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For two weeks Karan & Tripura not going to their parents house, they both feel guilty, but as same as they have a faith on their parents love too, Sherry being spicy food in their dream one family..

Sherry talking on cell with Tripura & Karan, they talking about Tripura's nausea & morning sickness & many other things too, she look her mother coming out from the room & she quickly change the topic- bhabh's why don't you try watermelon..

Tripura not understand what she talking about, & she replied- it's not good for health that much, as per doctor's instructions, & doctor suggested me so many things, & even they suggested me not heavy weight, don't sleep on tummy & it's a big list..

Sherry says- ohh doctor suggested you heavy weight's too, but it's not good in pregnancy period, & she look her coming towards her..

Tripura with confusing tone- what are you saying Sherry, it's not good in pregnancy period..

Sherry- ohh that's good, they suggested you sleep on tummy, & same time Madhu pull cell from Sherry's hold & she says..

Madhu- which doctor suggested you wrong things, that doctor have the original degree, don't go that doctor here after, & listen, on evening I'm coming to receive you, & we both are going for check up at another good doctor..

Tripura & Karan got it Sherry's wrong talks & Tripura reply- ok maa..

Madhu- start to eat dry fruits, fruit's & lot's of vegetables, it's good for baby, & don't give any stress on your tummy, don't sleep on your tummy, sleep as much as possible on your back, & while seating on couch or chair, keep cushion behind on your back, that won't back pain you a lot..

Tripura & Karan exchange the look with smile & says- ok maa..

Madhu- good, & she handover cell to Sherry again, & walks towards for her work..

After she go Sherry says- it works..

Karan- before you do anything like these, you have to give a signal at least, you just started & go on & on, how we know maa is around you, & she listing your nonsense babbling..

Sherry- bro have a some hot coffee & keep clam, I want to be like versatile batsman in your dream..

Tripura- ok, but please don't pull the trigger so much..

Sherry- yes, you just be relax..

Karan cut the call before Tripura reply to Sherry, & he pulled cell from Tripura's hand, & says- now it's time for me only..

Tripura- you are such jealousy cat..

Karan says with proud tone- yes I'm..

Tripura hold Karan through his waist & says- you look handsome today..

Karan- is it compliment or a signal of pleasure..

Tripura smiles & says- what do you think..

Karan move his face towards her with smiles go to catch her lips & same time door bell ring, Tripura lightly hit a punch on his shoulder, & says- go open the door..

Karan- it's pending..

Tripura- ok, go now, & Karan getting up from the side of her..

He open the door & surprise to look Tripura's mother on door with her father, he take a blessing from both, & he welcome them in, Tripura too surprised to look her parents, & she give them a warm side hugged..

Nandita look Tripura top to toe & says- why are you looking so dull, food is not suiting you..

Tripura- no, all the time I puking, & Karan doing everything, office & then house chores, he doing two duties now a days..

Nandita exchange the smile with Karan & says- don't worry now I'm here, you take the rest, & Karan you too give up your one duty, just be with your work, & be a husband..

Tripura ask to Nandita- for how many days you being here..

Nandita ignore the question & goes towards the kitchen..

After Nandita goes in kitchen, Tripura's father says- she is coming here in concern of grandchild & your first phase of pregnancy, & more she have a very soft corner of you dream, let's hope for the best..

Karan- are you serious!

Vishwa- yes..

Tripura- that's good news Appa..

Vishwa give hi-fi to Karan & Tripura with smiles, & Karan ask him- but what makes she think to come here..

Vishwa- you remember your aunty, your mother's cousin sister, who lives in Tamil nadu..

Tripura nodding in yes- Haan..

Vishwa- her daughter had a miscarriage, it's a very bad news, that's makes her very freaking out, that's why she be here..

Tripura ask to Vishwa with worried tone- when it's happened..

Vishwa- last day..

Tripura- what's the reason behind the miscarriage..

Karan interrupt them & says to Vishwa- no, Appa don't tell the truth to her, otherwise she started to overthink on it, it's being her habit in pregnancy period..

At the same time Nandita coming out from the kitchen & she heard it & ask- what! Why you overthinking on things, it's not good for the health..

Tripura give a look to Karan & says- no Amma he is overreacting, I didn't overthink on anything..

Karan- no Amma she is lying right now, she is being overthinker nowadays, & that's why she must be having sleepless nights sometimes..

Nandita give a intense look to Tripura & says- it's really very much bad Tripoo..

Tripura with pouted face- so rude..

Evening, door bell ring, & Nandita open the door & found Madhu on door with her bag, she smiles & Madhu smiles back..

Madhu entered in the house & ask- how are you Nandita ji..

Madhu- I'm good, & you..

Nandita- I'm too, congratulations..

Madhu give her confused look..

Nandita read that & says- going to be grandparents..

Madhu smiles & says- congratulations to you too..

Nandita close the door & turn to her..

Before Nandita ask to Madhu about water, Madhu ask to Nandita- where is Tripura..

Nandita- she is in room, taking rest & she forward glass of water..

Madhu- is fine! & She accept the glass of water..

Nandita- no, so much tired by puking..

Madhu- ok, I'm taking one doctor appointment for her & baby..

Nandita- oh that's good, should I come with you..

Madhu- why not, & she walks towards the bedroom of Karan & Tripura..

Tripura taking nap, & her sleep break by the sound of door open, she look Madhu entered in, & on next moment she getting up from bed..

Madhu says with scolding tone- Tripura, it's not good for baby, take it easy..

Same time Nandita entered in & she too heard, what Madhu says, & she says- what she did now..

Madhu look to Nandita once & says- getting up quickly..

Nandita wide her eyes with anger to Tripura & says- on morning I instructed you everything, still you behaving like these..

Tripura with irks tone- sorry Maa Amma, it was my quick response, sorry, here after it will won't happen ever again..

Madhu look Tripura swelling foot & says- I think your BP is low, haven't you eat anything..

Tripura says with tired tone- I had hour ago, but that makes me so yuck & I puked everything..

Madhu- ok, anything you want to eat like..

Tripura nodding in no & still says with tired tone- just want to sleep..

Madhu keep her palm on her cheek & says- I'm happy for you both..

Tripura look to Madhu & Nandita & says with pleading tone- maa Amma please stay with us, atleast for baby, as one family, please, we need you both in our life, please..

Madhu caressing her cheek with thumb & says- take a rest for some more time, we have a doctor's appointment, ok..

Nandita- yes, Tripoo take a rest, & they both leave the room..

Tripura nodded her head in no, & dialled Karan's number..

Karan pick her call & says- hey love how are you..

Tripura- Karan wanted to cry a lot..

Karan with panic tone- what happened love, is any pain you have! Should I be there..

Tripura with crying tone- no, feel so angered, so annoying, so irritating, so lonely, & she take her first sobbed..

Karan- shuu! Don't cry, what happened tell me, why are you crying, Amma said something to you, or Maa..

Tripura with hard sobbed- no..

Karan- baba first you stop crying, don't cry like baby, how would I know, what is actual happen with you..

Tripura wipe her tears & says with pouted tone- I want to eat something spicy & something sweet like something in that sweets dry fruits, & that too from my favourite restaurant..

Karan smiles with nodding his head & says- for that you are crying..

Tripura- no..

Karan- then..

Tripura tell him everything with sweet tone & say- what's wrong was I ask..

Karan too says with sweet tone- nothing is wrong, but give them some time baba, they will be with us, & don't be so emotional, it's not good in pregnancy, right!

Tripura- hmm..

Karan- good..

Tripura- come soon, I'm waiting..

Karan- yeah!

Tripura- I love you..

Karan- I love you too, bye, & they cut the call..

On evening Madhu & Nandita take Tripura with them at doctor's clinic, & they surprise to see Karan there..

Madhu- what are you doing here, & who one share the address, & she look to Tripura..

Karan- not Tripoo, Sherry share the address with me, & I be here..

Nandita- but it's just a regular check up, that's it..

Karan- I know it's regular check up, but I want to be with her, that's it..

Tripura give him naughty grin & says-  I'm comfortable with Maa & Amma..

Madhu- look she is comfortable with us, you go..

Karan give helplessly look to Tripura & she says to Madhu- Maa it's ok, he will wait outside till check up done, ok Karan..

Nandita- don't call him by name at least..

Tripura look to Nandita & says- Amma it's blind believe..

Nandita with stern tone- Tripoo..

Tripura look to Karan once & says- ok, then I'll call him Papa instead..

Karan to Madhu- Maa go in it's Tripoo's number..

Trio entered in the doctor's cabin, Tripura turn to Karan before entered in doctor's cabin, & she shows him her tongue with mocking grin, Karan make his gesture, will he see her later..

In doctor's cabin, doctor check to Tripura, & says- she is doing well, but her BP is too low, it's not good for health, she have to take relief breath, I mean don't take a stress too much, it's not good for her health, it cause will be miscarriage, please as much as possible be tension free..

Madhu- any changes in medicine..

Doctor- no, it's fine, & her diet chart is also good, it's Dr. Mallika's treatment file, right..

Tripura- yes doctor..

Doctor- well I must suggest you, please do continue your regular check-up with her only, she is finest doctor in Mumbai..

Tripura- thanks doctor, what about my foot's..

Doctor- massage them through Oli, it helps, please don't keep your foot's in warm water, it's not good as well, & already Dr. Mallika suggest you so many things, that's really very good, & please here after be careful towards your all things..

Tripura- ok..

Doctor- your husband is present here..

Tripura- yes, he is outside..

Doctor- and you both..

Tripura- they both are my mother..

Doctor- ok, you both ladies, please go out side & send her husband in..

Nandita ask to doctor with serious tone- any other problem..

Doctor- not at all, it's casual..

Madhu- ok, & they both leave the doctor cabin..

Karan enter in with smile, first he thank to doctor, Tripura give him confused look..

Karan open his mouth & says- thank you so much doctor..

Doctor- it's ok, I understand your all things, & after Tripura's check up, I found her BP low, later then I know what makes her stress cause..

Karan- well we both want our one family, but our both mom's views are so much traditional, we both could not understand, what to do, & I thought to be do these, I know it's lie, but these lie's result will good..

Doctor- Tripura don't worry, it was lie, about I said miscarriage, but that doesn't mean you start to take a stress, it's not good for you & for your baby..

Tripura smile & says- ok doctor..

Doctor- Karan, a personal advice, till pregnancy period gets over, don't be connect with her physical, I'm talking about sex, I know it's normal till six to seven months but I suggest you no, it's not harm for baby, but Tripura's health wise I'm telling you..

Karan with assuring tone- ok..

Doctor- Tripura while in pregnancy period, lady wants their husband beside them as much as physical, but in your case it bit different, you are not that much healthy for physical relation, so for some months stay away from physical..

Tripura & Karan exchange the look & nodding in yes..

Doctor- try to eat hourly or two hourly, that makes you feel good through health..

Tripura- ok..

Doctor- that's it, otherwise you are going good..

Karan- any other things have to follow, Karan ask to doctor with bit of serious tone..

Doctor- not much, one more important thing is, do workout or do yoga, it's good in pregnancy..

Tripura only smile & they take a leave from doctor's cabin..

Both coming out & found their mother waiting outside for them with worried face..

They look Karan & Tripura & they comes to them & same question ask together- what happened, why doctor called you Karan..

Karan- nothing Maa, Amma, it's some personal things, it's in between of husband & wife, & we both are accepted their other instructions..

Madhu- hope everything is good..

Karan- yeah, but we have to control her stress, she being now a days stress balloon..

Tripura look him with pouted face, says- no I'm not stress balloon..

Nandita- shut up, don't say a word..

Tripura- ok fine..

Karan- doctor suggested yoga, & some workouts, morning & evening walks, & that's it..

Madhu- ok, you both go to home, we both are going to market & bring some fresh vegetables & fruits for her..

Karan- maa, amma, you both go to home, me & Tripura bring vegetables & fruits, don't worry I'll take care of her, you both go & don't take a stress..

Madhu & Nandita assure by Karan, & they take a leave..

After they go, Tripura says to Karan- feel very bad..

Karan hold Tripura's hand in his & ask her- why..

Tripura- they both are very much stress right now, because of me..

Karan- do you trust me..

Tripura- yes! I do..

Karan- they will be with us, till entire life, they will never go far from us here after, & I know they both are same sail on boat, they both are really loves you & these unborn baby, & they already makes their mind for to be stay with us as a one family, no more Khanna's & Nagrajan's, but they can't accept that, it takes the time, but we will wait, right..

Tripura nodding in yes- ok..

Karan- you not gonna be take stress, ok..

Tripura- hmm..

Karan- what happened to you some hours before, & they take seat in cab..

Tripura- don't know, but want to feel cry..

Karan- you wanted to feel cry, do you think before once to started to cry, how much I get panic..

Tripura- now don't started your unnecessary lecture..

Karan with sweet tone- Tripoo I know, you going through so many hormonal changes, but I hate it if you started to cry baba..

Tripura- feel so lonely that time, I wanted to hugged someone badly..

Karan give her side hugged, & she keep her head on his chest & says- yes, this warm side hugged I miss the most..

Karan smile & give light kiss on her head..

Days passed with happiness, Karan's mother & Tripura's mother point of view started to change, but they both not understand how to says sorry to their kids..

In month of seven, Tripura & Karan coming out from doctor's clinic, Karan look Tripura's stress face, & hold through shoulder, giving her side hugged, she look him..

Karan says- don't worry, it's a little complications, & till we both have two months in hand, & in these two months, we will figure it out..

Tripura- baby's heartbeat's are not normal, it makes me so worried Karan..

Karan- but it's a small phase baba, & what doctor said, taking proper rest makes baby healthy in your tummy, right, & they changed your medicine too, so relax baba, most important, baby will be fine..

Tripura- hmm..

They both back to home, & Sherry look Tripura dull face, she help her for take a seat, Tripura keep her legs on beanbag, Tripura's mom hand over water first, Karan's mom too coming out from kitchen & look Karan's worried face & ask him..

Madhu- what happened, any problem..

Karan take a seat on chair & says- it's bit a complications, baby's heartbeat's are not normal, but baby is good, that makes her really worried..

Nandita- is doctor change her medicine..

Karan- yes, & tell her to take proper rest..

Madhu- BP is normal..

Karan- little low, but it's normal as well, doctor suggested to stop pickle as well..

Nandita- what about her swelling..

Karan- they gives massage Oli, nothing else..

Sherry- have you bring it, or I go & get it..

Tripura says- no we bring it..

Sherry- don't worry, baby will be fine, after all it's combination of Khanna's & Nagarajan's..

Tripura faintly smile & says- yeah..

Madhu- Tripoo everything will be fine, stop overthinking first..

Nandita- yes! Karan take her to room, & make her rest..

Karan take Tripura in room, & hugged her from back, give her light kiss on her ear side & says- don't worry, everything will be fine..

Tripura caressing his hand through her & says- are you worried..

Karan- yeah, but towards you love, because it makes me so anxious, because I can't see you in this state, & you aware of it..

Tripura try to touch her cheek with him, he understands that, & he little bend him towards her, touch his cheek with her, she smiles, & says- that's like my wife, keep smile..

Tripura- hmm..

Karan- come let's have take a rest..

Before he leaves her from his hugged, Sherry enter in their room, & she shouted from back- man why don't you close your room door while romancing..

Tripura & Karan smile, they break they hugged & turn to Sherry, Karan says- why don't you understand, it's couple room, you have to come here with shouting or you should have to be..

Sherry cut him mid & says- got it, got it your point, I just come here to tell you something both..

Tripura take a seat on bed & ask- what..

Sherry- I'm in love, & he will be here on evening..

Karan with shocking face- what! Which idiot fall for you..

Tripura- shut up Karan..

Sherry- thank you bhabh's, atleast you are from my side..

Tripura- no, no, you getting me wrong, I'm not from your side at all, I'm from our family side, you want to get marry at these age..

Sherry- no, but I want a permission to be with him..

Karan- so I make sure you won't get permission from mom..

Sherry- bhabh's tell him na..

Karan look to

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