Sad, Hurt but Happy End

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Warning: Cutting and almost Suicide
But still a Happy End

I don't own DOA5 Character

Hope you enjoy it

Honoka pov

,,Are you serious??" I yelld at Marie. Because she tells
me, that she wants with Eliot, instead of me. I confess my
feelings to her earlier and all she says is that is disgusting. ,,Yes i am Honoka.
He's strong, talented, nice and cute. He's better than you Honoka." She yelld me back.
That hurts me a little. But she didn't stop speaking. ,,You're the worst Honoka. You're
annoying me, stealing my Technique and and....." ,, And what??'' Now i wanna know it.
She found the word, that she wants to tell me and yelld extrem with anger on me.
,, You're a Sick dyke. Find a Boy, who can be in Love with you. Or die at last!!!!!"
Oh god. Did she really say that to me? I can't believe it. Tears coming from my eyes non stop.
,, If that's what you want Marie, then i leave. Have a good Life with your Boyfriend." After i
said that, i run away from her. It hurts me so much, that i'm gonna granted her wish. But
I'm not gonna directly kill myself. I torture myself. I arrived my Apartment, took a Blade
from the Bathroom and cut my arms slowly, that i feel the Pain. After I'm done with
Cutting i wrap my Arm with some Bandages and sleep in the bedroom.

One week later

Marie Rose pov

I'm worried, because Honoka wasn't to school since a week (Yeah, me and Honoka are going in the same School).
I even called and texted her every day and i got nothing. She doesn't Text and call me. I don't know what's wrong with
Her, so i decited to visit her. Maybe she's still angry because of me. I feel myself guilty. I don't want that. I don't know what to
say about her feelings. Why did i tell her that i like Eliot more than her. I told her that, because i don't wanna say no. She would cry
,but me saying with Eliot...? It was the worst Idea of my life. I could punch myself for that, but i have to go to Honoka.
I reached her Apartment and knock the door. After i wait for 5 minutes, i heard a cough from Honoka. I got worried and kicked
the Door open. I walk in the room and i saw something, that hits me bitterly. She hang herself. I scream and cry. ,, Why?? Why
Are you doing this Honoka?????." But its not the end of her. She still Alive, i know it. I need to find something, that can cut
the Noose of. I ran to the Kitchen and found a Knife. I ran back to her and cut the noose. I catch her and lay her on the ground.
I check the pulse and god she's really still Alive but unconsciously. I pick her up and lay her on the bed. I lay next to her, to see
her cute face like, she's sleeping. I see that she cut herself. She really did what i say. I feel a tear in my eye and then some more.
I hate my self for saying that to her. It hurts my Heart to see hurting herself. She just tells her feeling and what she gets from
me...? She gets yelld and hurt by me. Even if i say to her that i love her, she will hate me forever. Yeah, when i don't see Honoka,
i feel my heart, that somebody's missing. And that's Honoka. I love her on the bottom of my Heart. I like her cuteness, she's nice.
It makes me happy to see that she use my Technique. No one can do that. Only my sweet girl Honoka. Speaking of her. She wakes up.
And little did she sees me, she rolls to the other side. She's still mad at me.

Honoka pov

Where am i? Am i in Heaven? I thought that but no, i lay in my bed. I thought i hang myself and be in Heaven.
But NO, when i open my Eyes to see a Girl with Blond Hair and a innocent cute face, i rolld to the other side.
I'm still mad at her. Why did she save me...? She wants it or not....? ,,Honoka...?" Oh wow, what's she want to say?
,,Honoka.... I am so sorry for what i say to you, a week ago. It was too stupid to me saying that Eliot is better than you...
I hate myself for that Honoka..." No Honoka. She only doing it for pity. ,,Please Honoka, say something. I was totally
worried. I called you and text you and you din't pick it up. I got scared, that you did something terrible. I got
scared that you died.......,sniffs," Wait is she crying...? ,,Those week i have without you let me releaised, that
I miss you. That i need you. That i love you on bottom of my heart. If you died, then.....,sniffs, then i don't know
what to do with my life."Is she really saying that to me? She climbs me on top on me. I saw her eyes with tears and
Guilt. ,,If you hate me, then i can respect that. But let me do something, just this once. Then i leave you alone."
What's she gonna do with me...?

Marie Rose pov

Its Now or Never. I move my head to her. Tilt my head and touch my lips to her. Her Lips was so sweet and it tasted like
strawberry. I slid my tounge to hers. But the suprised. She kissed me back. She wrestle her tounge with mine. It was
a aggresive kiss, but it feels so good. Then we stop it, because we need some air. ,,Wow.....Honoka....." I say, but she interupts
me. ,,It......feels.....good Marie. I forgive you Marie. I love you so much. I'm sorry that i try to kill myself and...." i interupt her.
,, No Honoka, its my fault. I should never say that to you. I missed you so much. Even it was a week. My Heart was alone with-
out you." I cried. ,, Don't worry, i'm here. I'm never leave you. But promise me, that you do not doing this again. Ok..?'' I just
nodded. ,, Good, now kiss me." ,, Will do my sweet Girl." And we kissed again, but more passionate. I was so happy. I will
never leave Honoka, because She's my Girl and I love her.

Another one shot end
Thanks for reading it
Hope you enjoy it.

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