In the Night sky above the City the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarries is under attack, Nick Fury is trying to coordinate his men.
Fury: What the hell in going on here? Where is our air support? Get those forward guns going! Why aren't those rear batteries firing!? Someone get General Wilson on the Horn.
Suddenly Dr. Doom Appears on his screen.
Dr. Doom: Colonel Fury.
Fury: Doom! I'll have your head for this!
Doom: I have little time for your petty threat colonel, surrender your ship to me or I shall destroy it.
Fury: Not on my watch.
Fury then sent a distress signal to any superhero in the area.
Fury (speaker): This is a priority alert to all meta-humans, UNN Alpha requesting immediet assistance.
Then in a flash of Lightning 5 heroes appeared to help: Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine and Sonic Shatter.
Captain: Thor take care of those gun ships.
Thor then flew off to destroy the ships.
Captain: Spider-Man draw them towards the stern.
Spider-Man: You got it (he leaps onto a ledge and sees a gun ship coming) I just love being the target.
Captain America: Sonic Shatter clear the robots from the with me.
y/n: Got it (He readies his sonic gauntlets)
Captain America: Wolverine-
But before Cap could say anything Wolverine puts his hand in front of him.
Wolverine: Stow it boy scout, I don't take orders from you!
Wolverine then jumped over the edge and landed on a ship and proceeded to destroy the doom-bots. Thor then flew up and destroyed one ship then another one shot him in the back.
Thor: Soleless machine! How dare you strike the sun on Odin.
Thor then summoned Lightning and destroyed the ship, the scene changes to Spider-Men who in hanging upside-down on one of the ships.
Spider-Man: Show off. (He then proceeded to climb to the pilot seat of the ship) Excuse me is the the ferry to Staten Island?
Spider-Man the shot a web into one of the Ultron droids face, the he jumped between the other two that where shooting and destroyed them and threw one of the at the pilot. Then his Sider-sense went off, warning him that the ship was going to crash so he jumped clear and saw Captain America and Sonic Shatter fighting some of Ultron's robots.
Spider-Man: Hey guys it looks like you-(Then Cap threw his shield at him, he dodged it and it hit the robot behind him the y/n used his gauntlets to destroy 3 robots on his left and Cap destroyed the rest with his shield) could use some help.
y/n: Thank Spidey but we're good.
Then they heard Wolverine laughing as he was riding one of the ships that just crashed.
Spider-Man: That dude scares me.
y/n: You and me both Spidey.
Wolverine the walked out of the crashed ship like nothing happened and everyone looked at him in surprise.
Wolverine: What are you girls looking at?
y/n: Dude! You just walked out a crashed ship!
Wolverine: Please, I've been through worse.
Just then Fury contacted the heroes from the bridge.
Fury: Gentlemen this is colonel Nick Fury, I'm on the main bridge but I'm not sur ehow much longer I'll last, get here ASAP, Fury out.
y/n: Looks like Fury needs our help.
Captain America: Then lets move team!
he heroes then proceeded to fight the robots to get to the bridge but just before they reached the bridge, Scorpion stood in their way.
Scorpion: I was hoping to catch someone being a hero, looks like I hit the jackpot.
Spider-Man: Scorpion! What are you doing here?
Scorpion: I'm working for the biggest group of villains the world has ever seen...The Masters of Evil.
Thor: Who is in charge?
Scorpion: That's the best part, we're led by the man himself Dr. Doom.
Captain America: What does he want with the Helicarrier?
Scorpion: If only you knew,-cause Doom's got a plan that's going to shake the heavens!
Wolverine: Talk Scorpion, or you're in for a world of pain!
Scorpion: You want to get tough punk good, cause so do I.
y/n: It's five against one, you're not going to win.
Scorpion didn't listen and began to fight the heroes but they defeated them easily.
y/n: I tried to warn him.
Captain America: Come on! Lets get to the bridge.
The team entered the bridge and found Fury helping an injured S.H.I.E.L.D agent.
Fury: Thanks for respond to my SOS guys. ( He looks at Captain America) Cap it's good to see you
Captain America: We came as quickly as possible.
Fury: Thor I knew I could count on you.
Thor: Thank you colonel Fury, I transported us here as soon as we received you summons.
Fury: Wolverine, I'm glad you're here, looks like we're in for a nasty fight.
Wolverine: Wouldn't have it any other way fury.
Fury: Spider-Man, I didn't expect you to be one of the first to show up.
Spider-Man: What? and miss riding on the Helicarrier? This has the be the biggest waist of tax payer money in history. Hey, you guys have plans to make a flying Mt. Rushmore? Seriously that would totally rock.
Fury: Sonic Shatter, Glad you could make it.
y/n: Happy to help Fury, so what's the situation?
Fury: The Helicarrier is under attack by a group of villains called the Masters of Evil and to make matters worse, they're lead by Victor Von Doom.
y/n: If Doom is back then we're in serious trouble.
Fury: My thoughts exactly.
Spider-Man: Quick question, what are you guys doing out here, aren't you a little far from home.
Fury: It's not important.
Spider-Man: But if you told us why it might help us learn why Doom is attacking.
Fury (serious): I told you it's not important!
Just then Black Widow called Fury.
Black Widow: Colonel Fury this is Black Widow. The Masters of Evil have activated the launch cycle for one of our nuclear missiles. I need some help to stop them.
Fury: We read you Widow help is on its way. Team just one of those missiles could level an entire city.
y/n: Don't worry Fury, we'll stop them.
The heroes the left the room to help Black Widow.
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