Chapter Two

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Soft music filled the air as masked couples danced. Snow fell from the magical ceiling but never made it students dressed in their fanciest dresses and robes. Hermione stood in her dress by one of the tangled snow covered trees talking with a girl in a beautiful blue dress. She guessed Ginny because she Ginny had shown her the dress in advance. Hermione chatted away not even noticing she had attracted the attention of another.

He had been watching her since the moment she walked in. The way her red dress moved with each graceful movement she made. The way her long hair was pulled back into a sleek bun with strands falling around her face artfully. The way her eyes shown behind that beautiful elegant red mask. It all mesmerized him. But who was she? The spell could easily mask the identity of another. Even the best of friends wouldn't be able to recognize each other.

Hermione nodded to the girl as they talked when she noticed her eyes widened at something behind her. Turning, Hermione saw a figure bowing his head to her, his hand outstretched also. "Care to dance?" His rich voice asked. Only able to nod, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. Her hand rested on his shoulder as his free one found it's way to her waist. Their feet began dancing as the sweet music started to play. Hermione looked up into his grey eyes as he swept her around the dance floor. Grey eyes ?

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