"YOU DON'T MIND IF I STEAL MR. HUFFLEPUFF FOR A MOMENT, DO YOU?" Lorelei asked Cho when she approached the pair. "A quick dance," she added with a small smirk toward Cedric, the boy grinning at the mermaid. Cho smiled at the girl politely and backed away from him.
"Sure. I'll go get a drink, Ced," Cho's soft voice was heard. Cedric nodded as a slow song came on.
Raising her eyebrows suggestively, Lorelei grinned. "Perfect timing. Dance with me, Ceddie?"
Cedric grinned and placed his hands on her waist as she placed hers around his neck. The pair danced wildly, completely opposite than what they were supposed to be doing. People backed away from them in fear of getting hit. Cedric laughed aloud when they received an odd look from Roger.
"Jealous, Roger?" Lorelei grinned and winked dramatically.
Roger tightened his hold on Fleur. "Not at all, Lorelei," he said with a suggestive grin.
Cedric looked down at Lorelei. "You look beautiful, by the way. Is there a reason your here with Harry and not George? He's the twin you're always around, right? It's not Fred, oh Merlin..." Cedric trailed off with an adorable confused expression.
"I'm around both; however, no one asked me and Harry needed a dance partner or McGonagall would've murdered him. George went with Alicia," Lorelei said a bit bitterly.
Cedric smirked. "Jealously, then."
"A bit. Tell anyone and I'll rip off your nuts, Diggory," Lorelei said with narrow eyes. Cedric's eyes widened before he laughed nervously. The song ended and Lorelei grinned at him with a mock bow. "My time is up. Have fun tonight, Ceddie."
"You, too, Lei," he said with a soft smile just as Cho reached them again. Lorelei detached herself from the Hufflepuff and left to Harry who had a light blush on his face.
"Good chat?" she asked when she neared Harry. Harry nodded. Harry told the girl she didn't need to stay around him. He hadn't planned on dancing anymore that night unless Lorelei really wanted to. Lorelei smiled softly and nodded at the boy. Before she could respond, Lorelei looked and saw Ludo Bagman walking around happily. Narrowing her eyes, she said, "I'll see you in a bit, Harry."
She stormed to the man who widened his eyes when he saw her. Suddenly, she felt two bodies flanking her. Not even looking at them, she reached Ludo.
"We want our money, Bagman," she hissed, allowing her eyes to darken.
Ludo laughed lightly. "I g-gave you your gold, Miss Calypso. Mr. Weasley, don't look at me like that. You got your gold!"
"Yeah, and it disappeared a day later!" Fred snarled out.
"You received your gold. You were too young to gamble, anyway! You shouldn't gamble because you'll only become addicted to it!" Bagman said before pushing past the trio. "Now, if you will, I must go--"
"We want our gold, Bagman! We knew what we were doing. Our dad was fine with it!" George replied.
"Good day, Mr. and Mr. Weasley, Miss Calypso. Lovely dress," Bagman said and left the trio completely. Sighing, Lorelei ran a hand through her hair and turned to face the twins.
"I'm sorry. We'll get it. I'll find him one day and--" she said but was interrupted.
George frowned as Fred said, "Where could we go? We technically were illegally gambling. No one would help us."
"I'll figure it out, Freddie," she said giving him a light smile.
Fred smiled back. "You look beautiful, by the way. Potter was one lucky bloke to ask you."
Lorelei smiled at him. George coughed a bit. Blushing, he said, "You are very beautiful... I mean you look beautiful tonight. Well, you always look beautiful... er--" he scratched the back of his neck.
Fred smirked. "Nice."
Fred walked away, and Lorelei blushed a bit. George looked handsome, as he always did. His dress robes were black and held accent colors to match the pink on Alicia's dress. George smiled a bit crookedly at the girl when he noticed her eyes trailing over his appearance. Before he could speak, Alicia found him and glared at Lorelei. Pulling the twin away, Lorelei was left to her lonesome again. Seeing Hermione talking furiously to Ron and Harry, mostly Ron, Lorelei decided going back to Harry would not end well for the mermaid.
She was about to get a drink when a hand landed on her shoulder. Flinching, she turned to see Adrian Pucey standing there in his dress robes looking embarrassed.
"Dance with me?" he stammered out in a demanding tone.
Lorelei looked at the boy suspiciously. "Why? Where is your date?"
"Bathroom. My idiot friends wanted to pull a prank on you, embarrass you in front of your friends. Just dance with me before they change their mind," he urged pushing out his hand. Lorelei hesitated before taking it.
"One dance. I don't trust you," she said with a stern tone.
Adrian rolled his eyes. He walked her over to the dance floor where many people were watching them curiously. Lorelei was surprised at how well the Slytherin could dance, but then again, he was a pureblood wizard. They were trained in everything proper, she thought.
"So, why is this supposed to keep me from getting embarrassed?" she asked after a tense silence. "Why do they care if you danced with me?"
"Look at the weasel twins' faces right now. Look at the two younger weasels. Saint Potter? They're all pissed. Now, look at my friends. All wearing happy grins. They only wanted to see your friends angry," Adrian said with a shrug. He twirled her dramatically making her laugh slightly before she composed herself. Once they were swaying again, he asked, "Who teaches you Defense now?"
"Snape. How's that class?"
Adrian scoffs. "The guy's a menace, but he knows his magic. Hasn't done anything astronomical since you left, though."
"Good," Lorelei mumbled. When the dance was over, she gave him a tight-lipped smile. "This was oddly nice. Thank you."
"Mhm, just stay out of Graham's way. He's itching for a reason to hurt you nowadays. Have a good night, Lorelei," he said with a smirk.
"Bye, Adrian," she said without thinking. She had said his first name. He left her, and she decided to find Harry.
The boy who lived told her he was thinking of going to bed, and she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for asking me, Harry, though I feel as if we barely spent time together."
"Dinner was fun. I'm not much of a dancer," he said with a smirk.
"Oh, I've noticed."
"Sod off. Good night, Lor," he said before leaving her. Ron followed the boy, but she saw Cedric stop them on the way. Turning to take a short walk before going back to the Common Room, as she had nothing else to do, she smiled brightly at the snow covering the ground.
Her heels clicked on the stone as she walked down empty outside corridors that consisted of couples snogging and girls crying. Lorelei shivered a bit involuntarily and decided to take a walk to the lake.
She passed Alicia who was crying her eyes out, but the girl had enough dignity to send Lorelei a harsh glare. Smiling sweetly at the girl, Lorelei didn't bother to ask if she was okay. She just kept walking.
When she reached the lake, after almost falling in the snow thanks to her heels, she sighed happily at the feeling of being near the lake. Taking off her heels, she stepped lightly into the water while holding her dress up a bit.
"Aren't you cold?"
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