Asgardian Assignment 2

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When the team returned to Valhalla Fury spoke to them.

Fury: Congratulations. Your mission to free the gods was successful. Balder rallied the gods and they're slowly retaking control of the city. Now you need to reopen the Bifrost Bridge. For more information, talk to Hermod or if you anxious to get started, take the portal to Bifrost. And you should be happy to know that, having finish the mission is Asgard, you are allowed into the Hal of the Honored Fallen.

y/n tried to talk to Hermod but he was running around the place and he couldn't keep up, so he went to Thor.

y/n: Thor. Can you help me talk to the god of speed? I can't keep up.

Thor: Certainly.

Thor took y/n to a certain spot where he can summon Hermod. Once Hermod arrived they spoke to him.

Hermod: Thor, it does my heart good to see you amongst the gods again.

Thor: Hermod my friend, I am pleased you did not fall in the attack on Asgard.

Hermod: Aye. But I bring bad news from the Bifrost bridge. The Wrecking Crew has closed the gates to Midgard, stopping any reinforcements from joining us. 

Thor: Worry, no longer Hermod. We shall go to Bifrost and reopen the gates. But first one of my friends from Midgard would like to speak with you.

y/n: Greetings Hermod. I would like to ask some questions. 

Hermod: Of course. You may ask.

y/n: What exactly in the Bifrost bridge?

Hermod: It is also known as the Rainbow Bridge and it is the only path between Asgard and Midgard, or as you humans call it Earth.

y/n: One more question. Who are the Wrecking Crew?

Hermod: The team lead by a human named Wrecker. They where given god powers when he was mistaken for Loki.

y/n: If they have the strength of gods, then I better put some brutes on the team. Thanks Hermod.

Hermod: My pleasure.

As y/n was about to put his team together Spider-Woman and Sif stopped him and brought him to a private corner.

Jessica: Darling. Sif has spoken to us and she has agreed to join the harem.

y/n: (blushing) Um... cool.

Sif: You are right my friend. It is fun to fluster him. (she then grabbed her new boyfriend by the collar and kissed him) Now I will leave you two to yourselves.

y/n: What does she mean?

Jessica: You thought that you would get intimate time with the other girls and not include me? I want some sugar too.

They began to make out but this was also a distraction so the other heroes could help Weasel hack into Black Widow's laptop, they only need one more piece of information before they could be sure weather of not she's a trader. 

Sif: Before I forget they said that I could speak to Valkyrie to see if she would be interested in you as well.

y/n: What did she say. 

Sif: After showing a picture of you and explaining you strong warrior spirit she has agreed. You should feel honored to have two Asgardians in love with you. We shall have nights of romans once you defeat this Dr. Doom.

Once They where done y/n put a team together and they took the portal to Bifrost.

(Team for the next chapter will include: Sonic Shatter, The Thing, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic and Wolverine)

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