything, except ice, and nullify curses!

Y/N: So, this is rebellion mode? I read that people unlocked it differently than others but to think, rage and loss would do it, I will avenge Hermione, I'm 99.99% certain that we're up against a basilisk.

Slifer: You've finally gotten stronger boy. You're finally able to wield my power without being drained. I look forward to working with you properly boy.

Y/N: Lord Slifer, I assume calling me boy is a step-up from pipsqueak?

Slifer: You would be correct boy, while you won't be able to summon me in tight spaces, you can use my rebellion mode, eventually, give it a few years, your body has to adjust to my power first. I will teach you the chant to summon Ra once Obelisk joins us.

Y/N: Thank you lord Slifer.

Slifer: No problem boy, now you should wake up, you passed out in rage and unlocking your rebellion mode allowed you to regain your bearings.

Y/N: Yes sir.

Y/N leaves the Velvet room and wakes up on the hospital bed with Harry and Ron by Hermione.

Y/N: What'd I miss?

Ron: Oh you're awake, we just got here.

Y/N: Ok.

Harry: How'd you pass out this time?

Y/N: Pure rage.

Ron: Well we should start heading back to our common rooms, see you tomorrow.

Y/N: Yeah see ya.

They leave the hospital and go their separate ways and once they're out of sight he becomes Joker once again and heads straight to Dumbledore.

Joker: Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: Ahh Joker, what do you have to report?

Joker: I'm sure you heard this already but the next victim was Hermione, and because of that I gained a new power.

Joker: This is my rebellion mode. Now if you'll pardon me, I'm gonna go see Hagrid after classes tomorrow.


Harry: We go see Hagrid tomorrow.

Ron: How do we tell Y/N?

Harry: Whisper it to him during class, I'm just worried about being found out by Joker.

Ron (thoughts): Ah yes instead of talking about Y/N, let's talk about Y/N instead.

Ron: Fair point, but I have this feeling that he won't care.

Harry: Honestly, I'm thinking he and Y/N are the same person, he was there with me when we went to get the stone and when he was there Y/N wasn't so I strongly suspect him.

Joker: Aww, you figured it out.

Joker hops into the room and turns back into Y/N.

Y/N: I'm actually kind of impressed.

Ron: How are you here?

Y/N: Window, special permission to be with you guys, practically existing in the shadows, the works.

Harry: We're visiting Hagrid tomorrow.

Y/N: I was already planning to do that, don't worry about me, *pulls out invisibility cloak* I got my own cloak.

Ron: How?

Y/N: Velvet room.

Ron: Of course, is that how your eye changes as well?

Y/N: I did buy eye powers.

Ron: Of course you did.

Harry: Wait don't you work for Dumbledore?

Y/N: Not really, and besides, what's life without a little rebellion?

Ron: Super boring?

Y/N: Exactly.

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