Chapter 26

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Athour's Note at the end. Enjoy!

Previously on Marinette Luthor

"Okay good let's go so we can meet the girls at the food court. Thank you for your help, Mr. Wayne, you two are welcome to join us before you leave." She told them.

Dick POV

"Thank you, Miss. Bustier I think we will join you. Right Damian," I spoke up.

"Sure," he said loud for her to hear "Really I wanted to go home." He told me.

"But now you get to see Marinette before you leave," I told him as we walked following the class in the back."

"Yeah, I guess so," He said trying not to sound happy.

"Hmm," I said as I got out my phone.

3rd POV

It's the day of the Gala, with Mr. and Mrs. Luthor are helping to set up the last-minute stuff. So, the Gala goes without a hitch.

It's currently noon, and the Luthors and Waynes are now leaving they got bombarded by reporters and paparazzi. They started to question the parents about the gala, and once again about Marinette and Damian relationship.

They answered the questions about the Gala if they could and ignored all the others. Both husbands led their wives to their respective cars and took their leave.

In Marinette hotel room

On the day of the Gala. The class is excited about this evening. Both Luthor's and Wayne's offspring decided that they wanted to spend some time just to themselves as they knew that after the Gala they were going back to their lives.

Damian finished his last year of school, about two ago week, he has been working with his father at the company as he is an heir apparent. Marinette has been applying for Universities for the upcoming school year while she was doing parents at her parent company. She is still waiting for a reply from a couple of universities before she decides where she wants to go.

Before the Gala began Marinette decided that she wanted to introduce some people to her classmates. So, she started to make some calls.

"Hi, Yes, it's Marinette I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" She asked.

"Wonderful, contact me if it's not possible, I would understand. It was such short notice. For sure, of course, alright bye." Marinette said to whoever was on the phone.

There was a knock on her door, she wondered who it could be. Chloé was out with an acquaintance of theirs.

She looked through the peephole and saw Alya. "Alya, what are you doing here?" I questioned. "Were we supposed to meet or something?"

"No, all the girls are ready and want to ask you if you want to get ready with us," Alya replied.

"Oh, of course. Why don't you get the rest of the girls and bring them here." Marinette answered.

 Ayla POV

"Alright, I'll be back," I told Marinette. As I was walking back to the lobby where most of the girls were, I told them and they said 'right' and when to get the stuff that they needed to head over to Marinette's room.

Juleka and I are heading back to our room to get our stuff. "I'm excited for the Gala, are you?" I asked her. 

"Yeah, I am... I heard that Octavian Clifton attends these" She told me expressing excitement.

"Well, this Gala seems like a huge deal, and there are going to be a ton of famous people there," Juleka says. 

Hey, Ayla? Did you ever talk to Marinette about that thing?" She asked me.

"Thing? What thing... oh that things, no I never got a chance with everything going on, but it's not important anyway," I reply.

"But Alya, you were excited about it," She tries to reason with me. 

"Juleka, it's not that important. I said.

"OK, OK, OK, I won't say anything,"  Juleka said.

"Come on, let's go," I said. 

 Marinette POV

Almost all the girls are in mine and Chloe's except Juleka and Alya. There was a knock on the door. Chloé looked through the peephole and then I saw her open the door.

"Hey, guys. Come on in." I heard Cho say as I walked toward them.

"Hey, guys. Come in, some girls are doing their makeup, and some are getting their hair done,"

"Okay, cool," Juleka says. Everyone was finishing getting ready. When everyone was ready, it was perfect timing as the limousines were just pulling up.

"Come on let's go, the car here," I said beckoning everyone to limo.

"Girl, you say a car, this is a LIMO!!" I heard someone say, I'm not quite sure who said during the fact the multiple people were saying similar things.

3rd POV

By the time we got to the hall where the Gala was being held, it was 6 pm when they entered the ballroom eyes were on the girls more specifically Marinette.

"Look who it is Miss Marinette Luthor," the person said walking up the the group. 

"Hi, Jon, it's a pleasure," Marinette says as she gives a hug.  She turned around facing them and said

 "Guys this is a good friend of mine, Jon,  Jon this is my class well all the girls at least not sure where the boys are, though... anyway, Jon is a family friend and Damian's best friend, " She speaks to the group as she comes to the end of her statement her eyes wander around. 

"Marinette, go," Chloe said.

"What?" She questioned.

"Go, go find him, I can handle them, I already see your special heading over here," Chloe says as she motions the class away from me where they once stood. 

Marinette felt hands covering her eyes and heard "Hello, my love..." 

Author's Note

Thank you all for your patience as I have worked with the chapter for over a 1 year, I'm greatly appreciated. I can say that the next chapter won't be until later this month. And I can officially say that this book is coming to a close, there is roughly 1 or 2 more chapter left, according to how long the next chapter is. On another note, I hope you guys have a great day, night, evening or wherever you are in the world. Bye! 👋

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