°I Miss You°

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((inspired by the blink-182 song of the same name))

Moving away from your family in Cincinnati was a difficult choice for you. Almost everyone you had ever known was there, but the opportunity for a new job and new life was too good to pass up. You just wanted to forget some things.

Your LA apartment wasn't too terribly big, but you liked the view from the back, and it was just fifteen minutes away from your work. Going into twitter on your phone, you smiled wistfully to yourself as you saw a picture one of your oldest friends had posted. He had just dyed his hair red, and you couldn't help but chuckle. Still as much of a dork as you remember.

It had been so long since you saw Mark. You grew up with him and his brother, you being the same age as Mark. You two were basically inseparable. Then everything seemed to change halfway through high school. Emotions got more confusing and gossip and rumors popped up everywhere. He wanted a relationship with you but you just wanted to focus on yourself and moving ahead in your life. You didn't want to break his heart, but you did. You hadn't seen him since high school graduation.

"Maybe I'll see him now that I live in LA." You said halfheartedly to yourself. "Not like he'd want to see me."

A week later, you ran into a tall, lanky guy on your way into the building from work. He seemed slightly familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it, especially not from the glance you gave when you apologized for hitting him.

"Hey." He called after you, inclining you to stop and turn around. "I haven't seen you around before."

"I'm Y/N, I just moved in." You introduced yourself.

"I'm Matt, I live on the fourth floor."

"Oh so do I! I guess I'll see you around then, Matt." You were aching to get back to your apartment, work was extremely awful today.

"Yeah, uh where are you from?"

You looked down at your phone, your lockscreen was still a photo of you and Mark from high school. "Oh I moved from Cincinnati."

"Really? One of my roommates is from Cincinnati!"

"Huh." You smiled. "Small world."

"Yeah, he's actually back there visiting his family right now but if you want to come over for dinner with my buddy Ryan and I, you can. I'm actually running out to get some pizza."

"That sounds great, thank you."

You saw Matt plenty of more times and became friendly with Ryan as well, but had never met their mysterious other roommate. You were friendly enough with Matt that when you heard ridiculous noises from next door, you didn't think twice about knocking on his door and loudly shouting into it.

"What the hell are you doing, Matt?"

No answer, so you decided to call his cell. "Hey Y/N." He answered.

"What are y'all doing in there? I can hear you from my bedroom making a bunch of strange noises."

"I'm actually not there, you're probably hearing my other roommate. He's probably recording a video."

Just then, exaggerated screeching noises met your ears. "Oh my god, what is he doing?"

"I dunno, I'll text him and tell him to keep it down."

"Thanks Matt."

"Hey, you wanna come over for dinner so you can meet him?"

"Sure, I've yet to meet this mysterious man."

"Alright, see you later."


As you hung up, you could hear that the noises had stopped. His roommate must've stopped recording. Before you had the chance to open your door, the apartment door behind you opened. "Sorry if I bothered you, miss." A voice behind you said.

"Oh no, it was just strange..." Your voice trailed off as you turned around to talk to him. There stood the same familiar face from Twitter. He had grown up so much since you'd seen him, but your chest still clenched when you laid eyes on him. "Mark? You're Matt's roommate from Cincinnati?"

"Yes, who are-" he then realized it. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I got a job." You stuttered, pointing to your door. "Its um, it's great to see you?"

"Yeah. Yeah sure." He said bitterly, going back into his apartment.

You felt a crushing weight on you. Even after all these years, he was still hurting. Because of you.

Later that day, you were wrapped up tightly in your blankets, simply scrolling through pictures from your childhood on your phone. A bittersweet nostalgia enveloped you as you relived memories with Mark. Now he didn't even exchange pleasantries with you.

You hadn't even realized how much time had gone by until someone was knocking your door and Matt called you. "Are you coming for dinner?"

"No, I don't think your other roommate would want me there."

"What do you mean? Mark's incredibly friendly, I'm sure he'll love you."

"That's the problem." Your voice cracked. "He already did, and I broke his heart."

Matt's confused response was cut short by you hanging up. You let yourself cry as you could almost hear Mark's voice from highschool, telling you 'I love you' for the first time. And you shot him down.

Another knocking came at your door causing you to yell at Matt to go away. "Y/N," A voice you weren't expecting came through the door. "Can I talk to you?"

"Don't waste your time on me."


You sighed, shuffling over to open up the door. Not saying a word, because you were afraid you would cry more, you sat back down on the couch to resume looking at your pictures.

"I remember that." Mark said softly, walking up behind you. The picture you were looking at was you and Mark at only nine years old, covered in mud. "We were running a mud pie shop."


Another awkward period of silence ensued, which you broke. "I didn't say no because I didn't love you. I just knew that I didn't deserve your love."

"Y/N." He shook his head. "You deserved the world, you still do. I thought you said no because I couldn't give you what you deserved."

"No, Mark. Your love was more than enough. I just- I-" You couldn't speak anymore, breaking down into ugly sobs. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." He brought you into a hug, which you reciprocated without a second thought. It had been so long since you had gotten a Mark hug. You felt so safe, secure, in that moment, as if all your problems had been fixed.

They weren't, of course. But now you had your Mark again.

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