18- Are You Sirius?

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"Are you serious?" Marlene demanded of Sirius the next day when she had time to digest what he had asked her.

"Yes I am Sirius," he said with a wink.

On this, Marlene shoved him so hard that he almost toppled over the banisters of the staircase that they were walking down.

"No I mean are you honestly going to make me go on a date with you?"

"I said anything, didn't I," Sirius grinned.

"Yes, but- I mean- I didn't think-"

"That I'd ask you on a date?" Sirius raised an eyebrow, "well, I do enjoy the element of surprise."

Marlene sighed loudly and quickened her pace down the stairs.

"So you're going to do it?" Sirius hurried after her.

"Well I guess I've got to haven't I," Marlene sighed as if it would be a massive chore.

"Don't be like that Lenie, you might actually have fun!"



Sirius had never spoken to Marlene about his family, and any time that he saw Regulus in the school corridors, his face darkened significantly.

This was why she was not surprised when Sirius turned up at Platform 9 3/4 to return to school after the Christmas holidays, not with his parents, but with James and his family.

"I ran away," said Sirius gruffly when she asked him about it, "I'm not going back to that place ever again."

Marlene didn't press the subject. It was very clear that he didn't want to talk about how his holiday with his family had been, but was perfectly happy to talk about the time he had spent at the Potter's.

Sirius hadn't mentioned any more about their date since Marlene had reluctantly agreed to it, which led her to believe that he may have forgotten all about it.

On the second Hogsmead trip that year, in late February, Marlene and Lily were planning to spend the day together.

That was until Sirius pulled Marlene aside and told her that they were to be going on their date.

"I have to Lily," Marlene told her friend, "I lost that stupid bet."

"Well you shouldn't have made that bet then," Lily crossed her arms.

"You think I don't know that now?" She sighed.

"Well," huffed Lily, "I suppose I'll just spend the day with Severus instead."

Marlene scrunched up her nose, but said nothing, not wanting to get into another argument with her friend.

"Sorry Lily. I'll go to Hogsmead with you next time," Marlene assured her, trying to ignore the comment about Snape.

"Sure," Lily said halfheartedly, "have fun on your stupid date."

"I won't," said Marlene, "don't worry about me having fun, because I'm not going go."

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~Em xx

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