"Theres many things to worry about, but for now, Hayato.
I could do with some relaxation."
"Is that why you called me out?"
"Suzune did say it would be best to relax with some friends, instead of worrying about her perpetually."
"Aha, I see.
She's likely due to deliver in a month from now, huh?"
"Maybe even weeks, who knows? She'll be living in the hospital in a few days until her labour."
"Is that so?"
do you think I can be a good father?"
He looks at me, before smiling
"Of course not! Your baby will be holding a tantrum every few seconds!"
"Why so?"
"Kiyotaka-kun, have you even attempted to communicate with a baby in your life?"
I stop to think about it.
He does bring up a good point...
"I haven't..."
"Exactly! Suzune-San will probably handle the majority of parenting if you don't change."
He leans closer my ear,
"She might even hog the baby for herself"
"Am I that scary...?"
It's been 8 months since that day.
I felt something new, learnt something outside of my vast wisdom.
Ever since, I guess you could say I've changed, despite always being the person I am now.
I've never felt hostility, nor resentment.
But neither love or affection.
That is, until a few years back.
And at that day, 8 months ago, it finally showed, huh?
"We're here."
"Huh? We were going somewhere?"
"Ah, I forgot to tell you.
I'm leaving the restaurant in a few days, Hayato. You'll be the second to know, after the manager."
He widens his eyes.
"Y-You're leaving?"
I merely nod.
That is a shame..."
"It was bound to happen after all.
I'll be a parent soon,
with our very own child.
I'll be carrying the financial responsibilities of my family, along with Suzune.
Changes was inevitable, but it is a shame indeed to leave a place where I shared a lot of my memories.
But we'll keep in touch, Hayato. Us, and everyone within that restaurant."
'Friends' for me are worth cherishing.
To cherish not the past of them, but also the present.
"So where to next, Kiyotaka-kun?"
Where to next, you ask?
"It's a workplace of both pain, and happiness.
Where I will surely spice up my life,
Even be it just a little bit more, I suppose."
'The Youngest Principal In Advanced Nurturing High School History', huh?
I guess I'll just go along with it,
And when asked if true-
Merely admit such feat.
Just because you escaped from here...?"
"Its no use being jealous now.
You'll soon be where I am."
But what?
Because father said so?
That you'll be here forever, as long as you're still alive?"
I sigh.
"Convince me to believe that I was such fool, and refusing so would be one of many errors in my life.
I guess we'll both have to wait and see."
"Kiyotaka? Hello?"
"Because only time can tell at this point, whose path was the wisest."
"Dozing off again?"
"But right now,
I'm in the middle of something.
What was it...?
I forgot..."
Ah... that's right.
"You dozed off again, didn't you?"
If I wasn't so weak right now...
Just know your body would be full of holes..."
"From a gun?"
"From my compass."
"I shouldve known..."
"For real."
"It will be soon, you know?"
I know.
"You and I... do you know what we will become?"
I know.
"Even your father... he'll still be alive to see through it. Do you know what he will become?"
I know.
"Even my parents... do you know what they will become?"
I know.
"So why are you not responding?"
It's the stench of omen, that things may turn south.
Your face... it feels off.
"Are you feeling alright, Kiyotaka?"
It is not you who should be asking that question.
"Say something..."
It is I...
You need to go to the hospital-
Right now.
"It's labor, you'll have to wait."
"I see..."
"She'll be fine. The owner of this hospital has decided to conduct this delivery himself, just because you are his ex-worker's son."
"I see..."
"Are you alright?"
"I see..."
"I see..."
"Please inform me when the operation is over.
I'll be waiting here, in the waiting room."
He raises his eyebrow, and then smiles.
"You mustn't worry.
Everything will be fine.
Your life had already been hell at one point, but that chapter has already ended."
That chapter?
It... has?
"So wait here in peace, Kiyotaka.
We'll be back to deliver you good news."
"It happened sooner than expected, huh?"
"Yes, to my surprise."
"And if things go bad?"
I look at him.
Then look away.
"Is that what you hope?"
He doesn't reply.
"Well, I have faith.
Faith that from today, I will be a father, and she will be a mother.
And our daughter will arrive safely."
The child turns back, "I can hear her from here. From waiting room..."
"Shes in pain, huh?
"I guess that's normal."
"Are you still clinging onto that faith?"
"You still think that our father, the wisest person on earth, will ever go wrong by saying that our future is doomed the second we escape?"
"Well, then-"
"And I am right."
"Father will die soon, attesting his loss.
I did not hesitate that day, and I escaped that place.
The fact that I outlive father,
Attests for my victory."
"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka...
You are permitted to enter..."
We both look to our side.
"The doctor is calling you... I'm guessing it's over."
Doesn't he look sad?"
"You're just a vision,
How could you possibly foretell the future for me?"
"Well, it doesnt matter.
Everything before now doesnt matter.
The fact that I'm here, right now, matters the most."
I walk up to the door.
"Hey, wait, where are you going?"
"Hey, wait, where are you going?"
"Hey, wait,
where are you going?"
He was right... everyone seems saddened...
Nothing went wrong, right?
Ah... it's so bright in here...
Has light ever shone so bright in my life...?
Well, no matter...
I'll just... plow through this light...
And... see...
"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka... it is my duty to tell you...
Congratulations on your healthy daughter"
"Thank you."
"Your wife needs sometime to rest... do you mind holding your daughter for us?"
"I don't mind."
It's light...
Its red...
It's loud...
"Why are you crying?
I don't understand."
"So teach me, Sakura. One day, when you're old enough.
Teach me why we cry."
"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, are you feeling alright?"
"You... seem to be crying... Is it out of pain? Or happiness?"
I'm... crying?
But... I'm not in pain...
"Oh, I see...
So your father did raise up a human after all, huh?"
I see...
To cry...
You've already taught me something new... huh?
Sakura... Ayanokoji?
"Hey, where are you going?"
"To the next chapter"
Wowow, its the end.
It's been a while, huh? Not sure why, but it's been a heck of a while.
There could've been more, but I'll end this fanfic here. Seems like a good ending though, right?
I might continue, who knows? If I'm up for it, ill continue this story.
And I hope to see you when that happens.
Thanks for reading!
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