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Next day :

Jimin went to work as usual. But today he came home early. You didn't even bother to know why he was early.

It was only 6:00 pm and someone knocked on the door. Jimin was doing work in the kitchen. He asked you to open the door but you didn't. You sat on the couch legs crossed and continued watched the tv. Jimin sighed and went to open the door.


He called but some ladies pushed him away and came to you. You frowned looking at them.

'Wow is she your wife? She is so beautiful.'

The ladies came and sat beside you making you uncomfortable. They started talking to you like they knew you from so long. They started touching your face and pinching your cheeks. About 6 ladies came and they were all talking non stop.

You tried to stop them but they weren't bothered by your actions. So you glared at jimin.

'Aunty you guys are scaring her.'

He said taking you away from them.

'Oh oh already possessive over your wife.'

They teased jimin while you scoffed.

'We will be back in two minutes.'

Jimin said and took you to your bedroom locking it.

'Who the fck are they?'

You asked.

'They are our neighbours y/n. I grew up with them. They maybe over reacting or over hyper but they are really good.'

'Whatever. I don't care. Just tell them to get out.'

Jimin looked at you shocked.

'They came to meet you y/n.'

'You expect me to sit with them chat with those old ladies . Never.'

'Y/n please I beg you. Please be nice to them.'

'And why should i?'

'Y/n. They are very kind people from heart. They are like a family to me. I don't want them to get hurt. They will just talk with you for some time and leave us alone. But please I beg you, don't do anything that will hurt them. Just this once spare them and do this favour for me.'

He begged showing his puppy eyes. He looked so cute but you didn't admit it.

'Okay. I will try to behave good with them. But if they go out of the line then I m not gonna care about their feelings.'

'Thank you so much y/n.'

'Just think this as a favour for helping me before.'

You said getting out of the room. You greeted all of them with your fake smile and sat opposite to them.

'Here these are for you.'

They handed you a bag of tangerine fruits which are your favourite. Your eyes lit up seeing them. Your mouth watered..

'Do you like them?'

One of the aunties asked.

'Yes. These are my favourite.'

You replied.

'These are for you too.'

They handed you a basket full of berry fruits. They were not your favourite but you liked them too. You took them happily.

'Y/n we heard you came from a very rich family. We know it maybe very hard for you to live this lifestyle but we can assure you that you will be very happy with jimin.'

You just fake smiled at them.

'You are very lucky to get married to him y/n. Jimin is a very nice guy. He lost his parents at a very young age and he lost his grandparents too. He grew up alone. But still he didn't go on a wrong route . He will do anything for the people he loves. He is a very nice guy with a lot of respect. He never misbehaved with anyone and always was a help to everyone.'

They continued. Jimin went out to bring drinks for them. You didn't listen to them. You just acted like you heard everything.

Time skip;

They had dinner which jimin made. They wanted to eat the food you made but jimin said you couldn't cook so he cooked instead of you. While going they took something out from the bag.

'I knitted it with my own hands. Hope you like it.'

'I knitted this with my own hands too and it's made of pure fabric.'

'I designed this dress for you.'

Three ladies said handing you a sweater, scarf and a floral dress.

You took it thanking them.

'We know you belong to a rich family and experienced luxurious life, we also know you may not wear these clothes. Since we are poor we couldn't afford much y/n. But we made these from our heart only for you. Hope you like it.'

They said and you don't know why but somehow they touched your heart. Your heart warmed at their words and thoughts. But you were not ready to admit it.

'Since it's winter here its very cool. Hope these sweater and scarf helps you from cold breeze.'

They said and you nodded your head. You and jimin both bid goodbyes.

You were laying down on your bed. You turned and saw the clothes they gave you. You sat and  throwed them on the floor because you never wore cheap clothes and you didn't wanted to wear them. But their words roamed in your head.

'Let's just try. There's nothing wrong in trying.'

You said to yourself and took the sweater. You looked through it and you liked the colour and design. You wore it and you felt very warmth and comfortable.

'Wow it looks good on me.'

You said looking yourself in the mirror . You took the scarf and wrapped it around your neck. It was matching perfectly with your skin colour. You even liked the fabric of the cloth.

'It's not bad.'

You said taking off the scarf but you still had the sweater. You didn't wanted to take it off. It was very warm and comfortable. You laid on your bed and immediately drifted off to sleep.

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