When the heroes returned to Attilan, Uatu congratulated them,
Uatu: You did well. Uptraining the M'Kran Crystal under those conditions were was quite impressive.
y/n: Well it isn't every day we save an empire in order to save the Earth.
Uatu: Yes, but there is still one item you must obtain - the muonic inducer. It is a device Galactus uses to assimilate the energy of a planet when her devours it.
y/n: Where will we find Galactus?
Uatu: He is about to attack a plan populated by the Skrull; a race long sought to conquer humanity. If you wish to leave now, go to Lockjaw or if you require more information, talk to the Black Widow.
y/n went to Black Widow for more information.
Black Widow: Hello y/n. DO you need some intel?
y/n: Yes. What can you tell me about Galactus?
Black Widow: Gakactus is a being created at the destruction of one universe and the creation of ours, with that he holds immense cosmic power. Which is why he needs to devour entire planets to sustain himself.
y/n: Another question. Who are the Skrull?
Black Widow: The Skrull are a race much older than ours, so their technology is a few years ahead from us. At first they were peaceful but after they were attacked by a race called the Kree the Skrull changed their ways and became warriors and conquers. They have tried to invade Earth before, mainly using shape shifters.
y/n: Anything else you can tell me, are there any specific Skrulls that I should know about?
Black Widow: The Skrull do have what is called the Super Skrull program, but it mainly take participants against their will. The created warriors like the Super Skrull who has all the powers of the Fantastic Four and Paibok who was given powers capable to capable taking down super heroes.
y/n: Alright. Thank Natasha.
Black Widow: It was no trouble at all.
Then Fury walked up to Sonic Shatter:
Fury: Hey, y/n. you might want to go into the throne room. Dugan has come to Attilan, and the situation on Earth is not looking good.
y/n: Ok, I will.
Y/n went to the throne room and spoke to Dum Dum Dugan.
Dugan: Shatter, it's good to see a friendly face again.
y/n: It's good to see you too Dugan. What's the situation on Earth?
Dugan: We're helpless. We.ve tried everything against Doom, land assaults, air assaults, lasers from space, we even tried the new Gama bombs nothing phases him.
y/n: What about the other superheroes?
Dugan: They've all went to attack Doom, all of them were beaten, even Professor X.
y/n: Oh my god! Don't worry Dugan, once we get back from the Skrull planet, we'll be ready to face Doom.
Dugan: That's the best news that I've heard in a while.
Before y/n could form a team Crystal called to him.
Crystal: y/n, we found Medusa but Doom did something to her.
Medusa: All hail Doom!
y/n: Holly molly! What has he done to her?
Crystal: I don't know, but we'll be leaving for Earth soon to force Doom to change her back.
y/n: Wait what?
Gorgon: (walks up to them laughing) We will be going to Doom's castle and make him pay for what he did to Meduse!
y/n: But Doom has the power of Odin. The most powerful god in Asgard.
Gorgon: We are Inhumans. We have face powerful beings before.
Crystal: We will be leaving soon. Me, Gorgon and Triton will go to Earth while Blackbolt stays behind to protect Medusa.
y/n: If you will just give us some time, then we'll go with you. We stand a better chance if we work together.
Crystal: Your concern is appreciated, but we're doing this one way or another.
y/n: (sigh) Ok. Good luck.
With that he formed a team and they went to Lockjaw.
y/n: Alright Lockjaw. Take us too the Skrull planet.
With that, the team was sent away on their next mission.
(Team for the next chapter will be: Sonic Shatter, Elektra, Daredevil, Ghost Rider and Deadpool)
Deadpool: Finally! I'm back in the story!
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