🔸Seeing Reality🔸

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He soon finds David hanging out with Donut, Barf bag, and Spongy. Everyone was shocked seeing him out of the Yoyle Needy. It wasn't every day you'd be able to see this god out and about not killing objects.

He grabs David's arm and drags him away.

"Where's Dora!?" He asks

"...aw seriously" David responds

"You're no help!!" He mutters "Just take me to where Dora is!!" 

With that David flew him to where Dora is. She was on the rooftop of the many buildings. David and Dora's eyes meet both start to fight again. Series of 'aw seriously' and Insulăvoric sentences came from the two. 

He was fed up with this. He can't go on with his plan with the two fighting. He...just wants everything to go back to normal. But he couldn't. Everyone is depending on him and the other gods. He can't disappoint all of them 

"You two need to stop fighting!! It's annoying! Even all the drugs I take can't drown your problems out!!" He shouts.

The two cousins went silent in seconds of hearing this.

He realized what he had done. 

"Wait...G-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out!" He mutters. It was too late to reverse what he had said.

David and Dora coldly look at him. Both flew away leaving him stuck in the rooftop.

He looks at the ground as the building seems to stretch. The floor going farther and farther away. He backs away from the edge of the building. 

The bright colors coming from the buildings soon turned dull.

He panics as he searches for his pills and quickly swallows it down. 

The bright lights came back and the ground goes back to normal.

He sits on the rooftop which felt like hours as he sees Bracelety flying over to him.

"...why did you have to lash out on them like that. You know that your better than that G-"

"Don't...mention that name...I can't stand it" he mumbles as Bracelety looks at him with worry.


The two stay silent as they heard a explosion in the outskirts.

(Ok so a short chapter in a span of a month. But I had a ton of tests so I couldn't really have time on this story. But I'll try to make the next chapters longer. I may or may not put this on hiatus but or just have no sense of schedule and post whenever I can. But in September I'll make sure to have more content 😀)

It's 11:24 😀

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