Before the team Valkyrie spoke to Sonic Shatter.
Valkyrie: My love. It it wonderful to finally meet you.
y/n: It's good to meet you two Valkyrie.
Valkyrie: I under stand you might feel anger towards you friends and lovers but please try to under stand then?
y/n: Ok. I'll try. (he kissed her passionately) You get another one during our first date.
Valkyrie: Looking forward to it.
The team then entered the well, meanwhile with the Masters of Evil.
Dr. Doom: The final phase of our plan is about to commence. The attack on the Omega Base, the kidnapping of the X-Man, and our dealings with Mephisto have all been led up to this moment. I would remind you that failure is not an option.
Baron Mordo: You worry too much, my good doctor. We are more than prepared to achieve our ultimate goal.
Dr. Doom: And you worry too little. How often did we have victory firmly in our grasp only to have it snatched away by the heroes.
Loki: You do realize, Baron Mordo, that the price of failure will be the wrath of Odin. Are you prepared for that?
Baron Mordo:, I don't suppose I am.
Enchantress: None of us are. It will be a fate worse than death.
Dr. Doom: And that is why we must be absolutely certain we are willing to do what must be done to achieve success.
Baron Mordo: Fear not, Dr. Doom. I am prepared for whatever challenges we meet.
Ultron: As am I. Just Knowing the rewards that await us makes it all worth while.
Dr. Doom: Of that you have no fear Ultron. Everyone will get what's coming to them.
When the team arrived in Nifflehiem an old lady named Volla appeared in front of them.
Volla: So you have returned to steal from me yet again, eh? Well you have already take my one and only possession, so leave me in piece, young one.
Carol: I think you've mistaken us for somebody else. We're not thieves. Were looking for Odin. Have you seen him?
Volla: Odin passes through here. Shortly after there where sound of a tremendous battle. The ground trembled and the sky grew dark. But the recent silence does not bode well. I fear Odin is in serious danger.
Carol: If you don't mind me asking, who are you?
Volla: My name is Volla. I am a prophetess from Asgard. I believe you when you say that you are not the thief that stole my ring. But if you should find it and return it to me. I would gladly tell you your fortune.
Carol: Alright, Volla. If we do come across your ring, we'll be sure to bring it back to you. And thanks for the information.
Volla then whispered something to Ms. Marvel.
Volla: I can sense the disappointment in that man. If you speak to him now, you will bring him close to you again.
Carol: Thank you. Babe!
She run to her boyfriend and spoke to him.
Carol: On behalf of the harem, we're sorry for keeping you in the dark. You have every right to be mad but we don't want you to be mad at use. You're right, we should have trusted you to keep our secret. Please forgive us?
Y/n grabbed her and kissed her.
y/n: I could never stay mad at you girls.
Carol: (big smile) Thank you.
But when they kiss again, Johnny noticed some dead Vikings starting to move.
Johnny: Um...Sorry to ruin the moment but we got company.
The team then battled the Vikings. They continued to travel through Nifflehiem and battled more Vikings along the way. After a while they found the ones who stole Volla's ring, it was Ulik and Kurse.
Ulik: We certainly showed Volla, didn't we curse, Kurse?
Kurse: Yes, but I would not be so proud. Volla never told us where the key was to open this chest.
Ulik: Give me a bolder and we'll have no need for a key.
Johnny: So you're the ones who stole from the Three Destinies. What's the matter? No babies around here to take candy from?
Kurse: What are you doing here, humans? Don't tell me you're here to help Odin.
Ulik: The gods must truly be defeated to need allies like these.
Carol: We'll show you what defeat is all about Ulik!
Kurse: You dare to challenge us? How utterly insane.
y/n: We shall see.
Ulik and Kurse where strong opponents but they managed to beat them, then they examined the chest.
Sue: Now thatwe're done with Ulik and Kurse, we can try to open that chest. But they said it needed a key. Lets look around and see what we can find.
The team looked around and battled more Vikings and some dark elves as well. They were passing a cabin when y/n noticed something in the fire pit, when he looked and picked it up her realized that it was a key.
y/n: Hey guys! I thing I found the key to the chest.
The went back to the chest and used the key and it worked.
y/n: The key worked, and there's Volla's ring. (he picked up the ring)
Volla: (appeared behind the team) Thank you for finding my ring y/n, I knew you were a good man.
y/n: No proble- How did you know my name?
Volla: I know many thing, such as you should keep the ring, for it will show you the light.
y/n: What light?
Volla: You will soon see. ( she disappeared)
After Volla disappeared the team continued their journey. As they continues the began to battle some Frost Giants, they then noticed that a number of them where using a catapult.
Dr. Strange: That catapult in going to make travel difficult. Be on your guard and watch the skies team.
The team managed to get through the field and destroyed the catapult.
Carol: Well, that takes care of that minor nuisance. Lets see if we can't locate Odin now.
They continues until they came across a blast crater and in the center of it was the Twilight Sword, but it was broken.
Dr. Strange: So this is the Twilight Sword. The weapon Dr. Doom traded us to Mephisto for. It is painful to see a powerful Arcane Artifact go to waist.
y/n: (calls to lady Sif) Sif! We found the Twilight Sword, but it's broken and there's destruction all around.
Sif: This is not good, the sword must have been used on Odin, and if that happened.
Dr. Strange: Then Odin must have fallen in battle.
Sif: Please my love, hurry. Odin's life in most likely in danger.
y/n: We're on it.
The heroes hurried to find Odin, after a while they came across Ymir, the king of the Frost giants.
Ymir: Puny humans, You stand in the presence of Ymir. King of the Frost Giants.
Johnny: Why don't you yuck it up Ymir and tell us what happened to Odin.
Ymir: Odin was here, then he was beaten by Loki and his allies with the Twilight Sword. Now Loki will go to the top of Raven's Spire and take possession of the Destroyer Armor and retake Asgard.
Carol: Not if we have anything to say about it.
The team then faced Ymir but he was too big, then y/n took a frost giant's spear and stabbed the back of Ymir's neck with it, then the rest of the team did the same and defeated him. The team continued their mission and battled more enemies along the way and after many battles the found Baron Mordo and Ultron.
Baron Mordo: This is outrageous! How dare Loki and Doom leave us behind! I won't stand for it!!!
Ultron: This is not an unforeseen outcome. They now each get what they without having to share the spoils with us.
Baron Mordo: We'll just see about that. All we had to do is guess which spear is truly Odin's. That will open the barrier.
Ultron: Can you use your of mind control to get the elf to choose for us?
Baron Mordo: It is all too easy for the master of magic. Go, Elf. Choose a spear for you master, Baron Mordo.
The mind controlled choose a spied but was killed immediately.
Ultron: An unfortunate outcome.
Johnny: What's the matter? Outlived your usefulness to Loki and Doom?
Daron Mordo: How did you get here? You shouldn't have been able to cross the bridge!
Ultron: Evidence suggest differently. Let us battle them!
The heroes and villains battled but the heroes won.
Carol: Well, they're out of the way. But to get to Odin, we need to shut down this barrier. And to do the we need to choose the right spear.
They looked at the spears and saw that one of them was starting to glow.
Sue: Why is that spear glowing.
Dr. Strange: I believe it is because of Volla's ring, she did say that it would show us the light.
y/n the went and pick up the glowing spear.
y/n: Well, it didn't kill me.
He then used it on the barrier and it opened.
y/n: Yes the barrier is down, now lets get to Odin.
When they arrived at the top of Raven's Spire they found Loki waiting.
Loki: My, my, my what a pleasant surprise. But don't you know it's not safe up here. At least, not safe for you.
Carol: Loki! Were is Odin?
Loki: Oh, I'm sorry but I don't know what happened to daddy dearest, you see Dr. Doom has him.
Dr. Strange: Then why are you up here?
Loki: I seek to take control of the destroyer armor but I need four god swords to free it.
y/n: I heard about that, we'll be in trouble if he gets it.
Sue: Then we'll have to stop him before he does.
Loki: You can try but know this, I will have the destroyer armor.
The heroes battled Loki and although he was very difficult to fight, the defeated him. Then they called Fury.
y/n: Fury, you got anything on Dooms whereabouts?
Fury: No, any knowledge you gain will be helpful.
Sue: What if we took the destroyer armor back to Valhalla.
Fury: Alright sounds like a plan, Fury out.
Then a portal open and the team went through with the destroyer armor.
Fury: Welcome back.
y/n: Fury, did you tell Sif to open these portals?
Fury: Affirmative.
y/n: Good, we'll get the sword, then we can use the armor against Doom.
Fury: Good luck, and watch yourselves.
The team then went through each of the portals ad found all four god swords and used them to free the armor.
Sue: Alright, the Destroyer Armor is free.
Fury: You did an excellent job.
But the Fury turned into Loki.
Loki: Thank you for doing what I could never accomplished alone.
Carol: Loki! What just happened?
Loki: You should know that deception is my greatest weapon. You never teleported to Vahlalla- you are in a land of my making.
Sue: You tricked us!
Loki: Yes. And now I will take control of the armor and crush the life from you.
Loki teleported away and the armor attacked them.
Sue: What do we do? We can't defeat the Destroyer Armor.
y/n: No! But we can still stop Loki, we just need to find his body.
After searching, they found Loki's body and waiting for the armor to do an energy blast and it hit him, and Loki was finally defeated.
y/n: Great! Now that Loki is done, we need to find Odin.
Just then the other heroes came to them.
Carol: How did you guys get here?
Thor: We do not know.
?: I can explain that.
They look to see Dr. Doom standing in front of them.
Steve: Doom! What have you done?
Dr. Doom: I followed the plan I stole from the S.H.I.E.L.D base and took Odin to Raven's Spire. And with arcane magic, I stole his powers.
Blade: You're the most powerful god in Asgard.
Dr. Doom: Yes! The universe is mine for the taking.
y/n: I don't know how Doom, but we'll a was to beat you.
Dr. Doom: That is an empty threat, now I shall send you all to the darkness of oblivion.
And in a flash of light, the heroes were dead, or are they. At the very last second they were saved by "Uatu the Watcher".
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