When Bowser Jr., Daisy, and Peach woke up, they were in some room they've never seen before. And by the looks of it, they weren't even in the cave.
They were all wearing onesies. Peach was wearing a white onesie with pink polka dots. Bowser Jr. was wearing a yellow onesie with white stripes. Daisy was wearing an orange onesie with white hearts. They were all in separate cribs; the cribs were pretty big, but the room was bigger. There was only one window (but it was very small), no clocks, and a blue-with-white-stripes wallpaper.
"Oh my, where are we?" Peach exclaimed.
"I'm so scared," Daisy whimpered.
"Where's my dad?!" Bowser Jr. yelled.
"What are we gonna do?" Daisy exclaimed, knowing it was useless.
Then, not caring at all that it wouldn't be of any use, they all screamed for help.
After about two hours of that, they saw the door unlock before opening.
Mario and Bowser came in, and Mario was holding three bottles of what looked like milk.
"Are my babies hungry?" Mario said in baby talk. "Well, let's fix that."
He gave one bottle each to Peach, Daisy, and Bowser Jr., all of whom were quite hungry.
When Bowser Jr. took a sip, he spit it out and screamed, "What is this? Stomach bile dyed white?!"
"Uh oh," Mario said as he started to make his way towards Bowser Jr., who was starting to panic. "Looks like someone needs a nap."
Bowser Jr. threw his bottle at Mario, but he missed.
When Mario unlocked and opened Bowser Jr.'s crib, Bowser Jr. screeched, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FREAK!!"
"Oh dear, someone needs a timeout," Mario said as he grabbed Bowser Jr. and threw him against a wall.
Bowser Jr. left some blood, but he kept trying to run.
Peach and Daisy watched in horror as Bowser grabbed his own son by the hair and threw him into the wall, knocking him unconscious.
Peach and Daisy screamed and cried, thinking that Bowser Jr. was dead. When they saw Bowser Jr.'s chest move a little, they calmed down a bit (but not enough to stop crying [but they weren't scream-crying, at least]).
Mario looked at them and said, "It's alright, girls. Your brother's just taking a nap. I'm gonna take him with me so he can recover." He then grabbed Bowser Jr. and left the room.
He came back a few minutes later to make sure that Daisy and Peach were drinking their bottles.
Daisy drank hers. After she did, she felt funny; she was feeling lightheaded, she couldn't see straight, and her vision was clouding up severely. She then passed out.
Peach didn't actually drink hers. Instead, she pretended to drink it, then she would spit it back into the bottle. She then pretended to pass out.
"Good girls," Mario whispered. "I'll see you up in the morning."
When Peach heard Mario and Bowser leave and lock the door behind them, she got up and looked around for a clock. There was no clock. She looked at Daisy's wrist and saw her watch. It was kinda dark, but she could read the watch good enough to see that it said 10:12 pm.
Peach couldn't remember exactly when they napped at the cave, but she knew it was around 11:11 pm. However, she couldn't figure out how long they'd been here because she didn't know when they'd been kidnapped. She did figure that it wasn't long after they'd passed out at the cave that they'd been brought here. Why Mario and Bowser kidnapped them however, she didn't know.
She decided to dig in her hair for a bobby pin. Luckily, she found one and used it to pick the lock on the crib.
When she got out, she went to pick the lock on the door. However, her plan had to be put on hold when she heard footsteps. She quickly but quietly made her way back to her crib and locked it before pretending to sleep, and right in the nick of time, too. Right when she laid down and closed her eyes, she heard the door open.
"You promise that you'll behave?" she heard Mario ask someone.
"No promises, but I'll try," the gruff voice of Bowser Jr. said.
Peach then heard the sound of a crib opening, someone entering that crib, then the sound of the crib closing.
"See you in the morning, lil man," Mario said before opening the door to leave.
"Yeah, whatever," Bowser Jr. muttered just after the door locked. Peach opened one eye to make sure that the coast was clear.
When she saw that it was, she opened her other eye and got up to look at Bowser Jr., and he wasn't doing too good.
He was bleeding from every orifice from the chest up (counting the deep scratches on his chest). His face had taken the worst of it, and Peach wanted to vomit.
His left eye was black, and his right eye was oozing. His lip was busted in four places, and some of his hair had been torn from the roots. And don't get me started on the bruises (all over the place). In fact, his wounds were so bad, that they were reflecting the moonlight coming in from the tiny window.
"What happened?" Peach whispered.
"Mario took me to a basement or whatever," Bowser Jr. started. "I tried to fight a total of six times, but I was flung and beaten every time. He also..."
"He also what?" Peach asked quietly.
"He kept saying something," Bowser Jr. finished.
"Well, what did he say?" Peach asked, very curious.
"He said..." Bowser Jr. managed to say before he passed out.
Now Peach's head was swimming with questions.
Why are we here? Where are we? Why does Mario like Bowser? This question gnawed at her like a weasel with rabies, but the question that was gnawing at her more was, What did Mario say?
These questions eventually made her tired enough to go to sleep.
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